Tasks towards a GUI using the chromium embedded framework (CEF):
[x] Try jsPlumb and other Visualization Tool kits to look if it is possible to design draggable nodes and make connectecion to them
[x] CEF Framework in cmake build integrated which downloads CEF and uses it in the cefsimple test.
[x] Setup a simple html application which routes commands from java script to C++ and vice versa.
[x] Logger added (spdlog)
[x] Superbuild added
[x] Make some design specifications on how to interface between GUI and the Execution Graph
[x] Write a fricking awesome CEF application where the GUI Elements and the ExecutionGraph Logic are separated and well structured. Interfacing via
HTML JavaScript GUI <-> Json <-> C++ Cef GUI <-> Execution Graph
[x] Flatbuffer Serialization for Communication/Graph Serialization implemented
[x] Backend Communication Pipeline setup ( Http Request Handlers)
[x] Os X Application startsup/quits perfectly, no memory leaks...
[x] Designing the first shot of the Angular application
[x] Testing the angular page with the backend (add/remove nodes/graphs...)
Tasks towards a GUI using the chromium embedded framework (CEF):
test.HTML JavaScript GUI <-> Json <-> C++ Cef GUI <-> Execution Graph