gadenbuie / xaringanExtra

:ferris_wheel: A playground of enhancements and extensions for xaringan slides.
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xaringanExtra::style_banner() call has no effect on banner colors #189

Open danswart opened 8 months ago

danswart commented 8 months ago

After watching reprex videos I'm reposting my issue with a tested, small, reproducible 2-slide example demonstrating that the banners show up, but are not altered in any way by the style_banner() call. Slide deck created via Rmarkdown template 'Ninja Themed Presentation' without changing anything except adding the two r code chunks defined in your Banner Demo slides found at

I also tried selector = NULL, selector = "xe-banner", and selector = ":root" all to no effect.

The style_banner call obviously works in your Banner Demo deck, but I could not see the .Rmd file for those and cannot analyze the diff between that xaringan markdown file and my own.

Thank you - Dan Swart

title: "Presentation Ninja" subtitle: "⚔️ xaringan +
😎 xaringanthemer"

options(htmltools.dir.version = FALSE)
  fig.width=9, fig.height=3.5, fig.retina=3,
  out.width = "100%",
  cache = FALSE,
  echo = TRUE,
  message = FALSE, 
  warning = FALSE,
  hiline = TRUE
  primary_color = "#1381B0",
  secondary_color = "#FF961C",
  inverse_header_color = "#FFFFFF"

  top_left = "My Awesome Talk Title",
  top_right = "Mr. Fancy Pants",
  bottom_left = "",
  exclude = "title-slide"

  text_color = "#1874CD",
  background_color = "#F0F8FF",
  selector = ".special-slide"


Text can be bold, italic, strikethrough, or inline code.

Link to another slide.

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