gadelkareem / sails-dynamodb

Amazon DynamoDB adapter for Waterline / Sails.js
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Update index.js #10

Closed voravor closed 9 years ago

voravor commented 9 years ago

Allow DynamoDB Local endpoints to be passed into AWS.config.update.

devinivy commented 9 years ago

If your new local endpoint option is not set, will trying to set it here break existing users' implementations? Also, do you mind lowercasing endPoint to endpoint for consistency?

voravor commented 9 years ago

Tested adapter leaving out "endPoint" from the adapter settings in connections.js. Adapter still connected to dynamodb correctly, no errors. Connection defaults to whatever your region/key/secret permits you access to. In other words, it connected me with my correct dynamodb table at Add "endPoint" back in (with a dynamodb local running) and it connected to dynamodb-local correctly.

BTW, the only reason I set it as endPoint is that sails-dynamodb uses endPoint. I'd prefer lowercase because Vogels/AWS-SDK uses "endpoint" (no camel case). Do you still want me to lowercase it?

devinivy commented 9 years ago

Thanks– looks good. I see now that some old code uses "endPoint"– we'll make a breaking change some day soon to fix that, or we'll create an alias config option. For now, all's well.... Merging!