galaxy-genome-annotation / docker-tripal

Docker container for Tripal
10 stars 11 forks source link

Issues starting the service twice #48

Closed sorenwacker closed 1 month ago

sorenwacker commented 7 months ago

I cloned the repository and ran sudo docker-compose up, and the server started and was accessible. However, after stopping the containers, running sudo docker-compose down, and again sudo docker-compose up lead to:

web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_27"          [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_28"          [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_29"          [ok]
web_1            | Command dispatch complete                                               [notice]
web_1            | 
web_1            | Installation is now complete. You may navigate to your new site. For more information on using Tripal please see the installation guide on
web_1            | Command dispatch complete                                               [notice]
docker-tripal_web_1 exited with code 1
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:27:35,518][INFO ][o.e.x.s.a.s.FileRolesStore] [jL6IASJ] parsed [0] roles from file [/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/roles.yml]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:27:35,968][INFO ][o.e.x.m.j.p.l.CppLogMessageHandler] [controller/78] [] controller (64 bit): Version 6.4.2 (Build 660eefe6f2ea55) Copyright (c) 2018 Elasticsearch BV
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:27:36,538][INFO ][o.e.d.DiscoveryModule    ] [jL6IASJ] using discovery type [zen]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:27:37,177][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [jL6IASJ] initialized
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:27:37,178][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [jL6IASJ] starting ...
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:27:37,263][INFO ][o.e.t.TransportService   ] [jL6IASJ] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {}
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:27:37,273][INFO ][o.e.b.BootstrapChecks    ] [jL6IASJ] bound or publishing to a non-loopback address, enforcing bootstrap checks
elasticsearch_1  | ERROR: [1] bootstrap checks failed
elasticsearch_1  | [1]: max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:27:37,287][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [jL6IASJ] stopping ...
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:27:37,303][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [jL6IASJ] stopped
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:27:37,303][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [jL6IASJ] closing ...
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:27:37,310][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [jL6IASJ] closed
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:27:37,314][INFO ][o.e.x.m.j.p.NativeController] Native controller process has stopped - no new native processes can be started
docker-tripal_elasticsearch_1 exited with code 78
^[[A^CGracefully stopping... (press Ctrl+C again to force)
Stopping docker-tripal_postgres_1      ... done

You can see the docker-tripal_web_1 container stops with error code 1, not showing any error, and elasticsearch stops with error code 78. At least here seems to be an error:

elasticsearch_1  | [1]: max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]
sorenwacker commented 7 months ago

I fixed the elasticsearch error by increasing vm.max_map_count.

sudo vi /etc/sysctl.conf Add the following line at the end of the file:

vm.max_map_count=262144 Close file and run:

sudo sysctl -p Then restart the container.

However, the tripal_web container still exits unexectedly.

sorenwacker commented 7 months ago
sudo docker-compose up
Starting docker-tripal_postgres_1      ... done
Starting docker-tripal_elasticsearch_1 ... done
Starting docker-tripal_web_1           ... done
Attaching to docker-tripal_postgres_1, docker-tripal_elasticsearch_1, docker-tripal_web_1
postgres_1       | LOG:  database system was shut down at 2023-11-17 09:40:30 UTC
postgres_1       | LOG:  MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled
postgres_1       | LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
postgres_1       | LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
web_1            | 
web_1            | => Trying to connect to a database using:
web_1            |       Database Driver:   pgsql
web_1            |       Database Host:     postgres
web_1            |       Database Port:     5432
web_1            |       Database Username: postgres
web_1            |       Database Password: postgres
web_1            |       Database Name:     postgres
web_1            | 
elasticsearch_1  | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in a future release.
web_1            | => Skipped setup - database postgres already ready.
web_1            | =>> pre-launch-scripts:
web_1            | => /scripts/pre-launch.d/00conf_php
web_1            | PHP OPcache enabled
web_1            | Memcache enabled
web_1            | => /scripts/pre-launch.d/05servername_baseurl
web_1            | => /scripts/pre-launch.d/08memcache
web_1            | Starting memcached: memcached.
