gajus / redux-immutable

redux-immutable is used to create an equivalent function of Redux combineReducers that works with Immutable.js state.
1.88k stars 82 forks source link

Update from 3.0.9 to 3.0.10 causes flow-runtime errors #54

Closed Egidius closed 7 years ago

Egidius commented 7 years ago

Not sure whether this is the right place, but ran into got the following scenario and I at least want to mention it in case others run into the same problems:

I got this repo which is statically typed using Flow. Recently I decided to update some packages, including redux-immutable: from 3.0.9 to 3.0.10. Right after this update I got the following list of when kicking off my webpack build:

 [1314] ./~/react-hot-loader/index.js 41 bytes {0} [built]
 [1536] multi react-hot-loader/patch webpack-hot-middleware/client babel-polyfill ./src/index.js ./src/style/main.css 76 bytes {0} [built]
     + 1522 hidden modules

ERROR in node_modules/flow-runtime/src/TypeContext.js:128
128:   [ParentSymbol]: ? TypeContext;
       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ computed property keys not supported

131:   [NameRegistrySymbol]: NameRegistry = {};
       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ computed property keys not supported

134:   [TypePredicateRegistrySymbol]: TypePredicateRegistry = {};
       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ computed property keys not supported

137:   [TypeConstructorRegistrySymbol]: TypeConstructorRegistry = new Map();
       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ computed property keys not supported

140:   [InferrerSymbol]: TypeInferrer = new TypeInferrer(this);
       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ computed property keys not supported

143:   [ModuleRegistrySymbol]: ModuleRegistry = {};
       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ computed property keys not supported

146:   [CurrentModuleSymbol]: ? ModuleDeclaration;
       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ computed property keys not supported

160:     context[ParentSymbol] = this;
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ assignment of computed property/element. Indexable signature not found in
160:     context[ParentSymbol] = this;
         ^^^^^^^ TypeContext

171:     const inferrer = this[InferrerSymbol];
                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ access of computed property/element. Indexable signature not found in
171:     const inferrer = this[InferrerSymbol];
                          ^^^^ TypeContext

179:     const item = this[NameRegistrySymbol][name];
                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ access of computed property/element. Indexable signature not found in
179:     const item = this[NameRegistrySymbol][name];
                      ^^^^ TypeContext

189:     const parent = this[ParentSymbol];
                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ access of computed property/element. Indexable signature not found in
189:     const parent = this[ParentSymbol];
                        ^^^^ TypeContext

269:       return input[TypeSymbol];
                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ mixed. This type is incompatible with the expected return type of
266:   getAnnotation <T> (input: T): ? Type<T> {
                                       ^^^^^^^ Type

269:       return input[TypeSymbol];
                        ^^^^^^^^^^ Symbol. This type is incompatible with
266:   getAnnotation <T> (input: T): ? Type<T> {
                      ^ string

316:       const moduleRegistry: ModuleRegistry = (this: $FlowIssue<252>)[ModuleRegistrySymbol];
                                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ identifier `$FlowIssue`. Could not resolve name

325:       const nameRegistry: NameRegistry = (this: $FlowIssue<252>)[NameRegistrySymbol];
                                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ identifier `$FlowIssue`. Could not resolve name

350:     const nameRegistry: NameRegistry = (this: $FlowIssue<252>)[NameRegistrySymbol];
                                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ identifier `$FlowIssue`. Could not resolve name

357:     const moduleRegistry: ModuleRegistry = (this: $FlowIssue<252>)[ModuleRegistrySymbol];
                                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ identifier `$FlowIssue`. Could not resolve name

364:     const moduleRegistry: ModuleRegistry = (this: $FlowIssue<252>)[ModuleRegistrySymbol];
                                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ identifier `$FlowIssue`. Could not resolve name

380:     const nameRegistry: NameRegistry = (this: $FlowIssue<252>)[NameRegistrySymbol];
                                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ identifier `$FlowIssue`. Could not resolve name

398:       const handlerRegistry = this[TypeConstructorRegistrySymbol];
                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ access of computed property/element. Indexable signature not found in
398:       const handlerRegistry = this[TypeConstructorRegistrySymbol];
                                   ^^^^ TypeContext

