Closed frankaugs closed 12 months ago
Hi Frank, Thanks for using DROP and reporting this.
run: false
in the aberrant expression dictionarysnakemake sampleAnnotation
and inspect the output html file. did everything look the way it should?Hi Vicente,
Thank you so much for your response.
1.The drop version is 1.3.3. 2.Sure, I have crorected the typo, by the way, if the typo appears here, the drop will not run the module, right? 3.Thank you for your suggestion, I have checked the sample annotation file.
Here are the command responses:
$ mamba create -n drop3 -c conda-forge -c bioconda drop --override-channels ... ... ... ... Downloading and Extracting Packages
Preparing transaction: done Verifying transaction: \ SafetyError: The package for r-base located at /home/ngs/anaconda3/pkgs/r-base-4.3.1-h29c4799_3 appears to be corrupted. The path 'lib/R/doc/html/packages.html' has an incorrect size. reported size: 3423 bytes actual size: 54045 bytes
done Executing transaction: \ | done
To activate this environment, use
$ mamba activate drop3
To deactivate an active environment, use
$ mamba deactivate
$drop demo create /home/ngs/rnaseq/03align_out_6/drop2/Scripts create /home/ngs/rnaseq/03align_out_6/drop2/.drop create /home/ngs/rnaseq/03align_out_6/drop2/.drop/tmp /home/ngs/rnaseq/03align_out_6/drop2/Scripts/AberrantExpression/pipeline is not a directory, copy over from drop base /home/ngs/rnaseq/03align_out_6/drop2/Scripts/AberrantSplicing/pipeline is not a directory, copy over from drop base /home/ngs/rnaseq/03align_out_6/drop2/Scripts/MonoallelicExpression/pipeline is not a directory, copy over from drop base /home/ngs/rnaseq/03align_out_6/drop2/Scripts/rnaVariantCalling/pipeline is not a directory, copy over from drop base init...done download data File ‘/tmp/’ already there; not retrieving.
Archive: /tmp/
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of /tmp/ or
/tmp/, and cannot find /tmp/, period.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ngs/anaconda3/envs/rna/bin/drop", line 10, in
And then, I input command snakemake --cores 1 -n. As expected, this program does not work properly. So I tried to run the following modules directly. Surprisingly, both the subsequent Expression and Splicing could proceed normally, respectively. I wonder if you could tell me that whether this problem will affect the Expression or Splicing module in some way?
On the original question:
After my testing, I found why the problem appears. I deleted some contents in the Splicing module of the config file by mistake when I tried to run the Expression module. Now, it worked!
The mistake deletion content:
FRASER_version: "FRASER"
deltaPsiCutoff : 0.3
quantileForFiltering: 0.95
### For FRASER2, use the follwing parameters instead of the 3 lines above:
# FRASER_version: "FRASER2"
# deltaPsiCutoff : 0.1
# quantileForFiltering: 0.75
Many thanks!
Great that it worked!
Dear DROP team, Thank you for developing DROP. Recently, I raise an error while running snakemake aberrantSplicing with my own and external RNA-seq data:
rule AberrantSplicing_pipeline_Counting_00_define_datasets_from_anno_R: input: /home/ngs/rnaseq/03align_out_5/drop_1/sampleAnnotation_s.tsv, Scripts/AberrantSplicing/pipeline/Counting/00_define_datasets_from_anno.R output: /home/ngs/rnaseq/03align_out_5/drop_1/project3/Output/processed_data/aberrant_splicing/annotations/fraser.tsv, /home/ngs/rnaseq/03align_out_5/drop_1/project3/htmlOutput/AberrantSplicing/annotations/fraser.html log: /home/ngs/rnaseq/03align_out_5/drop_1/.drop/tmp/AS/fraser/00_defineDataset.Rds jobid: 11 reason: Missing output files: /home/ngs/rnaseq/03align_out_5/drop_1/project3/Output/processed_data/aberrant_splicing/annotations/fraser.tsv wildcards: dataset=fraser resources: tmpdir=/tmp
Config projectTitle: "DROP: RNAseq" root: /home/ngs/rnaseq/03align_out_5/drop_1/project3/Output # root directory of all output objects and tables htmlOutputPath: /home/ngs/rnaseq/03align_out_5/drop_1/project3/htmlOutput # path for HTML rendered reports indexWithFolderName: true # whether the root base name should be part of the index name
hpoFile: null # if null, downloads it from webserver sampleAnnotation: /home/ngs/rnaseq/03align_out_5/drop_1/sampleAnnotation_s.tsv # path to sample annotation (see documentation on how to create it)
geneAnnotation: v29: /home/ngs/rnaseq/03align_out_5/drop_1/gencode.v29.gtf genomeAssembly: hg19 genome: /home/ngs/rnaseq/03align_out_5/drop_1/hg19_ucsc.fa # path to reference genome sequence in fasta format.
You can define multiple reference genomes in yaml format, ncbi: path/to/ncbi, ucsc: path/to/ucsc
random_seed: false # just for demo data, remove for analysis
specify which gene annotations to include and which
aberrantExpression: run: fasle groups:
aberrantSplicing: run: true groups:
mae: run: false groups:
VCF-BAM matching
qcVcf: Data/qc_vcf_1000G.vcf.gz qcGroups:
rnaVariantCalling: run: false groups:
tools: gatkCmd: gatk bcftoolsCmd: bcftools samtoolsCmd: samtools
Command: snakemake aberrantSplicing --cores 10
(94GB memory) I wonder if you could provide a solution to this problem? Thank you! Best regards, Frank 2023-09-12.snakemake.log sampleAnnotation_s.csv