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Apply RStudio editor themes to help files #54

Open user63230 opened 3 years ago

user63230 commented 3 years ago


I'm not sure if this is possible, but I was wondering could you extent and apply RStudio's editor themes to the help files?

The benefit would be that help files would be easier to read as code within them would be color coded etc. Colin Gillespie has already achieved this in his .rprofile but the help files appear color coded in the console as opposed to appearing in the help file viewer so once you start coding again it goes out of view which is really annoying.

I had already asked this question in another SO post here but I think the way I was trying to achieve this was over complicated and I feel you could achieve this more easily.


salim-b commented 3 years ago

My approach at styling RStudio's help pane in the rscodeio theme is found here (part of Feel free to borrow that code.

Result looks as follows:

styled help pane

See also this SO answer.