gajus / eslint-plugin-jsdoc

JSDoc specific linting rules for ESLint.
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BUG: Use object shorthand or index signatures being applied to JavaScript files #1204

Closed franklygeorgy closed 5 months ago

franklygeorgy commented 5 months ago

warning Use object shorthand or index signatures instead of `Object`, e.g., `{[key: string]: string}` jsdoc/check-types is being applied to our JavaScript files. Either the example given is wrong for JavaScript or this doesn't apply to JavaScript at all.

We don't want to follow this directive anyways so having an option to toggle it off would be appreciated.

ESLint Config

    "rules": {
        "jsdoc/check-types": 1,

ESLint sample

 * brand
 * @type {Object.<string, string>}


brettz9 commented 5 months ago

warning Use object shorthand or index signatures instead of `Object`, e.g., `{[key: string]: string}` jsdoc/check-types is being applied to our JavaScript files. Either the example given is wrong for JavaScript or this doesn't apply to JavaScript at all.

The example is correct for JavaScript; it denotes an object with string keys which map to string values. While this pattern is not part of the original JSDoc spec, the default mode we use and recommend is the TypeScript flavor of JSDoc. TypeScript tooling can be used with plain JavaScript as long as it follows the TypeScript flavor of JSDoc.

We don't want to follow this directive anyways so having an option to toggle it off would be appreciated.

You can disable the TypeScript flavor of JSDoc to use the original flavor by adding the following to your config:

      settings: {
        jsdoc: {
          mode: 'jsdoc',

Closing as that should resolve, but feel free to comment further as needed.

franklygeorgy commented 4 months ago

Setting mode to jsdoc gives us new errors like Syntax error in type: [Partial<App.Entity.SlaveState>, App.Medicine.Surgery.SimpleReaction] and Syntax error in type: import("./setup.js").Settings because we do use typescript notation in our jsdoc documentation. Again a toggle would be appreciated, but failing that I guess we will just have to add a lot of ignore comments to our documentation.

Take for example * @type {Object.<string, string>}. Changing it to * @type {[Object: string]: string} creates the error messages Syntax error in type: [Object: string]: [jsdoc/valid-types] and '}' expected on that line and the error message Type '{}' is not assignable to type '[Object: string]' a few lines down at this.brand = {};

franklygeorgy commented 4 months ago

Never mind, I can't even use ignore comments. Because even though this error message reports that it is cause by jsdoc/check-types using // eslint-disable-next-line jsdoc/check-types or // eslint-disable-line jsdoc/check-types does not make the error go away.

brettz9 commented 4 months ago

Firstly, you need curly brackets around the object, i.e.,

 * @type {{[Object: string]: string}}

And I presume you would want to rename "Object" to "key" or something like that since that portion is indicating the key type. So:

 * @type {{[key: string]: string}}

If you actually do need to disable (though I don't think you should), it should be like this:

/* eslint-disable jsdoc/valid-types */
franklygeorgy commented 4 months ago

Okay, I and my team were misunderstanding how that worked. Adding the second pair of brackets fixes all of our issues.

Thanks for the help!