galaxyproject / ephemeris

Library for managing Galaxy plugins - tools, index data, and workflows.
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Stripping the version from the tool_id (change in 0.10.7) breaks tool testing #179

Closed cat-bro closed 2 years ago

cat-bro commented 2 years ago

There is a change to shed-tools in ephemeris 0.10.7 that strips the version from the tool_id and passes a value tool_id to verify_tool that is actually the tool_id minus /<tool_version>

The GalaxyInteractorApi treats tool_id as a real tool_id with the version present, so calls to test_data_download will return test data for the most recent version of the tool regardless of which tool_version has been passed to verify_tool.

mvdbeek commented 2 years ago

That will be fixed once we release a new galaxy-tool-util package with