web_1            | => /scripts/pre-launch.d/10cron
web_1            | => /scripts/pre-launch.d/20check_settings
web_1            | => /scripts/pre-launch.d/30apply_patches
web_1            | => /scripts/pre-launch.d/40ext_libs
web_1            | => /scripts/pre-launch.d/50modules
web_1            | Executing: PGPASSFILE=/tmp/drush_JVuKSx psql -q --dbname=postgres --host=postgres --port=5432 --username=postgres  --no-align --field-separator='    ' --pset tuples_only=on --file /tmp/drush_qfQ9gW
web_1            | Executing: PGPASSFILE=/tmp/drush_5koBiL psql -q --dbname=postgres --host=postgres --port=5432 --username=postgres  --no-align --field-separator='    ' --pset tuples_only=on --file /tmp/drush_0S2EA9
web_1            | Loading release_info engine.                                            [notice]
web_1            | entity is already enabled.                                                  [ok]
web_1            | ctools is already enabled.                                                  [ok]
web_1            | views is already enabled.                                                   [ok]
web_1            | views_ui is already enabled.                                                [ok]
web_1            | libraries is already enabled.                                               [ok]
web_1            | services is already enabled.                                                [ok]
web_1            | There were no extensions that could be enabled.                             [ok]
web_1            | Command dispatch complete                                               [notice]
web_1            | Executing: PGPASSFILE=/tmp/drush_G2q0dS psql -q --dbname=postgres --host=postgres --port=5432 --username=postgres  --no-align --field-separator='    ' --pset tuples_only=on --file /tmp/drush_uSfnof
web_1            | Executing: PGPASSFILE=/tmp/drush_E24Z67 psql -q --dbname=postgres --host=postgres --port=5432 --username=postgres  --no-align --field-separator='    ' --pset tuples_only=on --file /tmp/drush_0Eluav
web_1            | Loading release_info engine.                                            [notice]
web_1            | ds is already enabled.                                                      [ok]
web_1            | field_group is already enabled.                                             [ok]
web_1            | field_group_table is already enabled.                                       [ok]
web_1            | field_formatter_class is already enabled.                                   [ok]
web_1            | field_formatter_settings is already enabled.                                [ok]
web_1            | There were no extensions that could be enabled.                             [ok]
web_1            | Command dispatch complete                                               [notice]
web_1            | Executing: PGPASSFILE=/tmp/drush_3tKdTw psql -q --dbname=postgres --host=postgres --port=5432 --username=postgres  --no-align --field-separator='    ' --pset tuples_only=on --file /tmp/drush_QcYcgS
web_1            | Executing: PGPASSFILE=/tmp/drush_j4VsDQ psql -q --dbname=postgres --host=postgres --port=5432 --username=postgres  --no-align --field-separator='    ' --pset tuples_only=on --file /tmp/drush_24qkLb
web_1            | Loading release_info engine.                                            [notice]
web_1            | rest_server is already enabled.                                             [ok]
web_1            | ultimate_cron is already enabled.                                           [ok]
web_1            | There were no extensions that could be enabled.                             [ok]
web_1            | Command dispatch complete                                               [notice]
web_1            | Executing: PGPASSFILE=/tmp/drush_9QgPvd psql -q --dbname=postgres --host=postgres --port=5432 --username=postgres  --no-align --field-separator='    ' --pset tuples_only=on --file /tmp/drush_NFsxjx
web_1            | Executing: PGPASSFILE=/tmp/drush_thVk7z psql -q --dbname=postgres --host=postgres --port=5432 --username=postgres  --no-align --field-separator='    ' --pset tuples_only=on --file /tmp/drush_7PdzOT
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:13,703][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [] initializing ...
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:13,804][INFO ][o.e.e.NodeEnvironment    ] [jL6IASJ] using [1] data paths, mounts [[/ (overlay)]], net usable_space [27.6gb], net total_space [49gb], types [overlay]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:13,809][INFO ][o.e.e.NodeEnvironment    ] [jL6IASJ] heap size [1007.3mb], compressed ordinary object pointers [true]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:13,812][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [jL6IASJ] node name derived from node ID [jL6IASJsRE6W6k2NIFUMZQ]; set [] to override
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:13,814][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [jL6IASJ] version[6.4.2], pid[1], build[default/tar/04711c2/2018-09-26T13:34:09.098244Z], OS[Linux/5.15.0-88-generic/amd64], JVM["Oracle Corporation"/OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM/10.0.2/10.0.2+13]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:13,814][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [jL6IASJ] JVM arguments [-Xms1g, -Xmx1g, -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC, -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=75, -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly, -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch, -Xss1m, -Djava.awt.headless=true, -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8, -Djna.nosys=true, -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow, -Dio.netty.noUnsafe=true, -Dio.netty.noKeySetOptimization=true, -Dio.netty.recycler.maxCapacityPerThread=0, -Dlog4j.shutdownHookEnabled=false, -Dlog4j2.disable.jmx=true,, -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, -XX:HeapDumpPath=data, -XX:ErrorFile=logs/hs_err_pid%p.log, -Xlog:gc*,gc+age=trace,safepoint:file=logs/gc.log:utctime,pid,tags:filecount=32,filesize=64m, -Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT, -XX:UseAVX=2, -Des.cgroups.hierarchy.override=/, -Des.path.home=/usr/share/elasticsearch, -Des.path.conf=/usr/share/elasticsearch/config, -Des.distribution.flavor=default, -Des.distribution.type=tar]
web_1            | Loading release_info engine.                                            [notice]
web_1            | tripal is already enabled.                                                  [ok]
web_1            | tripal_chado is already enabled.                                            [ok]
web_1            | tripal_ds is already enabled.                                               [ok]
web_1            | tripal_ws is already enabled.                                               [ok]
web_1            | There were no extensions that could be enabled.                             [ok]
web_1            | Command dispatch complete                                               [notice]
web_1            | Executing: PGPASSFILE=/tmp/drush_AFDLyG psql -q --dbname=postgres --host=postgres --port=5432 --username=postgres  --no-align --field-separator='    ' --pset tuples_only=on --file /tmp/drush_tma0TY
web_1            | Executing: PGPASSFILE=/tmp/drush_QVvua6 psql -q --dbname=postgres --host=postgres --port=5432 --username=postgres  --no-align --field-separator='    ' --pset tuples_only=on --file /tmp/drush_3ycCmo
web_1            | Loading release_info engine.                                            [notice]
web_1            | memcache is already enabled.                                                [ok]
web_1            | There were no extensions that could be enabled.                             [ok]
web_1            | Command dispatch complete                                               [notice]
web_1            | Include /etc/tripal/                                                    [notice]
web_1            | Executing: PGPASSFILE=/tmp/drush_A6FTBo psql -q --dbname=postgres --host=postgres --port=5432 --username=postgres  --no-align --field-separator='    ' --pset tuples_only=on --file /tmp/drush_ejDoqF
web_1            | Executing: PGPASSFILE=/tmp/drush_AS1neR psql -q --dbname=postgres --host=postgres --port=5432 --username=postgres  --no-align --field-separator='    ' --pset tuples_only=on --file /tmp/drush_aBU7U7
web_1            | Preparing the site by creating content types.
web_1            | /usr/local/bin/php /root/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php         [notice]
web_1            | --php=/usr/local/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --yes
web_1            | --include=/etc/tripal/ --root=/var/www/html --uri=http://default 
web_1            | php-eval 'module_load_include('\''inc'\'', '\''tripal_chado'\'',
web_1            | '\''includes/setup/tripal_chado.setup'\'');
web_1            | tripal_chado_prepare_drush_submit();' 2>&1
web_1            | Include /etc/tripal/                                                    [notice]
web_1            | Executing: PGPASSFILE=/tmp/drush_pGvBON psql -q --dbname=postgres --host=postgres --port=5432 --username=postgres  --no-align --field-separator='    ' --pset tuples_only=on --file /tmp/drush_Nbzrm3
web_1            | Executing: PGPASSFILE=/tmp/drush_zSg7dj psql -q --dbname=postgres --host=postgres --port=5432 --username=postgres  --no-align --field-separator='    ' --pset tuples_only=on --file /tmp/drush_D3tlwy
web_1            | Loading outputformat engine.                                            [notice]
web_1            | Job 'Prepare Chado' submitted.                                          [status]
web_1            | Command dispatch complete                                               [notice]
web_1            | /usr/local/bin/php /root/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php         [notice]
web_1            | --php=/usr/local/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --yes
web_1            | --include=/etc/tripal/ --root=/var/www/html --uri=http://default 
web_1            | php-eval 'module_load_include('\''inc'\'', '\''tripal'\'',
web_1            | '\''tripal.drush'\'');
web_1            | drush_tripal_trp_run_jobs_install('\''admin'\'');' 2>&1
web_1            | Include /etc/tripal/                                                    [notice]
web_1            | Executing: PGPASSFILE=/tmp/drush_3Iyrhv psql -q --dbname=postgres --host=postgres --port=5432 --username=postgres  --no-align --field-separator='    ' --pset tuples_only=on --file /tmp/drush_PIKGgJ
web_1            | Executing: PGPASSFILE=/tmp/drush_bQ0yE3 psql -q --dbname=postgres --host=postgres --port=5432 --username=postgres  --no-align --field-separator='    ' --pset tuples_only=on --file /tmp/drush_NqiZsh
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,012][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [aggs-matrix-stats]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,012][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [analysis-common]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,012][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [ingest-common]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,012][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [lang-expression]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,013][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [lang-mustache]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,013][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [lang-painless]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,013][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [mapper-extras]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,013][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [parent-join]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,013][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [percolator]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,013][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [rank-eval]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,013][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [reindex]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,013][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [repository-url]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,014][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [transport-netty4]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,014][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [tribe]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,014][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [x-pack-core]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,014][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [x-pack-deprecation]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,014][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [x-pack-graph]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,014][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [x-pack-logstash]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,019][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [x-pack-ml]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,019][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [x-pack-monitoring]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,019][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [x-pack-rollup]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,019][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [x-pack-security]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,019][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [x-pack-sql]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,019][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [x-pack-upgrade]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,020][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded module [x-pack-watcher]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,020][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded plugin [ingest-geoip]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:16,020][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [jL6IASJ] loaded plugin [ingest-user-agent]
web_1            | Loading outputformat engine.                                            [notice]
web_1            | 
web_1            | 2023-11-17 09:43:16
web_1            | Tripal Job Launcher
web_1            | Running as user 'admin'
web_1            | -------------------
web_1            | 2023-11-17 09:43:16: There are 1 jobs queued.
web_1            | 2023-11-17 09:43:16: Job ID 42.
web_1            | 2023-11-17 09:43:16: Calling: tripal_chado_prepare_chado()
web_1            | Creating Tripal Materialized Views and Custom Tables...
postgres_1       | ERROR:  relation "tripal_obo_temp" already exists
postgres_1       | STATEMENT:         CREATE TABLE tripal_obo_temp (         id character varying(255) NOT NULL,         stanza text NOT NULL,         type character varying(50) NOT NULL,         CONSTRAINT tripal_obo_temp_uq0 UNIQUE (id)       );     
web_1            | PDOException: SQLSTATE[42P07]: Duplicate table: 7 ERROR:  relation "tripal_obo_temp" already exists in /var/www/html/includes/database/
web_1            | Stack trace:
web_1            | #0 /var/www/html/includes/database/ PDOStatement->execute(Array)
web_1            | #1 /var/www/html/includes/database/pgsql/ DatabaseStatementBase->execute(Array, Array)
web_1            | #2 /var/www/html/includes/database/ DatabaseConnection_pgsql->query('       CREATE T...', Array, Array)
web_1            | #3 /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/tripal/tripal_chado/api/ db_query('       CREATE T...', Array)
web_1            | #4 /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/tripal/tripal_chado/includes/setup/ chado_query('       CREATE T...')
web_1            | #5 /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/tripal/tripal_chado/includes/setup/ tripal_chado_add_tripal_obo_temp_table()
web_1            | #6 /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/tripal/tripal_chado/includes/setup/ tripal_chado_add_vx_x_custom_tables()
web_1            | #7 /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/tripal/tripal/includes/ tripal_chado_prepare_chado(Object(TripalJob))
web_1            | #8 /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/tripal/tripal/api/ TripalJob->run()
web_1            | #9 /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/tripal/tripal/ tripal_launch_job(0, '42', -1, 0)
web_1            | #10 /root/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/commands/core/ : eval()'d code(1): drush_tripal_trp_run_jobs_install('admin')
web_1            | #11 /root/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/commands/core/ eval()
web_1            | #12 /root/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/includes/ drush_core_php_eval('module_load_inc...')
web_1            | #13 /root/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/includes/ _drush_invoke_hooks(Array, Array)
web_1            | #14 /root/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/includes/ drush_command('module_load_inc...')
web_1            | #15 /root/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/lib/Drush/Boot/BaseBoot.php(64): drush_dispatch(Array)
web_1            | #16 /root/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php(70): Drush\Boot\BaseBoot->bootstrap_and_dispatch()
web_1            | #17 /root/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php(11): drush_main()
web_1            | #18 {main}
web_1            | Job execution failed: PDOException: SQLSTATE[42P07]: Duplicate table:    [error]
web_1            | 7 ERROR:  relation "tripal_obo_temp" already exists in
web_1            | /var/www/html/includes/database/
web_1            | Stack trace:
web_1            | #0 /var/www/html/includes/database/
web_1            | PDOStatement->execute(Array)
web_1            | #1 /var/www/html/includes/database/pgsql/
web_1            | DatabaseStatementBase->execute(Array, Array)
web_1            | #2 /var/www/html/includes/database/
web_1            | DatabaseConnection_pgsql->query('       CREATE T...', Array, Array)
web_1            | #3
web_1            | /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/tripal/tripal_chado/api/
web_1            | db_query('       CREATE T...', Array)
web_1            | #4
web_1            | /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/tripal/tripal_chado/includes/setup/
web_1            | chado_query('       CREATE T...')
web_1            | #5
web_1            | /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/tripal/tripal_chado/includes/setup/
web_1            | tripal_chado_add_tripal_obo_temp_table()
web_1            | #6
web_1            | /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/tripal/tripal_chado/includes/setup/
web_1            | tripal_chado_add_vx_x_custom_tables()
web_1            | #7
web_1            | /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/tripal/tripal/includes/
web_1            | tripal_chado_prepare_chado(Object(TripalJob))
web_1            | #8
web_1            | /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/tripal/tripal/api/
web_1            | TripalJob->run()
web_1            | #9
web_1            | /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/tripal/tripal/
web_1            | tripal_launch_job(0, '42', -1, 0)
web_1            | #10
web_1            | /root/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/commands/core/
web_1            | : eval()'d code(1): drush_tripal_trp_run_jobs_install('admin')
web_1            | #11
web_1            | /root/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/commands/core/
web_1            | eval()
web_1            | #12 /root/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/includes/
web_1            | drush_core_php_eval('module_load_inc...')
web_1            | #13 /root/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/includes/
web_1            | _drush_invoke_hooks(Array, Array)
web_1            | #14 /root/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/includes/
web_1            | drush_command('module_load_inc...')
web_1            | #15
web_1            | /root/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/lib/Drush/Boot/BaseBoot.php(64):
web_1            | drush_dispatch(Array)
web_1            | #16 /root/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php(70):
web_1            | Drush\Boot\BaseBoot->bootstrap_and_dispatch()
web_1            | #17 /root/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php(11): drush_main()
web_1            | #18 {main}
web_1            | Custom table, 'tripal_gff_temp' , already exists. Table structure not   [status]
web_1            | changed, but definition array has been saved.
web_1            | Custom table, 'tripal_gffcds_temp' , already exists. Table structure    [status]
web_1            | not changed, but definition array has been saved.
web_1            | Custom table, 'tripal_gffprotein_temp' , already exists. Table          [status]
web_1            | structure not changed, but definition array has been saved.
web_1            | Command dispatch complete                                               [notice]
web_1            | 
web_1            | Adding permissions for the administrator to view, edit, create, and delete all the newly created content types.
web_1            | /usr/local/bin/php /root/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php         [notice]
web_1            | --php=/usr/local/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --yes
web_1            | --include=/etc/tripal/ --root=/var/www/html --uri=http://default 
web_1            | role-add-perm administrator ' view bio_data_1, create bio_data_1,
web_1            | edit bio_data_1, delete bio_data_1, view bio_data_2, create
web_1            | bio_data_2, edit bio_data_2, delete bio_data_2, view bio_data_3,
web_1            | create bio_data_3, edit bio_data_3, delete bio_data_3, view
web_1            | bio_data_4, create bio_data_4, edit bio_data_4, delete bio_data_4,
web_1            | view bio_data_5, create bio_data_5, edit bio_data_5, delete
web_1            | bio_data_5, view bio_data_6, create bio_data_6, edit bio_data_6,
web_1            | delete bio_data_6, view bio_data_7, create bio_data_7, edit
web_1            | bio_data_7, delete bio_data_7, view bio_data_8, create bio_data_8,
web_1            | edit bio_data_8, delete bio_data_8, view bio_data_9, create
web_1            | bio_data_9, edit bio_data_9, delete bio_data_9, view bio_data_10,
web_1            | create bio_data_10, edit bio_data_10, delete bio_data_10, view
web_1            | bio_data_11, create bio_data_11, edit bio_data_11, delete
web_1            | bio_data_11, view bio_data_12, create bio_data_12, edit bio_data_12,
web_1            | delete bio_data_12, view bio_data_13, create bio_data_13, edit
web_1            | bio_data_13, delete bio_data_13, view bio_data_14, create
web_1            | bio_data_14, edit bio_data_14, delete bio_data_14, view bio_data_15,
web_1            | create bio_data_15, edit bio_data_15, delete bio_data_15, view
web_1            | bio_data_16, create bio_data_16, edit bio_data_16, delete
web_1            | bio_data_16, view bio_data_17, create bio_data_17, edit bio_data_17,
web_1            | delete bio_data_17, view bio_data_18, create bio_data_18, edit
web_1            | bio_data_18, delete bio_data_18, view bio_data_19, create
web_1            | bio_data_19, edit bio_data_19, delete bio_data_19, view bio_data_20,
web_1            | create bio_data_20, edit bio_data_20, delete bio_data_20, view
web_1            | bio_data_21, create bio_data_21, edit bio_data_21, delete
web_1            | bio_data_21, view bio_data_22, create bio_data_22, edit bio_data_22,
web_1            | delete bio_data_22, view bio_data_23, create bio_data_23, edit
web_1            | bio_data_23, delete bio_data_23, view bio_data_24, create
web_1            | bio_data_24, edit bio_data_24, delete bio_data_24, view bio_data_25,
web_1            | create bio_data_25, edit bio_data_25, delete bio_data_25, view
web_1            | bio_data_26, create bio_data_26, edit bio_data_26, delete
web_1            | bio_data_26, view bio_data_27, create bio_data_27, edit bio_data_27,
web_1            | delete bio_data_27, view bio_data_28, create bio_data_28, edit
web_1            | bio_data_28, delete bio_data_28, view bio_data_29, create
web_1            | bio_data_29, edit bio_data_29, delete bio_data_29' 2>&1
web_1            | Include /etc/tripal/                                                    [notice]
web_1            | Executing: PGPASSFILE=/tmp/drush_uXuHH2 psql -q --dbname=postgres --host=postgres --port=5432 --username=postgres  --no-align --field-separator='    ' --pset tuples_only=on --file /tmp/drush_sS5V1e
web_1            | Executing: PGPASSFILE=/tmp/drush_G2IupE psql -q --dbname=postgres --host=postgres --port=5432 --username=postgres  --no-align --field-separator='    ' --pset tuples_only=on --file /tmp/drush_eeaAyQ
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_1"                [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_1"              [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_1"                [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_1"              [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_2"                [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_2"              [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_2"                [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_2"              [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_3"                [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_3"              [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_3"                [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_3"              [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_4"                [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_4"              [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_4"                [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_4"              [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_5"                [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_5"              [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_5"                [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_5"              [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_6"                [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_6"              [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_6"                [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_6"              [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_7"                [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_7"              [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_7"                [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_7"              [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_8"                [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_8"              [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_8"                [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_8"              [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_9"                [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_9"              [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_9"                [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_9"              [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_10"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_10"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_10"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_10"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_11"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_11"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_11"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_11"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_12"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_12"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_12"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_12"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_13"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_13"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_13"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_13"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_14"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_14"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_14"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_14"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_15"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_15"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_15"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_15"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_16"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_16"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_16"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_16"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_17"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_17"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_17"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_17"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_18"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_18"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_18"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_18"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_19"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_19"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_19"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_19"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_20"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_20"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_20"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_20"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_21"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_21"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_21"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_21"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_22"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_22"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_22"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_22"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_23"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_23"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_23"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_23"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_24"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_24"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_24"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_24"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_25"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_25"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_25"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_25"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_26"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_26"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_26"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_26"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_27"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_27"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_27"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_27"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_28"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_28"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_28"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_28"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "view bio_data_29"               [ok]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:18,744][WARN ][o.e.d.s.ScriptModule     ] Script: returning default values for missing document values is deprecated. Set system property '-Des.scripting.exception_for_missing_value=true' to make behaviour compatible with future major versions.
