galaipa / SuperBuildBattle2

Recoded version of SuperBuildBattle
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Can't change Language! #71

Closed Japerz12138 closed 7 years ago

Japerz12138 commented 7 years ago

I tried to switch language to chinese(zh) in the config file, but when I change it and in the game it says: Message missing in the lang file. Contact Admin (N.xx), and when I switch back to English(en) in the config file, the game working fine. Cause I searching on SuperBuildBattle Wiki and says it has many Language.... What happened?

galaipa commented 7 years ago

Hello, Are you having the problem with all the messages?

There are some messages missing in chinese: 39: You joined the game (Player {1}, Arena {2}) 40: Your selection I will add them to the plugin if you send me the translation ;D

Japerz12138 commented 7 years ago

Yes, it is all the massage.

Japerz12138 commented 7 years ago

I will send u those translation soon.

galaipa commented 7 years ago

What version of MC are you using?

Japerz12138 commented 7 years ago


galaipa commented 7 years ago

Ok I have fixed many bugs in SUper Build Battle v12.0 but it's not compatible with 1.8. I am working in v12.5 that should work. Maybe you want to try it before I upload it?

Japerz12138 commented 7 years ago

Yep, I will try it, and do u need I translate those missing message?

galaipa commented 7 years ago

Yes I need the translations please ;)

Japerz12138 commented 7 years ago

Ok I will send those translations to u soon.

galaipa commented 7 years ago

Here you have the version I am working on (with two zh strings missing) SuperBuildBattle.jar.gz

Japerz12138 commented 7 years ago

39: 你加入了游戏 (玩家 {1}, 场地 {2}) 40: 你的选择

galaipa commented 7 years ago

Sorry, I need one more string: 38: Leave

Japerz12138 commented 7 years ago

38: 离开

galaipa commented 7 years ago

Thank you!

Japerz12138 commented 7 years ago

Or 38: 离开游戏 that mean is leave game.

galaipa commented 7 years ago


Japerz12138 commented 7 years ago

If need more translation just leave here a message:D

galaipa commented 7 years ago
