New class!
An edge position along an edge, has pct, offset, and edge, and thetaOffset (for rotation), but is also a valid Transform.
refresh() -> sets it from the current position of the edge
getEdgePoint -> get the point on the edge (ignore the offset)
drawCircle -> useful drawing function, shows both the point, it's rotation, and the edge point it's at.
bot.getClosestEdgePosition(target) -> return the edge position closest to this point
New class! Position An edge position along an edge, has pct, offset, and edge, and thetaOffset (for rotation), but is also a valid Transform. refresh() -> sets it from the current position of the edge getEdgePoint -> get the point on the edge (ignore the offset) drawCircle -> useful drawing function, shows both the point, it's rotation, and the edge point it's at.
bot.getClosestEdgePosition(target) -> return the edge position closest to this point