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[WEB] [JS - Registration - Skillset Details] Experience Field issue v1 #353

Open sankarnagarapu opened 10 months ago

sankarnagarapu commented 10 months ago

In the SkillSet Section of JS Registration.

QSPaysys1 commented 10 months ago

we cannot allow 0 for both years and months. atleast one input should above 0

sankarnagarapu commented 10 months ago

what if jobseeker got the skill by training and don't have experience

QSPaysys1 commented 10 months ago

as per client, you can add training exp in skills

sankarnagarapu commented 10 months ago

ok, then closing the issue.

sankarnagarapu commented 10 months ago

I think we can attach a message below the Experience fields that they can their training period as experience.