gabyx / ApproxMVBB

Fast algorithms to compute an approximation of the minimal volume oriented bounding box of a point cloud in 3D.
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a conda build and cmake problem #9

Open lorinma opened 8 years ago

lorinma commented 8 years ago

Hi, I've created a conda build for ApproxMVBB, see

After install the libs through conda, I was trying to test the example code from

with a simple CMakeLists.txt It passed the cmake process, but then I get a series errors for 'xxx was not declared in this scope' when I build it

But, if I run cmake twice: $cmake .. $cmake .. Then I can build it smoothly and get the right result when run the binary

I'm working on Cloud9 (Ubuntu linux-64)

Any idea?


lorinma commented 8 years ago

btw: I don't see any difference when I check the ccmake . after I run cmake first time and after run cmake second time.

gabyx commented 8 years ago

Hi, :-) what is a anaconda build :-)?

I looked at it and it seems that all stuff at least for cmake is at the right place

├── cmake
│   └── ApproxMVBB-1.0.11
│       ├── FindEigen3.cmake
│       ├── FindMeta.cmake
│       ├── FindPugiXML.cmake
│       ├── approxmvbb-config-version.cmake
│       └── approxmvbb-config.cmake
├── ->

Anyway I need some more precise information to help if it is even possible. So you managed to build the example successfully thats already good :-). but strange that it only works the second time? hm...

gabyx commented 8 years ago

the naming is somewhat stupid. >

I think I gonna change that naming to some when

lorinma commented 8 years ago


conda is a great cross platform package manager. you can have a look at this video:

I think you should also get the header files from conda build as well.

here is part of the error messages.txt

what else do you need?

Regarding the naming, that's simply used for distinguish with the latest release 1.0.10.

gabyx commented 8 years ago

Are you compiling with -std=c++11 ?

lorinma commented 8 years ago

yes, I did.