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GUI to analyze the profiling data collected using XHProf – A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP.
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Don't know how to show the data #60

Open antorome opened 10 years ago

antorome commented 10 years ago


I have installed it, created database and populated it. I am accessing it in my computer in a given URL but I see no data at all.

I have configured the output of xhprof to /tmp folder.

I can access the files both with data and standard callgraph but dont know how to do it with

Is there anything missing??

Thanks a lot and regards

staabm commented 10 years ago

Did you follow the install instructions?

antorome commented 10 years ago

Hi, in fact I installed the original repository. Anyhow, I cloned now your fork and followed your instructions and still the same. I am pretty sure It is something about the config. I populated the databse with the sample sql.

xhprof output is /tmp and nothing is written in the database.

so, how reads the data?

I have this in php.ini

xhprof.output dir=/tmp

; Automatically add files before PHP document.
; This can also be done on a per-directory basis (.htaccess) or per-site (httpd.conf)
auto_prepend_file = /Users/antonio/Sites/utilidades/

this in

return array(
    'url_base' => 'http://localhost/~antonio/utilidades/',
    'url_static' => null, // When undefined, it defaults to $config['url_base'] . 'public/'. This should be absolute URL.
    'pdo' => new PDO('mysql:dbname=xhpio;host=localhost;charset=utf8', 'root', ''),
    'tmp_table_engine' => 'Memory', // MySQL Table Engine used for temporary tables
    'cache_expiration' => '60', // How many seconds a browser allowed to cache profilling results
    'profiler_enabled' => true // Global switch to disable the profiler by default

And using this plugin And correctly seeinf xhprof results ans callgraph.

I think there is a missing point where data is stored in database.


staabm commented 10 years ago stores the profile into the db using the prepend file.

Is your app deployed on the same host as

antorome commented 10 years ago

For sure, it is in the same php.ini

I have in /etc/hosts cdb I have removed it just in case

Now I can access my site in http://localhost/~antonio/cdb/ and can access the (empty) report in http://localhost/~antonio/utilidades/[template]=hosts

But nothing is being saved in the database. Are the settings in my previous message correct? If not I have no idea what is the problem.


staabm commented 10 years ago

Did you test the pdo settings are fine? Permissions etc. Any errors in the php error log?

staabm commented 10 years ago

did you made sure that the prepend.php gets properly included (do some echo and exit tests)?

if so, start debugging the xhprof_init() method and have a look if it somehow returns false on your machine.

danielrhodeswarp commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure how strictly PHP reads its php.ini file, but auto_prepend_file and auto_append_file are core directives and therefore you possibly don't want them under the section for [Xhprof].