411:     const handlerRegistry = this[TypeConstructorRegistrySymbol];
                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ access of computed property/element. Indexable signature not found in
411:     const handlerRegistry = this[TypeConstructorRegistrySymbol];
                                 ^^^^ TypeContext

500:     const typeParameters = subject[TypeParametersSymbol];
                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ access of computed property/element. Computed property cannot be accessed with
500:     const typeParameters = subject[TypeParametersSymbol];
                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Symbol

517:     innerContext[ParentSymbol] = this;
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ assignment of computed property/element. Indexable signature not found in
517:     innerContext[ParentSymbol] = this;
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^ TypeContext

519:     innerContext[CurrentModuleSymbol] = target;
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ assignment of computed property/element. Indexable signature not found in
519:     innerContext[CurrentModuleSymbol] = target;
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^ TypeContext

527:     const currentModule: ModuleDeclaration = (this: $FlowIssue<252>)[CurrentModuleSymbol];
                                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ identifier `$FlowIssue`. Could not resolve name

778:       const handlerRegistry = this[TypeConstructorRegistrySymbol];
                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ access of computed property/element. Indexable signature not found in
778:       const handlerRegistry = this[TypeConstructorRegistrySymbol];
                                   ^^^^ TypeContext

834:     return makeReactPropTypes((type.unwrap(): $FlowIgnore));
                                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^ identifier `$FlowIgnore`. Could not resolve name

 55:     else if (typeof input === 'symbol') {
                                   ^^^^^^^^ string literal `symbol`. This value is not a valid `typeof` return value

 50:   return (subject: $FlowIgnore);
                        ^^^^^^^^^^^ identifier `$FlowIgnore`. Could not resolve name

 93:       (subject: $FlowIgnore).set(param, child);
                     ^^^^^^^^^^^ identifier `$FlowIgnore`. Could not resolve name

 30:   get moduleType (): 'commonjs' | 'es6' {
       ^ Potentially unsafe get/set usage. Getters and setters with side effects are potentially unsafe and disabled by default. You may opt-in to using them anyway by putting `unsafe.enable_getters_and_setters=true` into the [options] section of your .flowconfig.

 39:   get isCommonJS (): boolean {
       ^ Potentially unsafe get/set usage. Getters and setters with side effects are potentially unsafe and disabled by default. You may opt-in to using them anyway by putting `unsafe.enable_getters_and_setters=true` into the [options] section of your .flowconfig.

 43:   get isES6 (): boolean {
       ^ Potentially unsafe get/set usage. Getters and setters with side effects are potentially unsafe and disabled by default. You may opt-in to using them anyway by putting `unsafe.enable_getters_and_setters=true` into the [options] section of your .flowconfig.

 47:   get declarations (): DeclarationDict {
       ^ Potentially unsafe get/set usage. Getters and setters with side effects are potentially unsafe and disabled by default. You may opt-in to using them anyway by putting `unsafe.enable_getters_and_setters=true` into the [options] section of your .flowconfig.

 49:     return (innerContext: $FlowIssue<252>)[NameRegistrySymbol];
                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ identifier `$FlowIssue`. Could not resolve name

 52:   get modules (): ModuleDeclarationDict {
       ^ Potentially unsafe get/set usage. Getters and setters with side effects are potentially unsafe and disabled by default. You may opt-in to using them anyway by putting `unsafe.enable_getters_and_setters=true` into the [options] section of your .flowconfig.

 54:     return (innerContext: $FlowIssue<252>)[ModuleRegistrySymbol];
                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ identifier `$FlowIssue`. Could not resolve name

 19:   get type (): Type<T> {
       ^ Potentially unsafe get/set usage. Getters and setters with side effects are potentially unsafe and disabled by default. You may opt-in to using them anyway by putting `unsafe.enable_getters_and_setters=true` into the [options] section of your .flowconfig.

 63:       return decorated('hello ', {nope: true});
                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ function call
 63:       return decorated('hello ', {nope: true});
                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object literal. This type is incompatible with
 43:     function adder <A: number | string, B: number | string> (a: A, b: B): A | B {
                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ union: number | string
  Member 1:
   43:     function adder <A: number | string, B: number | string> (a: A, b: B): A | B {
                              ^^^^^^ number
   63:       return decorated('hello ', {nope: true});
                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object literal. This type is incompatible with
   43:     function adder <A: number | string, B: number | string> (a: A, b: B): A | B {
                              ^^^^^^ number
  Member 2:
   43:     function adder <A: number | string, B: number | string> (a: A, b: B): A | B {
                                       ^^^^^^ string
   63:       return decorated('hello ', {nope: true});
                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object literal. This type is incompatible with
   43:     function adder <A: number | string, B: number | string> (a: A, b: B): A | B {
                                       ^^^^^^ string

 63:       return decorated('hello ', {nope: true});
                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ function call
 63:       return decorated('hello ', {nope: true});
                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object literal. This type is incompatible with
 43:     function adder <A: number | string, B: number | string> (a: A, b: B): A | B {
                                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ union: number | string
  Member 1:
   43:     function adder <A: number | string, B: number | string> (a: A, b: B): A | B {
                                                  ^^^^^^ number
   63:       return decorated('hello ', {nope: true});
                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object literal. This type is incompatible with
   43:     function adder <A: number | string, B: number | string> (a: A, b: B): A | B {
                                                  ^^^^^^ number
  Member 2:
   43:     function adder <A: number | string, B: number | string> (a: A, b: B): A | B {
                                                           ^^^^^^ string
   63:       return decorated('hello ', {nope: true});
                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object literal. This type is incompatible with
   43:     function adder <A: number | string, B: number | string> (a: A, b: B): A | B {
                                                           ^^^^^^ string

 34:     return result;
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Generator. This type is incompatible with the expected return type of
 18:   const decorated = function *decorated (...args: any[]): G {
                                                               ^ some incompatible instantiation of `G`

259:     @t.decorate(IThing)
          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Experimental decorator usage. Decorators are an early stage proposal that may change. Additionally, Flow does not account for the type implications of decorators at this time.

264:     @t.decorate(IInvalid)
          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Experimental decorator usage. Decorators are an early stage proposal that may change. Additionally, Flow does not account for the type implications of decorators at this time.

221:     @t.decorate(t.object(
          ^ Experimental decorator usage. Decorators are an early stage proposal that may change. Additionally, Flow does not account for the type implications of decorators at this time.

237:     @t.decorate(t.object(
          ^ Experimental decorator usage. Decorators are an early stage proposal that may change. Additionally, Flow does not account for the type implications of decorators at this time.

 20:   get partial (): PartialType<(...params: P[]) => R> {
       ^ Potentially unsafe get/set usage. Getters and setters with side effects are potentially unsafe and disabled by default. You may opt-in to using them anyway by putting `unsafe.enable_getters_and_setters=true` into the [options] section of your .flowconfig.

 28:   get typeParameters (): TypeParameter<X>[] {
       ^ Potentially unsafe get/set usage. Getters and setters with side effects are potentially unsafe and disabled by default. You may opt-in to using them anyway by putting `unsafe.enable_getters_and_setters=true` into the [options] section of your .flowconfig.

 32:   get params (): FunctionTypeParam<P>[] {
       ^ Potentially unsafe get/set usage. Getters and setters with side effects are potentially unsafe and disabled by default. You may opt-in to using them anyway by putting `unsafe.enable_getters_and_setters=true` into the [options] section of your .flowconfig.

 36:   get rest (): ? FunctionTypeRestParam<P> {
       ^ Potentially unsafe get/set usage. Getters and setters with side effects are potentially unsafe and disabled by default. You may opt-in to using them anyway by putting `unsafe.enable_getters_and_setters=true` into the [options] section of your .flowconfig.

 40:   get returnType (): Type<R> {
       ^ Potentially unsafe get/set usage. Getters and setters with side effects are potentially unsafe and disabled by default. You may opt-in to using them anyway by putting `unsafe.enable_getters_and_setters=true` into the [options] section of your .flowconfig.

... 9 more errors (only 50 out of 59 errors displayed)
To see all errors, re-run Flow with --show-all-errors

I downgraded every single package until the version bump of redux-immutable was the only one left. Globally scrolling through the commits done for 3.0.10 I'm not sure why this suddenly occurs.

gajus commented 7 years ago

You need to ignore those files.

Add this to your .flowconfig:

