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large datasets stop downloading at 1Gb #6

Closed chrisbarnettster closed 4 years ago

chrisbarnettster commented 4 years ago

Any downloads from server stop at around 1Gb. Tried saving individual datasets, exporting histories to file and happens in all cases. Save history to file looks as if it works until the file is uncompressed.

chrisbarnettster commented 4 years ago

this error found in Galaxy logs uwsgi_response_write_body_do() TIMEOUT !!! IOError: write error

chrisbarnettster commented 4 years ago

seem like a known issue, discussion on Gitter

should ensure X-Accel-Redirect configured in nginx

chrisbarnettster commented 4 years ago

discussed here in docs and examples in galaxy eu playbook

chrisbarnettster commented 4 years ago

checked postgres backup and other config files

chrisbarnettster commented 4 years ago

in galaxy section of group_vars nginx_x_accel_redirect_base: /_x_accel_redirect and in templates/nginx/galaxy.j2

    location /_x_accel_redirect {
        alias /;
        add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;
        add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
chrisbarnettster commented 4 years ago
time ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml --ask-vault-pass
chrisbarnettster commented 4 years ago

ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE when trying to download dataset

chrisbarnettster commented 4 years ago

update tempate as per

chrisbarnettster commented 4 years ago

Add www-date to galaxy group - sudo usermod -a -G galaxy www-data

Now check perms on a dataset sudo -u www-data stat /cchem/galaxy/datasets/000/dataset_465.dat

Restart galaxy hit a spawn error. Stop all condas running with galaxy - sorry if those are job related. Restart nginx separately systemctl restart nginx

5mins or so and still not working. I uploaded a dataset and then all data working and accessible.

Tried downloading large dataset. Slow but supports curl resume and wget resume.

chrisbarnettster commented 4 years ago

Status: working TODO: Should test further performance based flags, and commit changes to code. Get feedback from users.

chrisbarnettster commented 4 years ago

No issue for a while.