I ended up with this error message after using Maker in the Main Galaxy instance:
Possible unintended interpolation of @2 in string at /cvmfs/main.galaxyproject.org/deps/_conda/envs/__maker@2.31.11/bin/…/lib/5.26.2/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/Config_heavy.pl line 260.
Possible precedence issue with control flow operator at /cvmfs/main.
I saw that others had this error with other tools (e.g. Trinity) within the last couple years. In one case, admin said the error meant insufficient memory was allotted to the job or that the inputs were wrong. Hoping this was the case, I checked the input and ran the job again, but got the same result.
In another case, @bernt-matthias said it was a miscommunication between Galaxy, which uses the “@” symbol, and the perl interpreter that doesn’t know what to do with it. He suggested adding a " \ " in front of the “@”, although I don’t know how to access the script to do this.
This person had a similar issue with Maker, and thesepeople had this interpolation issue with other tools.
Any other ideas on how to handle this type of error? I still can’t tell whether it’s possible to salvage my results, which were apparently successfully run aside from the metadata problem that couldn’t be resolved. Or should I simply keep rerunning the job until it works?
I believe my inputs should be okay, as I'm primarily following the workflow of the Genome Annotation Tutorial.
I ended up with this error message after using Maker in the Main Galaxy instance:
I saw that others had this error with other tools (e.g. Trinity) within the last couple years. In one case, admin said the error meant insufficient memory was allotted to the job or that the inputs were wrong. Hoping this was the case, I checked the input and ran the job again, but got the same result.
In another case, @bernt-matthias said it was a miscommunication between Galaxy, which uses the “@” symbol, and the perl interpreter that doesn’t know what to do with it. He suggested adding a " \ " in front of the “@”, although I don’t know how to access the script to do this.
This person had a similar issue with Maker, and these people had this interpolation issue with other tools.
Any other ideas on how to handle this type of error? I still can’t tell whether it’s possible to salvage my results, which were apparently successfully run aside from the metadata problem that couldn’t be resolved. Or should I simply keep rerunning the job until it works?
I believe my inputs should be okay, as I'm primarily following the workflow of the Genome Annotation Tutorial.
Thanks for any ideas!