gae-init / phonebook

Phonebook app built with gae-init
MIT License
11 stars 5 forks source link

ImportError: No module named flask.ext #1

Open imstand opened 9 years ago

imstand commented 9 years ago

By following the tutorial, always error with message:

[22:43:36] --------DONE ---------------------------------------------- INFO 2014-09-18 14:43:38,541] Skipping SDK update check. WARNING 2014-09-18 14:43:38,546] Could not initialize images API; you are likely missing the Python "PIL" module. INFO 2014-09-18 14:43:38,580] Starting API server at: http://localhost:49195 INFO 2014-09-18 14:43:38,609] Starting module "default" running at: INFO 2014-09-18 14:43:38,639] Starting admin server at: http://localhost:8081 ERROR 2014-09-18 14:43:40,766] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/Alpha/google-cloud-sdk/platform/google_appengine/google/appengine/runtime/", line 239, in Handle handler = _config_handle.add_wsgi_middleware(self._LoadHandler()) File "/Users/Alpha/google-cloud-sdk/platform/google_appengine/google/appengine/runtime/", line 298, in _LoadHandler handler, path, err = LoadObject(self._handler) File "/Users/Alpha/google-cloud-sdk/platform/google_appengine/google/appengine/runtime/", line 84, in LoadObject obj = import(path[0]) File "/Users/Alpha/Downloads/phonebook/main/", line 5, in from flask.ext import wtf ImportError: No module named flask.ext INFO 2014-09-18 14:43:40,776] default: "GET /_ah/warmup HTTP/1.1" 500 -

lipis commented 9 years ago

gmist commented 9 years ago

Hmm ... it looks like a problem with virtualenv. Is there any error messages on the console?

lipis commented 9 years ago

@imstand Did it work?

ericvolp12 commented 9 years ago

I'm also having this error...

