gajus / usus

Webpage pre-rendering service. ⚡️
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Find a better way to inline CSS #1

Open gajus opened 7 years ago

gajus commented 7 years ago

See notes:

gajus commented 7 years ago


paulpflug commented 7 years ago

Nice tool your created. I would advise to do the inlining in the end in node with cheerio, which you already depend on..

  const rootOuterHTML = (await DOM.getOuterHTML({
    nodeId: rootDocument.root.nodeId

  await end();
  $ = cheerio.load(rootOuterHTML)
  return $.html()

you will have the cost of one additional html parsing, but the code will be much cleaner..

or even easier a quick and dirty string replace..

  return rootOuterHTML.replace("</head>","<style>...</head>")