gadgetchnnel / lovelace-home-feed-card

A custom Lovelace card for displaying a combination of persistent notifications, calendar events, and entities in the style of a feed.
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there is smthg strange thing... #38

Open kuradi opened 4 years ago

kuradi commented 4 years ago

when i add "include_history: true" my entity disappearing at all... history history1

gadgetchnnel commented 4 years ago

For include_history to work you need:

Also, by default, it will only show the entity if it is in the history for the last day. You can use the new history_days_back option in the card to override this if you want it to use the history for a longer period.

kuradi commented 4 years ago

strange. i dont have recorder include/exclude at all.

recorder: purge_interval: 2 purge_keep_days: 10

indeed i have exclude in history:

`history: exclude: domains:

please advise

gadgetchnnel commented 4 years ago

Can you please try a couple of things:

kuradi commented 4 years ago

its really-relly strange... tried now and everything works :) btw... any chance to show time in format of 24h?

kuradi commented 4 years ago

@gadgetchnnel pls advice regarding 24h format

gadgetchnnel commented 4 years ago

@kuradi Can you try with the latest beta 0.4.2b1? I haven't actually added a specific feature in that version for 24 hour time, but I have implemented a workaround for a Home Assistant issue. The issue is that certain languages, such as en-GB, should use 24-hour time format but don't because Home Assistant doesn't identify them as separate languages (en-GB and en-US are treated as the same language). I have implemented a fix, where the formatting uses the language reported by the browser rather than the one reported by Home Assistant which may help in your case.

kuradi commented 4 years ago

thanx. now i have on desktop (opera):


android app

Screenshot_2020-04-10-16-28-45-429_io homeassistant companion android

gadgetchnnel commented 4 years ago

@kuradi This may be down to the language settings in the browser and on your mobile device. Can you please update to the latest beta (0.4.2b2) and add the option debug: true to the card? This should give you a debug item at the top of the feed, looking something like this:


If you let me know what shows for Language (Home Assistant) and Language (Browser) in your desktop browser and in the mobile app, it will help me work out what this issue is.

kuradi commented 4 years ago

@gadgetchnnel here we go Untitled-1

kuradi commented 4 years ago

and phone

Screenshot_2020-04-14-19-21-25-030_io homeassistant companion android

kuradi commented 4 years ago

@gadgetchnnel hello! any updates here?

gadgetchnnel commented 4 years ago

Implementing 24 hour format turned out to be a lot more difficult than I thought, since most of the time formatting uses built-in Home Assistant logic, and Home Assistant had a known issue regarding 24 hour time format.

I removed the workaround I added, since it causes more issues than it solves with certain languages.

The HA issue may have actually been partly resolved in either 0.109 or 0.110.

Please update the card to the latest version, and also ensure that you have the interface language set correctly in Home Assistant, and see how it looks for you.