galaxyproject / galaxy-helm

Minimal setup required to run Galaxy under Kubernetes
MIT License
41 stars 38 forks source link

Cannot deploy on on-premise k8s #386

Open pckroon opened 1 year ago

pckroon commented 1 year ago

Hi all!

I'm running into issues installing the helm chart on my on-prem/local kubernetes cluster. I'll first dump all relevant manifests, and then describe the issue I'm running into.

Helm values ```yaml persistence: enabled: true existingClaim: galaxy-data metrics: enabled: false s3csi: deploy: false cvmfs: deploy: false setupJob: createDatabase: true ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 3600 ingress: enabled: true serviceAccount: create: true postgresql: enabled: true #galaxyDatabasePassword: "potato" #postgresqlPassword: "potato" #postgresqlPostgresPassword: "potato" persistence: enabled: true storageClass: openebs-jiva-csi-sc size: 5Gi refdata: enabled: false influxdb: enabled: false ```
galaxy-data PVC definition ```yaml kind: Namespace apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: galaxy labels: galaxy --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: galaxy-data-nfs namespace: galaxy spec: accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ] storageClassName: openebs-jiva-csi-sc resources: requests: storage: 50Gi --- kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: nfs-server namespace: galaxy spec: clusterIP: ports: - name: nfs port: 2049 - name: mountd port: 20048 - name: rpcbind port: 111 selector: role: nfs-server --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nfs-server namespace: galaxy spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: role: nfs-server template: metadata: labels: role: nfs-server spec: securityContext: fsGroup: 101 containers: - name: nfs-server image: ports: - name: nfs containerPort: 2049 - name: mountd containerPort: 20048 - name: rpcbind containerPort: 111 securityContext: privileged: true volumeMounts: - mountPath: /exports name: mypvc volumes: - name: mypvc persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: galaxy-data-nfs --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: galaxy-data namespace: galaxy spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteMany capacity: storage: 50Gi nfs: #server: nfs-server.galaxy.svc.cluster.local server: path: "/" mountOptions: - nfsvers=4.2 --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: galaxy-data namespace: galaxy spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteMany volumeName: galaxy-data resources: requests: storage: 50Gi ```

I use the NFS backed PVC since my "standard" sc (jiva) doesn't support RWX.

Running helm install -n galaxy my-galaxy -f galaxy-values.yaml galaxy-helm/galaxy/ results in

manifest_sorter.go:192: info: skipping unknown hook: "crd-install"
manifest_sorter.go:192: info: skipping unknown hook: "crd-install"
manifest_sorter.go:192: info: skipping unknown hook: "crd-install"
NAME: my-galaxy
LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Oct 14 16:59:25 2022
STATUS: deployed
1. Get the application URL by running these commands:

Looks reasonable to me. However, the job my-galaxy-init-db fails in container galaxy-init-postgres, related to permission denied to chown 101:101 /galaxy/server/database. Easy enough to fix: wipe the namespace, recreate the NFS share, create that folder with correct ownership in the NFS share, and reinstall the helm chart.

Next issue has me stumped though kubectl logs -n galaxy jobs/my-galaxy-init-db-hb4hl -c galaxy-init-postgres:

nc: bad address 'galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres'
waiting for galaxy-postgres service

And kubectl logs -n galaxy jobs/my-galaxy-init-db-hb4hl has a python traceback resulting in sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (psycopg2.OperationalError) FATAL: password authentication failed for user "galaxydbuser". On the NFS share, the folder server/database remains empty. The postgres service pod is running:

NAME                                            READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
pod/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-0          1/1     Running     0          17m
pod/my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-7c897bf6c-dd7tb   1/1     Running     0          17m
pod/my-galaxy-init-mounts-monlp-mvwsp           0/4     Completed   0          17m
pod/my-galaxy-job-0-7459f74d56-c6fmb            0/1     Init:0/1    0          17m
pod/my-galaxy-nginx-8474bd9bd-qf58r             1/1     Running     0          17m
pod/my-galaxy-web-dfbddc76b-f6qf7               0/1     Init:0/1    0          17m
pod/my-galaxy-workflow-77fd776ccd-jqtfq         0/1     Init:0/1    0          17m
pod/nfs-server-69cd8d9cb9-tbjs6                 1/1     Running     0          20m