./ -C [16:53:12] ---CLEAN ALL ---------------------------------------------- [16:53:12] CLEAN FILES Removing files: pyc, pyo, ~ [16:53:14] NOT FOUND Internet [16:53:14] -------CLEAN ---------------------------------------------- [16:53:14] CLEAN FILES Removing files: pyc, pyo, ~ [16:53:14] NOT FOUND main/lib [16:53:14] LESS main/static/src/style/style.less sh: node_modules/.bin/lessc: No such file or directory [16:53:14] NOT FOUND main/static/ext/jquery/dist/jquery.js [16:53:14] NOT FOUND main/static/ext/moment/moment.js [16:53:14] NOT FOUND main/static/ext/nprogress/nprogress.js [16:53:14] NOT FOUND main/static/ext/bootstrap/js/alert.js [16:53:14] NOT FOUND main/static/ext/bootstrap/js/button.js [16:53:14] NOT FOUND main/static/ext/bootstrap/js/transition.js [16:53:14] NOT FOUND main/static/ext/bootstrap/js/collapse.js [16:53:14] NOT FOUND main/static/ext/bootstrap/js/dropdown.js [16:53:14] NOT FOUND main/static/ext/bootstrap/js/tooltip.js [16:53:14] COFFEE main/static/src/script/common/ sh: node_modules/.bin/coffee: No such file or directory [16:53:14] COFFEE main/static/src/script/common/ sh: node_modules/.bin/coffee: No such file or directory [16:53:14] COFFEE main/static/src/script/site/ sh: node_modules/.bin/coffee: No such file or directory [16:53:14] COFFEE main/static/src/script/site/ sh: node_modules/.bin/coffee: No such file or directory [16:53:14] COFFEE main/static/src/script/site/ sh: node_modules/.bin/coffee: No such file or directory [16:53:14] COFFEE main/static/src/script/site/ sh: node_modules/.bin/coffee: No such file or directory [16:53:14] --------DONE ---------------------------------------------- ev-rmbp:phonebook ericvolp$ ./ -s [16:53:17] NOT FOUND Internet [16:53:18] -------CLEAN ---------------------------------------------- [16:53:18] CLEAN FILES Removing files: pyc, pyo, *~ [16:53:18] NOT FOUND main/lib [16:53:18] LESS main/static/src/style/style.less sh: node_modules/.bin/lessc: No such file or directory [16:53:18] NOT FOUND main/static/ext/jquery/dist/jquery.js [16:53:18] NOT FOUND main/static/ext/moment/moment.js [16:53:18] NOT FOUND main/static/ext/nprogress/nprogress.js [16:53:18] NOT FOUND main/static/ext/bootstrap/js/alert.js [16:53:18] NOT FOUND main/static/ext/bootstrap/js/button.js [16:53:18] NOT FOUND main/static/ext/bootstrap/js/transition.js [16:53:18] NOT FOUND main/static/ext/bootstrap/js/collapse.js [16:53:18] NOT FOUND main/static/ext/bootstrap/js/dropdown.js [16:53:18] NOT FOUND main/static/ext/bootstrap/js/tooltip.js [16:53:18] COFFEE main/static/src/script/common/ sh: node_modules/.bin/coffee: No such file or directory [16:53:18] COFFEE main/static/src/script/common/ sh: node_modules/.bin/coffee: No such file or directory [16:53:18] COFFEE main/static/src/script/site/ sh: node_modules/.bin/coffee: No such file or directory [16:53:18] COFFEE main/static/src/script/site/ sh: node_modules/.bin/coffee: No such file or directory [16:53:18] COFFEE main/static/src/script/site/ sh: node_modules/.bin/coffee: No such file or directory [16:53:18] COFFEE main/static/src/script/site/ sh: node_modules/.bin/coffee: No such file or directory [16:53:18] --------DONE ---------------------------------------------- INFO 2015-04-22 15:53:18,617] Skipping SDK update check. INFO 2015-04-22 15:53:18,664] Starting API server at: http://localhost:63877 INFO 2015-04-22 15:53:18,668] Starting module "default" running at: INFO 2015-04-22 15:53:18,670] Starting admin server at: http://localhost:8081 ERROR 2015-04-22 15:53:21,059] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Applications/", line 240, in Handle handler = _config_handle.add_wsgi_middleware(self._LoadHandler()) File "/Applications/", line 299, in _LoadHandler handler, path, err = LoadObject(self._handler) File "/Applications/", line 85, in LoadObject obj = import(path[0]) File "/Users/ericvolp/Documents/App Engine/phonebook/main/", line 3, in import flask ImportError: No module named flask INFO 2015-04-22 15:53:21,064] default: "GET /_ah/warmup HTTP/1.1" 500 749 ERROR 2015-04-22 15:53:23,951] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Applications/", line 240, in Handle handler = _config_handle.add_wsgi_middleware(self._LoadHandler()) File "/Applications/", line 299, in _LoadHandler handler, path, err = LoadObject(self._handler) File "/Applications/", line 85, in LoadObject obj = import(path[0]) File "/Users/ericvolp/Documents/App Engine/phonebook/main/", line 3, in import flask ImportError: No module named flask INFO 2015-04-22 15:53:23,956] default: "GET / HTTP/1.1" 500 749 INFO 2015-04-22 15:53:24,115] default: "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 304 -

gmist commented 9 years ago

Maybe problem is here

[16:53:14] NOT FOUND Internet
ericvolp12 commented 9 years ago

How would I fix that? I'm obviously connected to the internet...

gmist commented 9 years ago which is used for checking internet connection is no longer available. Just replace line 127 to:

ericvolp12 commented 9 years ago

That should probably be updated in the repo btw XD

ericvolp12 commented 9 years ago

Still getting tons of errors. There's no folder main/static/ext and it keeps calling it...

lipis commented 9 years ago

The Phonebook project is a bit outdated.. and there were updates in regarding the latest google cloud SDK..

ericvolp12 commented 9 years ago

What tutorial should I use then?

lipis commented 9 years ago

the tutorial should work.. but this current repo is kind of dated.. so if you start from it should work..

lipis commented 9 years ago