gajus / redux-immutable

redux-immutable is used to create an equivalent function of Redux combineReducers that works with Immutable.js state.
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some question of nesting multiply combineReducers #51

Closed L-Jovi closed 7 years ago

L-Jovi commented 7 years ago

sorry to trouble, I'm ensure how does combineReducers handle nested state object,

I mean if I define the state structure like below:

import { Map } from 'immutable';
import { handleActions } from 'redux-actions'

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  child1Reducer: combineReducers({
    child2Reducer: handleActions({
        [ACTION]: (state, action) => {
          const { payload: { id, }} = action;
          return state.set('id', id);
      }, Map({}))

my state tree is like:

  child1Reducer: {
    child2Reducer: {
      id: ....

My question is,

  1. is that state on top level immutable? I mean the whole state tree
  2. is that each child immutable? like state.child1Reducer or state.child1Reducer.child2Reducer
  3. if I call once state.toJS() in connect() under react-redux api, are all children convert to plain javascript object?

thanks for your time,


gajus commented 7 years ago

is that state on top level immutable? I mean the whole state tree


is that each child immutable? like state.child1Reducer or state.child1Reducer.child2Reducer


if I call once state.toJS() in connect() under react-redux api, are all children convert to plain javascript object?

If you pass them state as a plain object, then yes. You shouldn't do this. It would negate the purpose of using redux-immutable, i.e. avoid using toJS anywhere. Use Immutable.js API.