NAME                                              TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
service/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres          ClusterIP    <none>        5432/TCP                     17m
service/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-config   ClusterIP   None           <none>        <none>                       16m
service/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-repl     ClusterIP    <none>        5432/TCP                     17m
service/my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres                 ClusterIP   <none>        8080/TCP                     17m
service/my-galaxy-nginx                           ClusterIP   <none>        8000/TCP                     17m
service/my-galaxy-uwsgi                           ClusterIP   <none>        4001/TCP                     17m
service/nfs-server                                ClusterIP      <none>        2049/TCP,20048/TCP,111/TCP   20m

NAME                                        READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres   1/1     1            1           17m
deployment.apps/my-galaxy-job-0             0/1     1            0           17m
deployment.apps/my-galaxy-nginx             1/1     1            1           17m
deployment.apps/my-galaxy-web               0/1     1            0           17m
deployment.apps/my-galaxy-workflow          0/1     1            0           17m
deployment.apps/nfs-server                  1/1     1            1           20m

NAME                                                  DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-7c897bf6c   1         1         1       17m
replicaset.apps/my-galaxy-job-0-7459f74d56            1         1         0       17m
replicaset.apps/my-galaxy-nginx-8474bd9bd             1         1         1       17m
replicaset.apps/my-galaxy-web-dfbddc76b               1         1         0       17m
replicaset.apps/my-galaxy-workflow-77fd776ccd         1         1         0       17m
replicaset.apps/nfs-server-69cd8d9cb9                 1         1         1       20m

NAME                                                READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres   1/1     17m

NAME                                  SCHEDULE    SUSPEND   ACTIVE   LAST SCHEDULE   AGE
cronjob.batch/my-galaxy-maintenance   0 2 * * *   False     0        <none>          17m

NAME                                    COMPLETIONS   DURATION   AGE
job.batch/my-galaxy-init-db-hb4hl       0/1           17m        17m
job.batch/my-galaxy-init-mounts-monlp   1/1           5m25s      17m

NAME                                                            IMAGE                                               CLUSTER-LABEL   SERVICE-ACCOUNT   MIN-INSTANCES   AGE   cluster-name    postgres-pod      -1              17m

