gaioguys / GAIO.jl

A Julia package for set oriented computations.
MIT License
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The documentation update #64

Closed April-Hannah-Lena closed 1 year ago

April-Hannah-Lena commented 1 year ago

As it turns out, writing documentation isn't as fun as writing the code itself haha. But the docs are now set up! There are 8 pages:

Not that some of the docs refer to code that is not yet in GAIO.jl because it will come in the next PR. I just did'nt wat to unnecessarily write some docs twice.

To preview the docs, clone the branch, then use the following in the julia REPL:

julia> pwd()

julia> cd("./docs")

(v1.7) pkg> activate .
  Activating project at `/path/to/GAIO.jl/docs`

(docs) pkg> dev ../
   Resolving package versions...
  No Changes to `/path/to/GAIO.jl/docs/Project.toml`
  No Changes to `/path/to/GAIO.jl/docs/Manifest.toml`

(docs) pkg> instantiate
  69 dependencies successfully precompiled in 74 seconds

julia> using GAIO

julia> using Documenter, LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays

julia> makedocs(
    modules = [GAIO],
    sitename = "GAIO.jl",
    pages = [
        "Home" => "",
        "Getting started" => "",
        "General usage" => "",
        "Algorithms" => "",
        "Maximizing Performance" => [
        "Plotting" => "",
        "Examples" => "",
        "Reference" => [
    doctest = false


Once julia has finished building the docs, open a new terminal in the docs/build folder and use python/python3

$ python -m http.server --bind localhost

This will host the docs/build folder that can be opened in the browser.

Finally, I made a cute little plot of the unstable manifold for the Lorenz attractor using the julia logo colors to put on the logo. Which color version do you prefer?

lorenz light

gaioguy commented 1 year ago

Awesome! I also like the logo idea - and definitely prefer the second one (i.e. with red at the outside). I would rather get rid of the axes for the logo, though.