gaioguys / GAIO.jl

A Julia package for set oriented computations.
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Refactoring TransferOperator #75

Closed April-Hannah-Lena closed 1 year ago

April-Hannah-Lena commented 1 year ago

This PR brings a new version of the TransferOperator, based on the SparseMatrixCSC format. It is as fast as the previous version when calculating eigenvalues, and includes new features:

The docstring explains hopefully how the TransferOperator works internally:


TransferOperator(map::BoxMap, support::BoxSet)

Discretization of the Perron-Frobenius operator, or transfer operator. Implemented as a sparse matrix with the same linear indices as support, e.g. if

julia> B = BoxSet(partition, [3,10,30])
  Boxset over [...] partition

julia> T = TransferOperator(boxmap, B)
  TransferOperator over [...] BoxSet

for some partition and boxmap, then

julia> axes(T)
  ([3, 10, 30], [3, 10, 30])


support -->
  |     .   .   .   .   .
  |     .   .   .   .   .
  v     .   .   .   .   .
        .   .  mat  .   .
        .   .   .   .   .
 var-   .   .   .   .   .
 ian-   .   .   .   .   .
 t_set  .   .   .   .   .     
  |     .   .   .   .   .
  |     .   .   .   .   .
  v     .   .   .   .   .

It is important to note that TranferOperator is only supported over the box set B, but if one lets a TranferOperator act on a BoxFun, then the support B is extended "on the fly" to include the support of the BoxFun.

Methods Implemented:

:(==), axes, size, eltype, getindex, setindex!, SparseArrays.sparse, Arpack.eigs, LinearAlgebra.mul! #, etc ...

Implementation detail:

The reader may have noticed that the matrix representation depends on the order of boxes in support. For this reason an OrderedSet is used. BoxSets using regular Sets will be copied and converted to OrderedSets.


The one consideration to be made is the code complexity for multiplication:

        function LinearAlgebra.mul!(y::BoxFun, g::$type, x::BoxFun)
            checkbounds(Bool, g, keys(x.vals)) || throw(BoundsError(g, x))
            zer = zero(eltype(y))
            map!(x -> zer, values(y.vals))
            rows = rowvals($gmap.mat)
            vals = nonzeros($gmap.mat)
            m, n = size($gmap)
            # less overall checks need to be made with the square version
            if m == n
                # iterate over columns with the keys that the columns represent
                for (col_j, j) in enumerate($
                    for k in nzrange($gmap.mat, col_j)
                        w = vals[k]
                        row_i = rows[k]
                        # grab the key that this row represents
                        i = $[row_i]
                        y[$ind1] = @muladd y[$ind1] + $func(w) * x[$ind2]
                # iterate over columns with the keys that the columns represent
                for (col_j, j) in enumerate($
                    for k in nzrange($gmap.mat, col_j)
                        w = vals[k]
                        row_i = rows[k]
                        # grab the key that this row represents
                        if row_i > n
                            i = $gmap.variant_set.set.dict.keys[row_i - n]
                            i = $[row_i]
                        y[$ind1] = @muladd y[$ind1] + $func(w) * x[$ind2]
            return y

Multiplying the first eigenmeasure of the Lorenz attractor takes ~6ms on average.

using GAIO

# the Lorenz system
const σ, ρ, β = 10.0, 28.0, 0.4
v((x,y,z)) = (σ*(y-x), ρ*x-y-x*z, x*y-β*z)
f(x) = rk4_flow_map(v, x)

center, radius = (0,0,25), (30,30,30)
P = BoxPartition(Box(center, radius), (128,128,128))
F = BoxMap(f, P, no_of_points=200)

x = (sqrt(β*(ρ-1)), sqrt(β*(ρ-1)), ρ-1)         # equilibrium
W = unstable_set!(F, P[x])

T = TransferOperator(F, W)
(λ, ev) = eigs(T)

μ = ev[1]
@time T * μ

The code can be simplified, however:

        function LinearAlgebra.mul!(y::BoxFun, g::$type, x::BoxFun)
            checkbounds(Bool, g, keys(x.vals)) || throw(BoundsError(g, x))
            zer = zero(eltype(y))
            map!(x -> zer, values(y.vals))
            rows = rowvals($gmap.mat)
            vals = nonzeros($gmap.mat)
            m, n = size($gmap)
            # iterate over columns with the keys that the columns represent
            for (col_j, j) in enumerate($
                for k in nzrange($gmap.mat, col_j)
                    w = vals[k]
                    row_i = rows[k]
                    # grab the key that this row represents
                    if row_i > n
                        i = $gmap.variant_set.set.dict.keys[row_i - n]
                        i = $[row_i]
                    y[$ind1] = @muladd y[$ind1] + $func(w) * x[$ind2]
            return y

This version adds roughly one ms to the run time, i.e. multiplication takes ~7ms.

!!! A note on the chain recurrent set: currently it is broken because I am setting up boxgraph.jl. The code is already there, I first wrote it months ago. But I'm currently adapting it to the new TransferOperator version. This shouldn't take nearly as long as the TransferOperator update, since I don't really have to come up with anything new for this one :)

April-Hannah-Lena commented 1 year ago

boxgraph.jl is now ready. I can push it, or wait to merge this PR first so that there are less changes all at once.

gaioguy commented 1 year ago

Awesome, works as expected for me! I vote on favor of the shorter code ... Yes, let's merge this first.