gagbo / vim-gnuplot

Gnuplot scripts support for vim
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Keep an instance of gnuplot in the background #3

Open gagbo opened 7 years ago

gagbo commented 7 years ago

Still looking if terminal or just job is the feature I want for that, but I would like to add a command to update the graph live after some changes. Typical workflow is :

sencer commented 7 years ago

A few years ago, before the async job etc, I did a very very naive implementation of that idea which you can check here.

Gnuplot isn't the best candidate for this. It doesn't give you explicit objects to deal with. I am much happier with using au BufWritePost <buffer> Dispatch with pdfcairo terminal, and a pdf viewer that updates the view when the file changes, like evince. Just wanted to note.

gagbo commented 7 years ago

I'll check this out, thanks ! I should have thought of looking for gnuplot.vim before vim-gnuplot for gnuplot integration.

I thought about using a specific terminal for gnuplot (qt or x11 for now) that allows to choose the window for output, and wanted to toy with this feature and some settings to avoid using pdf readers

The x11 terminal can connect to X windows previously created by an outside application via the option window followed by a string containing the X ID for the window in hexadecimal format. Gnuplot uses that external X window as a container since X does not allow for multiple clients selecting the ButtonPress event. In this way, gnuplot's mouse features work within the contained plot window.

I'm not sure the repo will be very active (turns out last PhD year is not an ideal time to start this kind of projects), and I'm mostly using this to learn more about vim, so don't expect too much from this now :)