gaffneyc / sunspot-queue

Background search indexing using existing worker systems
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Reindex doesn't work in when using rspec test (Sunspot + Sidekiq) #14

Closed jianbo closed 11 years ago

jianbo commented 11 years ago


I am doing a request rspec test, in my before all block I created all the testing data. In my "it" block I did "MyClass.reindex", and from the redis monitor I can see nothing happened. Works fine in development.

Any idea?


gaffneyc commented 11 years ago

That is odd. Are you overwriting Sunspot.session in your test environment at all?

jianbo commented 11 years ago

Hi, All I did was following, works fine in dev. Is there any config I need to do for Rspec test? Thanks


Sunspot.yml test: solr: hostname: localhost port: 8981 log_level: WARNING auto_commit_after_request: true

Sunspot.rb require "sunspot/queue/sidekiq" backend = Sunspot.session =, backend)

gaffneyc commented 11 years ago

@jianbo two questions:

  1. Is sunspot.rb in config/initializers/?
  2. You're tagging your test with :search => true, what definitions do you have around that (e.g. before, after, etc...)
jianbo commented 11 years ago

Hi, The sunspot.rb is in my initializers. I copied search => true form, and it doesn't have any effect before any after adding that, I also restarted solr for test env.


gaffneyc commented 11 years ago

@jianbo I'm guessing you're using sunspot_test that provides the tag for :search => true. It looks like the issue is on this line where sunspot_test is overriding Sunspot.session.

I'm not sure a good way to fix this because of how sunspot_test injects itself into testing. The below code (put in the right place in spec/spec_helper.rb might work but I have no idea.

before(:each, :search => true) do
  backend =
  Sunspot.session =, backend)

It looks like it's a strange interaction between sunspot_test (which hasn't been updated in 2 years) and sunspot_queue. Based on what I've seen I don't think this is an issue in sunspot_test itself.

jianbo commented 11 years ago

Hi, sorry I didn't make it clear. The reindex didn not work before adding sunspot_test and "search => true", I only added now to see if it make any difference.

gaffneyc commented 11 years ago

Hey @jianbo, so based on the little information I have it sounds like it's working fine in development but you're having issues in test mode. Based on that I don't think it's an issue with sunspot-queue and likely something to do with how your test environment is set up.

I would take a look at what is returned by Sunspot.session right before calling Toon.reindex in your test. If it's not an instance of Sunspot::Queue::SessionProxy then something in overwriting our proxy. The only other thing I can think of is that you have might Sidekiq set to run jobs inline, so they would get run immediately and not queued up like in development mode.

If you can track down the issue I'd love to hear what you found, especially if it's an issue inside sunspot-queue that we can fix for everyone else.

jianbo commented 11 years ago

Its because of this line in my spec_helper.rb :) require 'sidekiq/testing' # pushes jobs to array called jobs rather than redis