Closed seanorama closed 2 years ago
It would be, but it's not available via the public API.
It would be, but it's not available via the public API.
Wow. Okta strikes again. ðŸ˜
Thanks for the quick reply.
not available via the public API
but it is available via a private API.
EDIT: see code in next comment
the code above stopped working because the private Okta API changed.
here's an updated version that uses my console:
it also paginates and exports to csv
// List group members using
members = []
limit = 200
start = 0
sColumns = ',user.fullName,user.login,status.statusLabel,managedBy.rules'
keys = sColumns.split(',')
do {
url = '/admin/users/search?' + new URLSearchParams({groupId: id, iDisplayStart: start, iDisplayLength: limit,
iColumns: 6, sColumns, orderBy: 'membershipId',
enableSQLQueryGenerator: true, enableESUserLookup: true, sortDirection: 'desc', sSearch: ''})
page = await getJson(url)
page.aaData.forEach(row => {
member = {}
keys.forEach((key, col) => {
val = row[col]
member[key] = typeof val == 'object' ? Object.entries(val).join() : val
start += limit
results.innerHTML = members.length + ' members'
if (cancel) break
} while (members.length < page.iTotalRecords)
results.innerHTML += '<br><button id=exportCSV>Export CSV</button>'
exportCSV.onclick = () => downloadCSV(csv(members), 'members')
In Okta, the Group member list has a column titled "Managed" which will contain:
Manually managed
: When the user was manually added to the groupManaged by MyOktaRule
: When the membership is managed by an Okta rule.It would be useful to get this as a field in the "Export Group Members (custom)" function.
For example, when you need to audit/reconcile the manual users. Or find a common pattern for the manual users, in order to improve the Okta rule.