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gafinan commented 2 years ago

!/usr/bin/perl -w


bbdiff - Command-line tool to invoke BBEdit's Find Differences command on Mac OS X.

by John Gruber


Version 1.1

Wed Dec 4, 2002


See POD for details (type "perldoc bbdiff").


use strict; use Getopt::Std; use File::Spec::Unix;

our (%opts); # hash to store command-line switches getopts( 'bis', \%opts);

Set these options to string values, because they're used in the AppleScript:

my $background = "false"; my $case_sensitive = "true"; my $ignore_whitespace = "false"; if ($opts{'b'}) { $background = "true"; } if ($opts{'i'}) { $case_sensitive = "false"; } if ($opts{'s'}) { $ignore_whitespace = "true"; }

Make sure there are two, and only two, file arguments.

my $count = @ARGV; if ($count != 2) { die usage(); }

Get full paths to file arguments.

my ($old_file, $new_file) = @ARGV; $new_file = File::Spec::Unix->rel2abs( $new_file ); $old_file = File::Spec::Unix->rel2abs( $old_file );

Make sure each argument is an existing plain file.

foreach ($old_file, $newfile) { ( -f ) or die $ . " is not a file.\n"; }

NOTE: You must change the name of the BBEdit application file in the

'tell application' line below to match the name of your BBEdit

application file. For example, if your copy of BBEdit is named "BBEdit

6.5", you'll need to change the tell statement to 'tell application

"BBEdit 6.5"'. Alternatively, you can simply rename your copy of BBEdit

to "BBEdit".

my $comp_script = qq[ tell application "BBEdit" set comp_opts to {case sensitive:$case_sensitive, ignore leading spaces:$ignore_whitespace, ignore trailing spaces:$ignore_whitespace} set comp_result to compare POSIX file "$new_file" against POSIX file "$old_file" options comp_opts if differences found of comp_result then if not $background then activate return "Differences found." else set the_reason to reason for no differences of comp_result return "No differences found: " & the_reason end if end tell ];

system ( "/usr/bin/osascript -e '$comp_script'" );

sub usage { die << "ENDUSAGE"; Usage: $0 [-b -i -s] oldfile newfile -b keep BBEdit in the background -i case insensitive comparison -s ignore leading and trailing whitespace on lines




=head1 NAME

B - Command-line tool to invoke BBEdit's Find Differences command on Mac OS X.


bbdiff [-b -i -s] oldfile newfile

=head1 OPTIONS

B accepts these options:

=over 4

=item B<-b>

Keep BBEdit in the background. By default, BBEdit will activate if differences are found.

=item B<-i>

Case insensitive comparison.

=item B<-s>

Ignore leading and trailing whitespace on lines.



1.0: Sat Nov 30, 2002
Initial release.

1.1: Wed Dec 4, 2002
Swapped order of oldfile and newfile in argument list, to match usage
    of existing diff tools.
Convert arguments to full paths before testing whether the files exist.

=head1 AUTHOR

John Gruber


Copyright (c) 2002 John Gruber.

This program is free and open software. You may use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this program (and any modified variants) in any way you wish, provided you do not restrict others from doing the same.
