gaffneyc / usps

USPS Webtools API for Ruby
MIT License
63 stars 54 forks source link

Problem with `rake certify` #16

Open adelevie opened 9 years ago

adelevie commented 9 years ago

No runtime errors, but some failing tests:

➜  usps git:(add_shipping_labels) bundle exec rake certify
/Users/alandelevie/.rbenv/versions/2.1.5/bin/ruby -rubygems -Ilib lib/usps/test.rb
Run options: 

# Running tests:

[1/8] USPS::Test#test_address_standardization_1 = 0.19 s
  1) Failure:
USPS::Test#test_address_standardization_1 [/Users/alandelevie/usps/lib/usps/test/address_verification.rb:14]:
<"1440"> expected but was

[5/8] USPS::Test#test_tracking_lookup_1 = 0.21 s                
  2) Failure:
USPS::Test#test_tracking_lookup_1 [/Users/alandelevie/usps/lib/usps/test/tracking_lookup.rb:8]:
<"Your item was delivered at 8:10 am on June 1 in Wilmington DE 19801."> expected but was
<"There is no record of that mail item. If it was mailed recently, it may not yet be tracked. Please try again later.">.

[6/8] USPS::Test#test_tracking_lookup_2 = 0.20 s        
  3) Failure:
USPS::Test#test_tracking_lookup_2 [/Users/alandelevie/usps/lib/usps/test/tracking_lookup.rb:21]:
<"Your item was delivered at 1:39 pm on June 1 in WOBURN MA 01815."> expected but was
<"There is no record of that mail item. If it was mailed recently, it may not yet be tracked. Please try again later.">.

[7/8] USPS::Test#test_zip_code_lookup_1 = 0.12 s        
  4) Failure:
USPS::Test#test_zip_code_lookup_1 [/Users/alandelevie/usps/lib/usps/test/zip_code_lookup.rb:17]:
<"1440"> expected but was

Finished tests in 1.065323s, 7.5095 tests/s, 26.2831 assertions/s.
8 tests, 28 assertions, 4 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

ruby -v: ruby 2.1.5p273 (2014-11-13 revision 48405) [x86_64-darwin13.0]
rake aborted!
Command failed with status (4): [/Users/alandelevie/.rbenv/versions/2.1.5/b...]
/Users/alandelevie/usps/Rakefile:9:in `block in <top (required)>'
Tasks: TOP => certify
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

I'm wondering if the test expectations should just be updated. Thoughts, @gaffneyc?

skull-squadron commented 9 years ago

@adelevie Seems like s/1440/1441/ would be cool, but the other ones need more investigation.

skull-squadron commented 9 years ago

The tracker_ids hard-coded in the test/unit files don't appear to exist in the testing API.

srghma commented 6 years ago

I have different errors

root@88b3a5a2ef7c:/usr/src/app# USPS_USER="XXXXXXX" ruby -e "require 'usps/test'"
Loaded suite -e
/usr/local/bundle/gems/usps-0.1.3/lib/usps/test/address_verification.rb:14:in `test_address_standardization_1'
     11:       assert_equal 'GREENBELT',
     12:       assert_equal 'MD', address.state
     13:       assert_equal '20770', address.zip5
  => 14:       assert_equal '1440', address.zip4
     15:     end
     17:     def test_address_standardization_2
<"1440"> expected but was