NAME                                                        TEAM     VERSION   PODS   VOLUME   CPU-REQUEST   MEMORY-REQUEST   AGE   STATUS   galaxy   13        1      5Gi                                     17m   SyncFailed
kubectl logs -n galaxy pods/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-0 ``` 2022-10-14 15:00:01,209 - bootstrapping - INFO - Figuring out my environment (Google? AWS? Openstack? Local?) 2022-10-14 15:00:03,219 - bootstrapping - INFO - Could not connect to, assuming local Docker setup 2022-10-14 15:00:03,222 - bootstrapping - INFO - No meta-data available for this provider 2022-10-14 15:00:03,223 - bootstrapping - INFO - Looks like your running local 2022-10-14 15:00:03,320 - bootstrapping - INFO - Configuring pgbouncer 2022-10-14 15:00:03,320 - bootstrapping - INFO - No PGBOUNCER_CONFIGURATION was specified, skipping 2022-10-14 15:00:03,321 - bootstrapping - INFO - Configuring log 2022-10-14 15:00:03,321 - bootstrapping - INFO - Configuring pgqd 2022-10-14 15:00:03,322 - bootstrapping - INFO - Configuring bootstrap 2022-10-14 15:00:03,322 - bootstrapping - INFO - Configuring pam-oauth2 2022-10-14 15:00:03,323 - bootstrapping - INFO - Writing to file /etc/pam.d/postgresql 2022-10-14 15:00:03,323 - bootstrapping - INFO - Configuring crontab 2022-10-14 15:00:03,324 - bootstrapping - INFO - Skipping creation of renice cron job due to lack of SYS_NICE capability 2022-10-14 15:00:03,325 - bootstrapping - INFO - Configuring patroni 2022-10-14 15:00:03,362 - bootstrapping - INFO - Writing to file /run/postgres.yml 2022-10-14 15:00:03,365 - bootstrapping - INFO - Configuring certificate 2022-10-14 15:00:03,365 - bootstrapping - INFO - Generating ssl certificate 2022-10-14 15:00:03,532 - bootstrapping - INFO - Configuring wal-e 2022-10-14 15:00:03,532 - bootstrapping - INFO - Configuring standby-cluster 2022-10-14 15:00:05,136 WARNING: Kubernetes RBAC doesn't allow GET access to the 'kubernetes' endpoint in the 'default' namespace. Disabling 'bypass_api_service'. 2022-10-14 15:00:05,162 INFO: No PostgreSQL configuration items changed, nothing to reload. 2022-10-14 15:00:05,167 INFO: Lock owner: None; I am galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-0 2022-10-14 15:00:05,349 INFO: trying to bootstrap a new cluster The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres". This user must also own the server process. The database cluster will be initialized with locale "en_US.utf-8". The default database encoding has accordingly been set to "UTF8". The default text search configuration will be set to "english". Data page checksums are disabled. fixing permissions on existing directory /home/postgres/pgdata/pgroot/data ... ok creating subdirectories ... ok selecting dynamic shared memory implementation ... posix selecting default max_connections ... 100 selecting default shared_buffers ... 128MB selecting default time zone ... Etc/UTC creating configuration files ... ok running bootstrap script ... ok performing post-bootstrap initialization ... ok syncing data to disk ... ok Success. You can now start the database server using: /usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin/pg_ctl -D /home/postgres/pgdata/pgroot/data -l logfile start 2022-10-14 15:00:08 UTC [79]: [1-1] 63497978.4f 0 LOG: Auto detecting pg_stat_kcache.linux_hz parameter... 2022-10-14 15:00:08 UTC [79]: [2-1] 63497978.4f 0 LOG: pg_stat_kcache.linux_hz is set to 500000 2022-10-14 15:00:08,662 INFO: postmaster pid=79 /var/run/postgresql:5432 - no response 2022-10-14 15:00:08 UTC [79]: [3-1] 63497978.4f 0 LOG: redirecting log output to logging collector process 2022-10-14 15:00:08 UTC [79]: [4-1] 63497978.4f 0 HINT: Future log output will appear in directory "../pg_log". /var/run/postgresql:5432 - accepting connections /var/run/postgresql:5432 - accepting connections 2022-10-14 15:00:09,709 INFO: establishing a new patroni connection to the postgres cluster 2022-10-14 15:00:09,772 INFO: running post_bootstrap DO DO DO CREATE EXTENSION NOTICE: version "1.1" of extension "pg_auth_mon" is already installed ALTER EXTENSION GRANT CREATE EXTENSION NOTICE: version "1.3" of extension "pg_cron" is already installed ALTER EXTENSION ALTER POLICY REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT REVOKE GRANT REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE EXTENSION DO CREATE