Open gaddlord opened 2 years ago
Arcady: Does this program still use non-standard (proprietary) set ID's for card collections, or does it use the standard 3 digit set ID's?
I purchased this program years ago but never used it since importing my current collection in took far too much manual effort to change all the set ID's. Considering trying again, but wanted to know first.
Gad: MTG Studio is still using the "unofficial" 2-3 letter abbreviations. The reason behind that is that many users for years had created decks using those before WotC started streamlining.
MTG Studio used abbreviations are documented at
Do you have a reliable source for "official" abbreviations of:
gleavitt: Please update Edition abbreviations to use official abbreviations. There are several cases where alternate abbreviations are used. For many older sets, this is presumably because they were assigned before Wizards started assigning official abbreviations to sets (such as when I was assigning 2-letter abbreviation back when I was maintaining the Magic Suitcase software) but there are also more recent examples where a non-official abbreviation is used.
MTGStudio Set Name Official
EVK Elspeth VS Kiora DDO
CMA Commander's Aresenal CM1
AVN Ajani VS Nicol Bolas DDH
FVR From the Vault: Relics V10
PVC Phyrexia VS The Coalition DDE
PDS Premium Deck Series: Slivers H09
GVL Garruk VS Liliana DDD
PCH Planechase HOP
FVE From the Vault: Exiled V09
DVD Divine VS Demonic DDC
JVC Jace VS Chandra DD2
9E Ninth Edition 9ED
UH Unhinged UNH
COK Champions of Kamigawa CHK
FD Fifth Dawn 5DN
DS Darksteel DST
MR Mirrodin MRD
8E Eighth Edition 8ED
SC Scourge SCG
LE Legions LGN
ON Onslaught ONS
JU Judgment JUD
TO Torment TOR
OD Odyssey ODY
DM Deckmasters DKM
AP Apocalypse APC
7E Seventh Edition 7ED
PS Planeshift PLS
BD Beatdown BTD
IN Invasion INV
S2 Starter 2000 S00
PY Prophecy PCY
NE Nemesis NEM
BR Battle Royale BRB
MM Mercasian Masques MMQ
S1 Starter 1999 S99
UD Urza's Destiny UDS
AT Anthologies ATH
P3 Portal Threee Kingdoms PTK
6E Sixth Edition 6ED
UL Urza's Legacy ULG
US Urza's Saga USG
UG Unglued UGL
EX Exodus EXO
P2 Portal Second Age PO2
SH Stronghold STH
TE Tempest TMP
WL Weatherlight WTH
PT Portal POR
5E Fifth Edition 5ED
VI Visions VIS
MV Multiverse MLV
MI Mirage MIR
AL Alliances ALL
INT Introductory I2P
HL Homelands HML
CH Chronicles CHR
IA Ice Age ICE
4E Fourth Edition 4ED
FE Fallen Empires FEM
DK The Dark DRK
SM Summer Magic SUM
LG Legends LEG
R Revised 3ED
AQ Antiquities ATQ
AN Aranian Nights ARN
U Unlimited 2ED
B Beta LEB
A Alpha LEA
Gad: Indeed 2 letter abbreviations had been copied from early versions of Magic Suitcase.
Although I love consistency. This is a bit tricky.
There are already thousands of MTG Studio deck (.deck) files created. Changing the set abbreviation would make lots of the decks invalid unless I come up with a clever upgrade routine during deck opening and transliterate 2-letter to 3-letter codes.
Btw which is the most reliable source for 3-letter abbreviations you use. I personally use:
gleavitt: The official abbreviations are always given in the product announcement for the set, but has done a good job of collecting them all in one list if you are interested. With the M15 card boarder redesign, official abbreviations are also now given in the lower left corner of the card (see picture).
'M15' in this example.
I noticed on one of your screenshots, you plan to use KIN for Kaladesh Inventions, but the official abbreviation is MPS. I don't know if this will carry forward to future Masterpiece cards also, so that might get confusing if people want to know which widely released set the masterpiece card was actually distributed in. No different than how promos and tokens are currently handled, however.
I think invalidating some older deck lists files is a small price to pay for future proofing the data.
OldGreen: I've been struggling with this as well. I want to use MTGS as my canonical source, but for every other (online/mobile) tool that I want to import to, I have to create a mapping spreadsheet to get the codes correct.
OldGreen: I'm still dealing with this issue. It'd be nice if there was a column with the official TLA, and another with the long name. You could even hide them by default. That way I could export including those columns without having to keep a separate spreadsheet of those values updated for every new product.
Azul: Any chance of switching the edition on the last few two letter acronyms to their three letter, official counterparts?
Gad: Can you please provide a reference to the official 3 letter versions of all sets, pls.
Azul: An August 12th post, part-way down the page had a bunch from an "official source"
Otherwise, this entry has them all.
Use the Official set abbreviations