gagneurlab / FRASER

FRASER - Find RAre Splicing Events in RNA-seq
MIT License
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psiValue calculation #36

Closed reshu23 closed 2 years ago

reshu23 commented 2 years ago

Dear Team,

I am using Fraser on count table generated by featurecounts(split reads + non split reads) for splice sites. I have given unique ID to each splice site. Both tables shares ID( junction count endID == splicesiteCount, spliceSiteID). For junction count table "startID" is the just number of rows(1,2,3,4 and so on). Each table is sorted by chromosome and start coordinate. This is how, I created table for FRASER.

Fraserdata set creation was successful. But I am facing problem in PSI value calculation: fds <- calculatePSIValues(fds)

After calculating psi3 and 5values, It is giving following error: image Calculating the PSI site values: 0% Error: subscript contains invalid names Execution halted.

Can you please help me with this? Am I using wrong format of table? Thank you.