gajus / eslint-plugin-jsdoc

JSDoc specific linting rules for ESLint.
1.09k stars 157 forks source link

Can't specify arrow function as a default param for @param statement #673

Closed chris48s closed 3 years ago

chris48s commented 3 years ago

Consider the following example:

 * Run a function on some data
 * @param {object} data Some data to process
 * @param {Function} [processor=data => data] A function to run
 * @returns {object} Processed data
function processData(data, processor = data => data) {
  return processor(data)

Using 30.7.13 or lower, this is fine, but as of >=31.0.0 this now throws

1:1   error  Missing JSDoc @param "processor" declaration                 jsdoc/require-param
5:0   error  Expected @param names to be "data, processor". Got "data, "  jsdoc/check-param-names
5:0   error  Missing JSDoc @param "" description                          jsdoc/require-param-description
5:0   error  There must be an identifier after @param tag                 jsdoc/require-param-name

Note this example (not using arrow syntax for the default):

 * Run a function on some data
 * @param {object} data Some data to process
 * @param {Function} [processor=function(data) { return data }] A function to run
 * @returns {object} Processed data
function processData(data, processor = data => data) {
  return processor(data)

is fine with either version.

Is this a bug, or do I need to make a change to accommodate this version?

Expected behavior

Example above (using arrow function) should be valid (I think?)

Actual behavior

Provide a detailed description of how the software actually behaved

1:1   error  Missing JSDoc @param "processor" declaration                 jsdoc/require-param
5:0   error  Expected @param names to be "data, processor". Got "data, "  jsdoc/check-param-names
5:0   error  Missing JSDoc @param "" description                          jsdoc/require-param-description
5:0   error  There must be an identifier after @param tag                 jsdoc/require-param-name

including any rationale for why that behavior is incorrect.

It was considered valid by <=30.7.13

ESLint Config

What is the minimal config that reproduces the issue?

Disabling these rules silences the error

  jsdoc/check-param-names: 'error'
  jsdoc/require-param: 'error'
  jsdoc/require-param-description: 'error'
  jsdoc/require-param-name: 'error'

I've included the full output of eslint --print-config at the end of the issue

ESLint sample

What code triggers the error?

 * Run a function on some data
 * @param {object} data Some data to process
 * @param {Function} [processor=data => data] A function to run
 * @returns {object} Processed data
function processData(data, processor = data => data) {
  return processor(data)


Full output of eslint --print-config:

  "env": {
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  "parser": "/home/chris/repositories/github_chris48s/shields/node_modules/@typescript-eslint/parser/dist/parser.js",
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brettz9 commented 3 years ago

V31 switched to a new version of comment-parser which helps preserve whitespace but which still has a few hiccups to work out (also #669), so good to have reported this. I filed , so I think we are now blocking on that.

gajus commented 3 years ago

:tada: This issue has been resolved in version 31.0.6 :tada:

The release is available on:

Your semantic-release bot :package::rocket: