galaxy-iuc / standards

Documentation for standards and best practices from the Galaxy IUC
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Recommendations on bundling related tools in one Tool Shed repository? #36

Open peterjc opened 7 years ago

peterjc commented 7 years ago

Should we be encouraging or discouraging creating tool bundles in a single Tool Shed repository? Should the later be done as a tool suite, which allows the individual tools to be installed alone if desired?

hexylena commented 7 years ago

Encouraging + tool suite

martenson commented 7 years ago

one tool per repo is the ideal imo

bgruening commented 7 years ago

:+1: one tool per repo and making installation easier on the Galaxy side.

peterjc commented 7 years ago

That's what I suspected. On my side I've wondered if I should split into several single-tool entries on the Tool Shed (which the original can then pull in as dependencies), potentially the same for the NCBI BLAST+ suite too?

Where in the best practise docs should we put this?