gajus / swing

A swipeable cards interface. The swipe-left/swipe-right for yes/no input. As seen in apps like Jelly and Tinder.
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Emitting an event in stack.DestroyCard(card) #110

Closed Sparkomatic closed 7 years ago

Sparkomatic commented 7 years ago

This is so angular2-swing can take up the event, look up the item and remove it. Also added a panstart event emitter on Card.js for the purpose of stopping a lint unused var error.

Sparkomatic commented 7 years ago

@gajus Hello Gajus, I was hoping you'd be happy to merge this PR regards a destoryCard event being emitted from stack.destroyCard so angular2-swing can remove the item from the list. Please do let me know if there's something wrong with this - thank you. Currently in angular2-swing cards are just amassing on the stack and over time the stack gets sluggish and heavy. I also fixed a lint issue regards one of the pan functions

gajus commented 7 years ago

Please rebase this to remove unrelated commits.