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "create bio_data_29"             [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "edit bio_data_29"               [ok]
web_1            | "administrator" already has the permission "delete bio_data_29"             [ok]
web_1            | Command dispatch complete                                               [notice]
web_1            | /usr/local/bin/php /root/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php         [notice]
web_1            | --php=/usr/local/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --yes
web_1            | --include=/etc/tripal/ --root=/var/www/html --uri=http://default 
web_1            | role-add-perm 'anonymous user' ' view bio_data_1, view bio_data_2,
web_1            | view bio_data_3, view bio_data_4, view bio_data_5, view bio_data_6,
web_1            | view bio_data_7, view bio_data_8, view bio_data_9, view bio_data_10,
web_1            | view bio_data_11, view bio_data_12, view bio_data_13, view
web_1            | bio_data_14, view bio_data_15, view bio_data_16, view bio_data_17,
web_1            | view bio_data_18, view bio_data_19, view bio_data_20, view
web_1            | bio_data_21, view bio_data_22, view bio_data_23, view bio_data_24,
web_1            | view bio_data_25, view bio_data_26, view bio_data_27, view
web_1            | bio_data_28, view bio_data_29' 2>&1
web_1            | 
web_1            | Adding permissions for anonymous user to view all the newly created content types.
web_1            | Include /etc/tripal/                                                    [notice]
web_1            | Executing: PGPASSFILE=/tmp/drush_I9MlX4 psql -q --dbname=postgres --host=postgres --port=5432 --username=postgres  --no-align --field-separator='    ' --pset tuples_only=on --file /tmp/drush_GYXOD9
web_1            | Executing: PGPASSFILE=/tmp/drush_WNfqUV psql -q --dbname=postgres --host=postgres --port=5432 --username=postgres  --no-align --field-separator='    ' --pset tuples_only=on --file /tmp/drush_SB2Rq0
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_1"               [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_2"               [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_3"               [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_4"               [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_5"               [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_6"               [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_7"               [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_8"               [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_9"               [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_10"              [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_11"              [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_12"              [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_13"              [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_14"              [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_15"              [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_16"              [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_17"              [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_18"              [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_19"              [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_20"              [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_21"              [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_22"              [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_23"              [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_24"              [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_25"              [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_26"              [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_27"              [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_28"              [ok]
web_1            | "anonymous user" already has the permission "view bio_data_29"              [ok]
web_1            | Command dispatch complete                                               [notice]
web_1            | 
web_1            | Adding permissions for authenticated users to view all the newly created content types.
