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[PD] Review your Plan to build a Life as a Developer #29

Open gai93003 opened 4 weeks ago

gai93003 commented 4 weeks ago

Coursework content

As mentioned in the beginning, this is not an exercise that can be done once.

So write down:

Also, reflect and write down:

Estimated time in hours


What is the purpose of this assignment?

Review your Build your Life plan, to ensure you are thinking about it and acting to make changes.

How to submit

Add a comment with the updated links OR explain why you haven't made any changes.

gai93003 commented 4 weeks ago

Ever since I created my planner to live as a life as a developer, I have been able to organise my time much more effectively. This has increased my aptitude for studying and I have tended to be motivated to study and get one step closer to achieving my goal. I no longer feel anxious when studying; this is because, with my time organised properly, I tend to complete my work on time. With regards to these changes in my overall progress, I haven't made any changes to my developer plan.