gabyx / ExecutionGraph

Fast Generic Execution Graph/Network
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Compile & Debug #4

Closed gabyx closed 6 years ago

gabyx commented 6 years ago

Hoi Simon,

Chasch du ächt mou das pulle und kompiliere, und gui/testDebugger/ usfüehre...

bi mir isch de output eso:

DevTools listening on ws://
[0113/] Failed to create VTDecompressionSession: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-8973 "codecOpenErr" (-8973)
[0113/] Failed to create hardware VideoToolbox session
[0113/]  VTCompressionSessionCreate failed: -12908
Process 3741 stopped
* thread #22, name = 'Chrome_IOThread', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
    frame #0: 0x000000010011eb09 ExecutionGraphGUI`FileSchemeHandlerFactory::Create(this=0x00006060000dc340, scheme_name=0x0000700007ac9c18, request=(ptr_ = 0x0000700007ac9c10)) at FileSchemeHandlerFactory.cpp:37
   34           {
   35               ++itC;
   36           }
-> 37           std::path url(itC, temp.end());
   38           // e.g. url : "host/folderA/folderB/file.ext""
   40           // Split urlPrefix from front (e.g "host/folderA")

Process 3741 launched: '/Users/gabrielnuetzi/Desktop/ExecutionGraph/build/gui/executionGraphGui/Debug/' (x86_64)
(lldb) fr v temp
(std::__1::string) temp = "\x85\xac\a\0p\0\0\x10\x85\xac\a\0p\0\0�\a\0p\0\0\xa0\x83\xac\a\0p\0\0`\x83\xac\a\0p\0\0@"

De temp string isch eifach fucking wierd... Han es normals program -> gui/testDebugger/ wo d strings ganz normal usechöme... Chegges noni was s problem isch. De lldb duet irgendwie dä string standart formatiere...

Danke fürs Reporte =) LG

gabyx commented 6 years ago

Chasch mer ou no genau säge was ls -al $(which lldb) uf der Console seit bi dir (im vscode Terminal z.B)

gabyx commented 6 years ago

Hans glöst, PITA -> "-fsanitize=address" verursacht bi mir im lldb scheiss output. aso irgendwie geits debugging kaput mit em ASAN (AddressSanitizer) me brucht dä ou nid umbedingt immer. HAns mou usgschaute, jetzt sets go =)