galaxy-genome-annotation / docker-tripal

Docker container for Tripal
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Compile uploadprogress + launch tripal jobs + allow external download #7

Closed abretaud closed 7 years ago

abretaud commented 7 years ago

This fixes #2, and almost fixes #6 too: tripal download the taxonomic rank obo at startup now (but I guess having it in the pre-built chado db could be useful)

hexylena commented 7 years ago

yeah, once I get pre-built chado running again, I'll add this to there as well.

hexylena commented 7 years ago

Ok, I'm guessing the crontab process detaches in the above, if we're moving to multi-process we should consider our options.

  1. move cron into another container ("clean" but gross/extra work)
  2. supervisord/tini

I'll file an issue for it.