gadgetto / GoodNews

An integrated group and newsletter mailing system for MODX Revolution CMF
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Upgrade GoodNews 1.x to 2.x not possible #102

Open zahlenhexe opened 1 year ago

zahlenhexe commented 1 year ago

After upgrading to MODX3/GoodNews2, the content of the contexts with GoodnewsContainers is not displayed.

In my opinion the problem is that the existing documents with the old DocumentType are not renamed during the installation of GoodNews 2.0.0-alpha2.

GoodNewsResourceContainer -> Bitego\GoodNews\Model\GoodNewsResourceContainer
GoodNewsResourceMailing -> Bitego\GoodNews\Model\GoodNewsResourceMailing

I did the renaming manually. Then the resource tree is displayed again.

gadgetto commented 1 year ago

Sorry, GoodNews 2.x currently has no upgrade path! It's already on my list. As GoodNews 2 is a complete rewrite (code base) and has a complete new file structure (composer based) running an upgrade on v1.x will be much more complicated then just renaming the classes.

But it's great that you did this step. Yes the class keys needs to be changed beside many other things. It would be great if you could report any other problems you can find.

zahlenhexe commented 1 year ago

I did a few tests. First the new subscribers were not added to the groups/categories. But this is due to the parsing of the input/output modifiers. Its a bug in MODX3.

I'm using &defaultGroups and &defaultCategories. The output of


gives only 1 instead of parsed fields.

But you already know that 😎: MODX3 broken Output Filter/Modifiers. This error still exists in modx 3.0.3-pl.

Then after subscription the user was not redirected to the &submittedResourceId. But this is due to my &postHooks snippet. because use of: $modx->mail->set(modMail::MAIL_BODY,$message);

This had to be reworked due to this post of @bobray from the forum.

Now the Subscription works as expected.

Best regards
