-- different CMC
select c.CMC as 'Cards CMC', mjc.CMC as 'MTG Json CMC', c.Name, c.CardId, e.Name
from MtgJsonCards mjc, MtgJsonSets mjs, Cards c, Editions e
where c.Name = mjc.Name and mjc.SetCode = mjs.Code and mjs.Name = e.Name and c.EditionId = e.EditionId and c.CMC <> mjc.CMC
-- different ManaCost
select replace(replace(c.Cost, '(', ''), ')', '') as 'Cards Cost', replace(replace(mjc.ManaCost, '{', ''), '}', '') as 'MTG Json Cost', c.Name, c.CardId, e.Name
from MtgJsonCards mjc, MtgJsonSets mjs, Cards c, Editions e
where c.Name = mjc.Name and mjc.SetCode = mjs.Code and mjs.Name = e.Name and c.EditionId = e.EditionId
and replace(replace(c.Cost, '(', ''), ')', '') <> replace(replace(mjc.ManaCost, '{', ''), '}', '')
-- different type
select t.Name as 'Cards Type', mjc.Type as 'MTG Json Type', c.Name, c.CardId, e.Name
from MtgJsonCards mjc, MtgJsonSets mjs, Cards c, Editions e, CardTypes t
where c.Name = mjc.Name and mjc.SetCode = mjs.Code and mjs.Name = e.Name and c.EditionId = e.EditionId and c.CardTypeId = t.CardTypeId and t.Name <> mjc.Type
-- different rarity
select r.Name as 'Cards CMC', mjc.Rarity as 'MTG Json CMC', c.Name, c.CardId, e.Name
from MtgJsonCards mjc, MtgJsonSets mjs, Cards c, Editions e, Rarities r
where c.Name = mjc.Name and mjc.SetCode = mjs.Code and mjs.Name = e.Name and c.EditionId = e.EditionId and c.RarityId = r.RarityId and r.Name <> mjc.Rarity
-- different Text
select m.OracleRules as 'Cards Rules', mjc.[Text] as 'MTG Json Text', c.Name, c.CardId, e.Name
from MtgJsonCards mjc, MtgJsonSets mjs, Cards c, Editions e, Models m
where c.Name = mjc.Name and mjc.SetCode = mjs.Code and mjs.Name = e.Name and c.EditionId = e.EditionId and m.ModelId = c.ModelId and m.OracleRules <> mjc.[Text]
-- different Flavor
select c.Flavor as 'Cards Flavor', mjc.Flavor as 'MTG Json Flavor', c.Name, c.CardId, e.Name
from MtgJsonCards mjc, MtgJsonSets mjs, Cards c, Editions e
where c.Name = mjc.Name and mjc.SetCode = mjs.Code and mjs.Name = e.Name and c.EditionId = e.EditionId and c.Flavor <> mjc.Flavor
-- different Flavor by soundex
select c.Flavor as 'Cards Flavor', mjc.Flavor as 'MTG Json Flavor', c.Name, c.CardId, e.Name
from MtgJsonCards mjc, MtgJsonSets mjs, Cards c, Editions e
where c.Name = mjc.Name and mjc.SetCode = mjs.Code and mjs.Name = e.Name and c.EditionId = e.EditionId and soundex(c.Flavor) <> soundex(mjc.Flavor)
-- different Artist
select a.Name as 'Cards Artist', mjc.Artist as 'MTG Json Artist', c.Name, c.CardId, e.Name
from MtgJsonCards mjc, MtgJsonSets mjs, Cards c, Editions e, Artists a
where c.Name = mjc.Name and mjc.SetCode = mjs.Code and mjs.Name = e.Name and c.EditionId = e.EditionId and a.ArtistId = c.ArtistId and a.Name <> mjc.Artist
-- different Collector No
select c.CollectorNo as 'Cards Collector No', mjc.Number as 'MTG Json CollectorNo', c.Name, c.CardId, e.Name
from MtgJsonCards mjc, MtgJsonSets mjs, Cards c, Editions e
where c.Name = mjc.Name and mjc.SetCode = mjs.Code and mjs.Name = e.Name and c.EditionId = e.EditionId and substr(c.CollectorNo, 1, instr(c.CollectorNo, '/') - 1) <> mjc.Number
