gadget-framework / gadget2

Gadget is the Globally applicable Area Disaggregated General Ecosystem Toolbox
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stockVariable + intercept #17

Open vbartolino opened 7 years ago

vbartolino commented 7 years ago

It is clear that a stockVariable can be used in place of a parameter approx. as follows: #param ~ #multi * stkVar

What it is not clear to me is if and how I could implement something like this instead: #param ~ #param1 + #multi * stkVar

I've tried without success (+ #param1 stkVarFileName)

I have few situations where this could be rather useful. As always thankful

bthe commented 7 years ago

I still haven't seen a working version of a Gadget model with stockvariables, have you managed to get this working?