web_1            | /usr/local/bin/php /root/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php         [notice]
web_1            | --php=/usr/local/bin/php  --backend=2 --verbose --yes
web_1            | --include=/etc/tripal/ --root=/var/www/html --uri=http://default 
web_1            | role-add-perm 'authenticated user' ' view bio_data_1, view
web_1            | bio_data_2, view bio_data_3, view bio_data_4, view bio_data_5, view
web_1            | bio_data_6, view bio_data_7, view bio_data_8, view bio_data_9, view
web_1            | bio_data_10, view bio_data_11, view bio_data_12, view bio_data_13,
web_1            | view bio_data_14, view bio_data_15, view bio_data_16, view
web_1            | bio_data_17, view bio_data_18, view bio_data_19, view bio_data_20,
web_1            | view bio_data_21, view bio_data_22, view bio_data_23, view
web_1            | bio_data_24, view bio_data_25, view bio_data_26, view bio_data_27,
web_1            | view bio_data_28, view bio_data_29' 2>&1
web_1            | Include /etc/tripal/                                                    [notice]
web_1            | Executing: PGPASSFILE=/tmp/drush_MUGJb8 psql -q --dbname=postgres --host=postgres --port=5432 --username=postgres  --no-align --field-separator='    ' --pset tuples_only=on --file /tmp/drush_OoFvR9
web_1            | Executing: PGPASSFILE=/tmp/drush_0Uyh34 psql -q --dbname=postgres --host=postgres --port=5432 --username=postgres  --no-align --field-separator='    ' --pset tuples_only=on --file /tmp/drush_KFLuC6
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_1"           [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_2"           [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_3"           [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_4"           [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_5"           [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_6"           [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_7"           [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_8"           [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_9"           [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_10"          [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_11"          [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_12"          [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_13"          [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_14"          [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_15"          [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_16"          [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_17"          [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_18"          [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_19"          [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_20"          [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_21"          [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_22"          [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_23"          [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_24"          [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_25"          [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_26"          [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_27"          [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_28"          [ok]
web_1            | "authenticated user" already has the permission "view bio_data_29"          [ok]
web_1            | Command dispatch complete                                               [notice]
web_1            | 
web_1            | Installation is now complete. You may navigate to your new site. For more information on using Tripal please see the installation guide on
web_1            | Command dispatch complete                                               [notice]
docker-tripal_web_1 exited with code 1
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:21,371][INFO ][o.e.x.s.a.s.FileRolesStore] [jL6IASJ] parsed [0] roles from file [/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/roles.yml]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:21,778][INFO ][o.e.x.m.j.p.l.CppLogMessageHandler] [controller/79] [] controller (64 bit): Version 6.4.2 (Build 660eefe6f2ea55) Copyright (c) 2018 Elasticsearch BV
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:22,431][INFO ][o.e.d.DiscoveryModule    ] [jL6IASJ] using discovery type [zen]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:23,086][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [jL6IASJ] initialized
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:23,087][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [jL6IASJ] starting ...
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:23,177][INFO ][o.e.t.TransportService   ] [jL6IASJ] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {}
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:23,189][INFO ][o.e.b.BootstrapChecks    ] [jL6IASJ] bound or publishing to a non-loopback address, enforcing bootstrap checks
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:26,247][INFO ][o.e.c.s.MasterService    ] [jL6IASJ] zen-disco-elected-as-master ([0] nodes joined)[, ], reason: new_master {jL6IASJ}{jL6IASJsRE6W6k2NIFUMZQ}{EiTlzOQvRemGeSWcQO60Ug}{}{}{ml.machine_memory=4064763904, xpack.installed=true, ml.max_open_jobs=20, ml.enabled=true}
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:26,251][INFO ][o.e.c.s.ClusterApplierService] [jL6IASJ] new_master {jL6IASJ}{jL6IASJsRE6W6k2NIFUMZQ}{EiTlzOQvRemGeSWcQO60Ug}{}{}{ml.machine_memory=4064763904, xpack.installed=true, ml.max_open_jobs=20, ml.enabled=true}, reason: apply cluster state (from master [master {jL6IASJ}{jL6IASJsRE6W6k2NIFUMZQ}{EiTlzOQvRemGeSWcQO60Ug}{}{}{ml.machine_memory=4064763904, xpack.installed=true, ml.max_open_jobs=20, ml.enabled=true} committed version [1] source [zen-disco-elected-as-master ([0] nodes joined)[, ]]])
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:26,273][INFO ][o.e.x.s.t.n.SecurityNetty4HttpServerTransport] [jL6IASJ] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {}
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:26,273][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [jL6IASJ] started
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:26,516][WARN ][o.e.x.s.a.s.m.NativeRoleMappingStore] [jL6IASJ] Failed to clear cache for realms [[]]
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:26,550][INFO ][o.e.l.LicenseService     ] [jL6IASJ] license [1024e702-c667-4adb-bdbb-928a755aa0f2] mode [basic] - valid
elasticsearch_1  | [2023-11-17T09:43:26,563][INFO ][o.e.g.GatewayService     ] [jL6IASJ] recovered [0] indices into cluster_state