gakonst / ethers-rs

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Support for EIP-4844 Shard Blob Transaction #1742

Open AbdelStark opened 2 years ago

AbdelStark commented 2 years ago


EIP-4844 introduces a new transaction type, using EIP-2718 mechanism.

As @gakonst mentioned:

Separately, I'd love to spend some cycles thinking how EIP4844 transactions could be added to Ethers as a new EIP2718 type.

Originally posted by @gakonst in


Implement a new transaction type in ethers-rs to enable developers to use shard blob transactions.

According to the EIP specification, the new transaction type encoding is the following:

class SignedBlobTransaction(Container):
    message: BlobTransaction
    signature: ECDSASignature

class BlobTransaction(Container):
    chain_id: uint256
    nonce: uint64
    priority_fee_per_gas: uint256
    max_basefee_per_gas: uint256
    gas: uint64
    to: Union[None, Address] # Address = Bytes20
    value: uint256
    data: ByteList[MAX_CALLDATA_SIZE]
    access_list: List[AccessTuple, MAX_ACCESS_LIST_SIZE]
    blob_versioned_hashes: List[VersionedHash, MAX_VERSIONED_HASHES_LIST_SIZE]

class AccessTuple(Container):
    address: Address # Bytes20
    storage_keys: List[Hash, MAX_ACCESS_LIST_STORAGE_KEYS]

class ECDSASignature(Container):
    y_parity: boolean
    r: uint256
    s: uint256

SSZ encoding

The new transaction is then: a single byte BLOB_TX_TYPE (0x05) followed by an SSZ encoding of the SignedBlobTransaction container.

It means that ethers-rs needs a way to encode and decode using SSZ format. As far as I know, currently there is no way to use SSZ encoding. We should then think about how we want to add this encoding, some alternatives:

Open design questions

External implementations and tooling

There is currently a Devnet v1 running with a Geth fork for the EL and a Prysm fork for the CL.


For the Geth fork this is the implementation of shard blob transactions: see data_blob_tx.go


blob-utils is a CLI tool to send and download blobs on the proto-danksharding devnet.

gakonst commented 2 years ago

Could you share a couple test vectors? I could work on a branch that does that, just would like to ensure I get the serialization right. I like the idea of using ssz-rs.

AbdelStark commented 2 years ago

Could you share a couple test vectors? I could work on a branch that does that, just would like to ensure I get the serialization right. I like the idea of using ssz-rs.

Please find a sample JSON file with test vectors here: eip4844_test_vectors_sample_1.json

The code to generate the sample is also available here: test-vectors

To generate new test vectors you can:

go test


gakonst commented 2 years ago

Sweet. Will give a shot by this weekend.

gakonst commented 2 years ago

Dived into this, rough notes below. The biggest thing we're missing is a Rust function for blobs.ComputeCommitmentsAndAggregatedProof(). Everything else is basic type defs and conversions.

Generating a proof will mean we need to also have the KZG G1 trusted setup parameters loaded. Presumably these would be loaded via the Provider/SignerMiddleware, and we could consider distributing them with the library as an optional feature.

ethers-rs / eip4844 changes

  1. Find Rust KZG library which exposes what we need

  2. Figure out how to SSZ serialize

  1. new transaction type After confirmed -> Option? Like we do for BaseFee.

              BlobVersionedHashes: versionedHashes,

    Submit with KZG Proof on new tx type

    blobs := shared.EncodeBlobs(data) commitments, versionedHashes, aggregatedProof, err := blobs.ComputeCommitmentsAndAggregatedProof()

    How to pass the trusted setup? Add it as a builder-pattern parameter to the provider? And to the signer?

  2. new header field excess_blobs (camelcase)

  3. test it out against prod


gakonst commented 2 years ago

We might be able to use this library for the proof / commitments gen

Inphi commented 2 years ago

For ssz seralize, lighthouse's internal ssz crate is worth looking into as it's battle tested and used on mainnet. It's a self contained package that doesn't depend on any lighthouse modules, so it can easily be included in ethers-rs. It's missing a few things for EIP-4844, like a Bytes48 ssz codec and hash_tree_root implementation needed for KZG commitments.

gakonst commented 2 years ago

Flagging @asn-d6's library too

koloz193 commented 12 months ago

Any update on this? With 4844 approaching this seems like something that would be helpful