Closed dougwaldron closed 6 years ago
This should do it:
DECLARE @userId NVARCHAR(450), @comment NVARCHAR(25); SELECT @userId = Id FROM AspNetUsers WHERE Email = ''; SET @comment = 'Administratively Closed'; INSERT INTO ComplaintTransitions (Comment, ComplaintId, CreatedDate, DateTransferred, TransferredByUserId, TransitionType, UpdatedDate) SELECT @comment, Id, getdate(), getdate(), @userId, 4, getdate() FROM Complaints WHERE Id IN (NULL); UPDATE Complaints SET ComplaintClosed = 1, DateComplaintClosed = getdate(), ReviewById = @userId, ReviewComments = @comment, Status = 3, UpdatedDate = getdate() WHERE Id IN (NULL);
Replace NULL in above code with the list of Complaint ID's to close out.
by 557058:64b0cf35-1c06-4e6d-aac4-6d8e6a3aca41
To get the list of Complaint IDs:
SELECT [Id] FROM [Complaints] WHERE [ComplaintClosed] = 0 AND [Deleted] = 0 AND [CurrentOfficeId] = 'f9058e6a-8e93-47d7-8377-820ececc4467' AND [DateReceived] < '2015-01-01' ORDER BY [Id];
by 557058:64b0cf35-1c06-4e6d-aac4-6d8e6a3aca41
Fix & simplify:
INSERT INTO ComplaintTransitions (Id, Comment, ComplaintId, CreatedDate, DateTransferred, TransferredByUserId, TransitionType, UpdatedDate) SELECT newid(), 'Administratively Closed', Id, getdate(), getdate(), 'd341ce21-ff86-494c-a3c7-03e9f77d0403', 4, getdate() FROM Complaints WHERE Id IN (NULL); UPDATE Complaints SET ComplaintClosed = 1, DateComplaintClosed = getdate(), ReviewById = 'd341ce21-ff86-494c-a3c7-03e9f77d0403', ReviewComments = 'Administratively Closed', Status = 3, UpdatedDate = getdate() WHERE Id IN (NULL);
by 557058:64b0cf35-1c06-4e6d-aac4-6d8e6a3aca41
Verify IDs:
SELECT Id FROM AspNetUsers WHERE Email = ''; SELECT Id FROM LookupOffices WHERE Name = 'Northeast Region';
by 557058:64b0cf35-1c06-4e6d-aac4-6d8e6a3aca41
Action taken: CTS-340.sql
by 557058:64b0cf35-1c06-4e6d-aac4-6d8e6a3aca41
Requested by Bonnie Pope (NE District), and approved by Derrick Williams & Bert Langley.
NOTE: This only applies to NE District complaints. Other Districts may request similar actions in the future. This is the list that will be cleaned up: Unresolved Complaints By NE District
Clarification: this applies to "all CTS records received prior to January 1, 2015." (Bonnie Pope)
Imported from JIRA: [CTS-340] Administratively close old inactive complaints (original by Douglas Waldron)