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CRA + Monorepo + Lerna + Yarn #153

Closed ahmadawais closed 6 years ago

ahmadawais commented 6 years ago

Hey, Dan! πŸ™Œ I hope you're doing great. First of thanks for all your work on CRA. It's impressive growth is a compliment to your abilities as a software dev and thought-leader.

I am currently reading through the entire code-base of create-react-app and figuring out how I should create a similar app for personal use and one for a completely different eco-system. πŸ€”

While I am able to pick a lot of it just by reading the source-code, I want to do it right, and I can see that you have learned a lot from your experience of building CRA. Also there're a lot of small chunks of code that would be really useful as separate packages (and are not yet). βš“οΈ

So, if you're in my shoes where would you start in 2018? I know I am actually asking you about the recipe of explaining a boilerplate of another boilerplate to me β€” but anything I can get from you at this moment would be useful πŸ‘

Looking forward! Peace! ✌️

gaearon commented 6 years ago

I’d start by forking CRA and then removing everything I don’t need. To be honest I don’t remember a lot of the things we did myself.

Having a set of integration tests ended up pretty important. Other than that, happy to answer more focused questions πŸ™‚

ahmadawais commented 6 years ago

@gaearon That's my initial thought. Over the last two weeks I have dug in and read the entire code base of create-react-app found a few potential issues as well (nothing big) β€” that I'll try to send PR's for this year.

That has actually helped a lot. I am close to release what I have build, I'll try and post it here for you to review it whenever you get time for that (and yes, I know, you're a human and you don't scale) πŸ˜†

Thanks a lot for your work on CRA. I haven't had a chance to implement the integration tests but that's what's next.

ahmadawais commented 6 years ago

Closing this ticket with the link to what I built in case you want to take a look at it #DanTheMan πŸ‘

Here's What I Built:


create-guten-block β†’

πŸ”₯ βš›β€ πŸ“¦ A zero-configuration #0CJS developer toolkit for building WordPress Gutenberg block plugins.