SQL: -- MTG Json comparissons
-- different CMC select c.CMC as 'Cards CMC', mjc.CMC as 'MTG Json CMC', c.Name, c.CardId, e.Name from MtgJsonCards mjc, MtgJsonSets mjs, Cards c, Editions e where c.Name = mjc.Name and mjc.SetCode = mjs.Code and mjs.Name = e.Name and c.EditionId = e.EditionId and c.CMC <> mjc.CMC
-- different ManaCost select replace(replace(c.Cost, '(', ''), ')', '') as 'Cards Cost', replace(replace(mjc.ManaCost, '{', ''), '}', '') as 'MTG Json Cost', c.Name, c.CardId, e.Name from MtgJsonCards mjc, MtgJsonSets mjs, Cards c, Editions e where c.Name = mjc.Name and mjc.SetCode = mjs.Code and mjs.Name = e.Name and c.EditionId = e.EditionId and replace(replace(c.Cost, '(', ''), ')', '') <> replace(replace(mjc.ManaCost, '{', ''), '}', '')
-- different type select t.Name as 'Cards Type', mjc.Type as 'MTG Json Type', c.Name, c.CardId, e.Name from MtgJsonCards mjc, MtgJsonSets mjs, Cards c, Editions e, CardTypes t where c.Name = mjc.Name and mjc.SetCode = mjs.Code and mjs.Name = e.Name and c.EditionId = e.EditionId and c.CardTypeId = t.CardTypeId and t.Name <> mjc.Type
-- different rarity select r.Name as 'Cards CMC', mjc.Rarity as 'MTG Json CMC', c.Name, c.CardId, e.Name from MtgJsonCards mjc, MtgJsonSets mjs, Cards c, Editions e, Rarities r where c.Name = mjc.Name and mjc.SetCode = mjs.Code and mjs.Name = e.Name and c.EditionId = e.EditionId and c.RarityId = r.RarityId and r.Name <> mjc.Rarity
-- different Text select m.OracleRules as 'Cards Rules', mjc.[Text] as 'MTG Json Text', c.Name, c.CardId, e.Name from MtgJsonCards mjc, MtgJsonSets mjs, Cards c, Editions e, Models m where c.Name = mjc.Name and mjc.SetCode = mjs.Code and mjs.Name = e.Name and c.EditionId = e.EditionId and m.ModelId = c.ModelId and m.OracleRules <> mjc.[Text]
-- different Flavor select c.Flavor as 'Cards Flavor', mjc.Flavor as 'MTG Json Flavor', c.Name, c.CardId, e.Name from MtgJsonCards mjc, MtgJsonSets mjs, Cards c, Editions e where c.Name = mjc.Name and mjc.SetCode = mjs.Code and mjs.Name = e.Name and c.EditionId = e.EditionId and c.Flavor <> mjc.Flavor
-- different Flavor by soundex select c.Flavor as 'Cards Flavor', mjc.Flavor as 'MTG Json Flavor', c.Name, c.CardId, e.Name from MtgJsonCards mjc, MtgJsonSets mjs, Cards c, Editions e where c.Name = mjc.Name and mjc.SetCode = mjs.Code and mjs.Name = e.Name and c.EditionId = e.EditionId and soundex(c.Flavor) <> soundex(mjc.Flavor)
-- different Artist select a.Name as 'Cards Artist', mjc.Artist as 'MTG Json Artist', c.Name, c.CardId, e.Name from MtgJsonCards mjc, MtgJsonSets mjs, Cards c, Editions e, Artists a where c.Name = mjc.Name and mjc.SetCode = mjs.Code and mjs.Name = e.Name and c.EditionId = e.EditionId and a.ArtistId = c.ArtistId and a.Name <> mjc.Artist
-- different Collector No select c.CollectorNo as 'Cards Collector No', mjc.Number as 'MTG Json CollectorNo', c.Name, c.CardId, e.Name from MtgJsonCards mjc, MtgJsonSets mjs, Cards c, Editions e where c.Name = mjc.Name and mjc.SetCode = mjs.Code and mjs.Name = e.Name and c.EditionId = e.EditionId and substr(c.CollectorNo, 1, instr(c.CollectorNo, '/') - 1) <> mjc.Number