galaxy-genome-annotation / python-apollo

Python library for talking to Apollo API
MIT License
11 stars 11 forks source link

Remote API commands #2

Closed hexylena closed 5 years ago

hexylena commented 6 years ago

just pushing progress from this afternoon. This will be so nice to have.

hexylena commented 6 years ago

Ready to go if you want to test them @abretaud. I've written nicer documentation in the apollo library side, but the generated commands' documentation kinda sucks and misses the important bits. I think I need to update command engine to handle this better. Maybe there's some way I can lever sphinx-apidoc and avoid having to have the doc-builder script..

abretaud commented 6 years ago

Niiice! I don't know if I'll have time to test soon, but it's exciting!

hexylena commented 6 years ago

No rush, just wanted to let you know it was available. Cc @moffmade if you wanna test too

abretaud commented 6 years ago

Oh, sorry, I broke your PR while merging #3 :/

hexylena commented 6 years ago

No problem. I'll touch this up later.

abretaud commented 5 years ago

I think I'll need this soon, so I updated the PR, I'll check if everything works before merging

abretaud commented 5 years ago

Tested, and it works great! @erasche do you want to look at it before merging? We'll see if we can get done before releasing a new python-apollo release

hexylena commented 5 years ago

Wow, amazed it works still! with not so many patches. I can't approve it, you'll have to.

abretaud commented 5 years ago

Yes, I was (happily) surprised too!

hexylena commented 5 years ago

Looks fine to me, approve/merge if you like :)

abretaud commented 5 years ago