? 1440
?    1
Failure: test_address_standardization_1(USPS::Test)
/usr/local/bundle/gems/usps-0.1.3/lib/usps/test/tracking_lookup.rb:6:in `test_tracking_lookup_1'
     3:     def test_tracking_lookup_1
     4:       tracker_id = "EJ958083578US"
     5:       request =
  => 6:       results = request.send!
     8:       assert_equal "Your item was delivered at 8:10 am on June 1 in Wilmington DE 19801.", results.summary
     9:       assert_equal 3, results.details.length
/usr/local/bundle/gems/usps-0.1.3/lib/usps/request/base.rb:22:in `send!'
/usr/local/bundle/gems/usps-0.1.3/lib/usps/client.rb:29:in `request'
Error: test_tracking_lookup_1(USPS::Test): USPS::Error: API Disabled: TrackV2.  This test request is no longer valid. Please use
/usr/local/bundle/gems/usps-0.1.3/lib/usps/test/tracking_lookup.rb:19:in `test_tracking_lookup_2'
     16:     def test_tracking_lookup_2
     17:       tracker_id = "EJ958088694US"
     18:       request =
  => 19:       results = request.send!
     21:       assert_equal "Your item was delivered at 1:39 pm on June 1 in WOBURN MA 01815.", results.summary
     22:       assert_equal 3, results.details.length
/usr/local/bundle/gems/usps-0.1.3/lib/usps/request/base.rb:22:in `send!'
/usr/local/bundle/gems/usps-0.1.3/lib/usps/client.rb:29:in `request'
Error: test_tracking_lookup_2(USPS::Test): USPS::Error: API Disabled: TrackV2.  This test request is no longer valid. Please use
/usr/local/bundle/gems/usps-0.1.3/lib/usps/test/zip_code_lookup.rb:17:in `test_zip_code_lookup_1'
     14:       assert_equal 'GREENBELT',
     15:       assert_equal 'MD', address.state
     16:       assert_equal '20770', address.zip5
  => 17:       assert_equal '1440', address.zip4
     18:     end
     20:     def test_zip_code_lookup_2
<"1440"> expected but was

? 1440
?    1
Failure: test_zip_code_lookup_1(USPS::Test)
Finished in 3.977059182 seconds.
8 tests, 26 assertions, 2 failures, 2 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
50% passed
2.01 tests/s, 6.54 assertions/s
bensheldon commented 3 years ago

Certification is mostly working as a result of #24, with the exception of TrackingLookup. I've sent this email to USPS support:

Subject: Testing values / testing environment for TrackV2?


When testing TrackV2 / TrackRequest in the external test environment ( I receive the error "UNABLE TO RESPOND".

My username is XXXXXXXX.

I would like to test against these values to receive the documented expected responses:

Test Request #1: TrackID=EJ958083578US: Your item was delivered at 8:10 am on June 1 in Wilmington DE 19801.

Test Request #1: TrackID=EJ958088694US: Your item was delivered at 1:39 pm on June 1 in WOBURN MA 01815.

I have also tried using the production environment (  with these values which return "A status update is not yet available on your package..."

Are there working test values/server endpoints for Track that will provide valid responses for testing purposes?

Thank you for the help!
bensheldon commented 3 years ago

I received a response with TrackV2 test value:

Thank you for contacting Web Tools. See below for test TrackIDs to be used in the testing environment (

Mail Class TrackIDs
Priority Mail Express 9470103699300749123003

9470103699300749123010 9470103699300749123027 9470103699300749123034 9470103699300749123041 Priority Mail | 9405503699300749123052 9405503699300749123069 9405503699300749123076 9405503699300749123083 9405503699300749123090 First-Class | 9474203699300749123105 9474203699300749123112 9474203699300749123129 9474203699300749123136 9474203699300749123143 Parcel Select | 9464203699300749123153 9464203699300749123160 9464203699300749123177 9464203699300749123184 9464203699300749123191 Parcel Select Lightweight | 9478903699300749123209 9478903699300749123216 9478903699300749123223 9478903699300749123230 9478903699300749123247 Marketing Mail | 9470303699300749123250 9470303699300749123267 9470303699300749123274 9470303699300749123281 9470303699300749123298 Media Mail | 9452103699300749123304 9452103699300749123311 9452103699300749123328 9452103699300749123335 9452103699300749123342 Bound Printed Matter | 9445803699300749123358 9445803699300749123365 9445803699300749123372 9445803699300749123389 9445803699300749123396 First-Class Package International | DS123000001GB DS123000002GB DS123000003GB DS123000004GB DS123000005GB Priority Mail International | RA123000011GB RA123000012GB RA123000013GB RA123000014GB RA123000015GB Priority Mail Express International | ES123000021GB ES123000022GB ES123000023GB ES123000024GB ES123000025GB