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[Android v1.7][Staffing Consultancy] Wrong payment amount shows in Pay button #341

Open eraytech opened 1 year ago

eraytech commented 1 year ago
  1. Open Android v1.7 app
  2. Login as SC -> select "More" from bottom menu of home page -> Subscriptions -> Click [Subscribe] on any plan (Ex: Gold Plan for $49.99)
  3. Payment summary page displays, click [Proceed to Pay] that shows total $49.99
  4. "Add your payment information" page displayed.
  5. Observe the amount displayed in [Pay] button

Actual result: Shows Pay $1.00

Expected result: Shall show actual price, i.e, $49.99


Abhinavgunda25 commented 1 year ago

for test purpose we have keep $1.00. If it is working we will change to subscribtion amounts

eraytech commented 1 year ago

(version 2.4) after clicking proceed to buy in test mode ,taking the card details ,submission shows green success button, later asking again to enter details again as popup