gacarrillor / AppendFeaturesToLayer

QGIS Processing plugin to add an algorithm for upserting features from a source vector layer to an existing target vector layer.
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option to select fields to update #29

Open Jeroen-GroeneBij opened 5 months ago

Jeroen-GroeneBij commented 5 months ago

Hi, Nice plugin. Updating an existing layer with data from another layer seems to be a normal usecase, but I need to create all kinds of queries when I want to do this via field calculator.

Do I understand correctly that this plugin updates ALL fields that have the same fieldname in both target en source layer? If so, It would be very nice to have a selectbox where I can select which fields in the target layer to update. If my source layer has 20 fields of which only 2 contain new data and the rest are empty (or contain old data), they will overwrite the target layer, thus perhaps emptying fields in the target layer which should have been kept.

The workaround is to prep my source layer to only contain the fields with updated data.

gacarrillor commented 4 months ago

Hi, thanks for the suggestion.

Do I understand correctly that this plugin updates ALL fields that have the same fieldname in both target en source layer?

Yes, you do.

The feature you're suggesting is useful. Let's wait for some free time for an implementation. If you want to get it soon, consider funding it.