TABLE GRANT ALTER TABLE CREATE FOREIGN TABLE GRANT CREATE VIEW ALTER VIEW GRANT CREATE FOREIGN TABLE GRANT CREATE VIEW ALTER VIEW GRANT CREATE FOREIGN TABLE GRANT CREATE VIEW ALTER VIEW GRANT CREATE FOREIGN TABLE GRANT CREATE VIEW ALTER VIEW GRANT CREATE FOREIGN TABLE GRANT CREATE VIEW ALTER VIEW GRANT CREATE FOREIGN TABLE GRANT CREATE VIEW ALTER VIEW GRANT CREATE FOREIGN TABLE GRANT CREATE VIEW ALTER VIEW GRANT CREATE FOREIGN TABLE GRANT CREATE VIEW ALTER VIEW GRANT RESET SET NOTICE: schema "zmon_utils" does not exist, skipping DROP SCHEMA DO NOTICE: language "plpythonu" does not exist, skipping DROP LANGUAGE NOTICE: function plpython_call_handler() does not exist, skipping DROP FUNCTION NOTICE: function plpython_inline_handler(internal) does not exist, skipping DROP FUNCTION NOTICE: function plpython_validator(oid) does not exist, skipping DROP FUNCTION CREATE SCHEMA GRANT SET CREATE TYPE CREATE FUNCTION CREATE FUNCTION GRANT You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres". CREATE SCHEMA GRANT SET CREATE FUNCTION CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT GRANT RESET CREATE EXTENSION CREATE EXTENSION CREATE EXTENSION NOTICE: version "2.0" of extension "set_user" is already installed ALTER EXTENSION GRANT GRANT GRANT CREATE SCHEMA GRANT GRANT SET CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE VIEW REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE VIEW REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE VIEW REVOKE GRANT GRANT RESET You are now connected to database "template1" as user "postgres". CREATE SCHEMA GRANT SET CREATE FUNCTION CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT GRANT RESET CREATE EXTENSION CREATE EXTENSION CREATE EXTENSION NOTICE: version "2.0" of extension "set_user" is already installed ALTER EXTENSION GRANT GRANT GRANT CREATE SCHEMA GRANT GRANT SET CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE VIEW REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE VIEW REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE VIEW REVOKE GRANT GRANT RESET 2022-10-14 15:00:10,961 WARNING: Could not activate Linux watchdog device: "Can't open watchdog device: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/watchdog'" 2022-10-14 15:00:11,177 INFO: initialized a new cluster 2022-10-14 15:00:11,233 INFO: no action. I am (galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-0) the leader with the lock 2022-10-14 15:00:11,742 INFO: no action. I am (galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-0) the leader with the lock 2022-10-14 15:00:11,760 INFO: Changed tcp_keepalives_idle from 0 to 900 2022-10-14 15:00:11,760 INFO: Changed tcp_keepalives_interval from 0 to 100 2022-10-14 15:00:11,767 INFO: Reloading PostgreSQL configuration. server signaled 2022-10-14 15:00:12,888 INFO: no action. I am (galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-0) the leader with the lock 2022-10-14 15:00:23,334 INFO: no action. I am (galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-0) the leader with the lock 2022-10-14 15:00:33,385 INFO: no action. I am (galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-0) the leader with the lock 2022-10-14 15:00:43,384 INFO: no action. I am (galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-0) the leader with the lock 2022-10-14 15:00:53,329 INFO: no action. I am (galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-0) the leader with the lock 2022-10-14 15:01:03,387 INFO: no action. I am (galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-0) the leader with the lock 2022-10-14 15:01:04.675 35 LOG Starting pgqd 3.3 2022-10-14 15:01:04.676 35 LOG auto-detecting dbs ... 2022-10-14 15:00:01,209 - bootstrapping - INFO - Figuring out my environment (Google? AWS? Openstack? Local?) 2022-10-14 15:00:03,219 - bootstrapping - INFO - Could not connect to, assuming local Docker setup 2022-10-14 15:00:03,222 - bootstrapping - INFO - No meta-data available for this provider 2022-10-14 15:00:03,223 - bootstrapping - INFO - Looks like your running local 2022-10-14 15:00:03,320 - bootstrapping - INFO - Configuring pgbouncer 2022-10-14 15:00:03,320 - bootstrapping - INFO - No PGBOUNCER_CONFIGURATION was specified, skipping 2022-10-14 15:00:03,321 - bootstrapping - INFO - Configuring log 2022-10-14 15:00:03,321 - bootstrapping - INFO - Configuring pgqd 2022-10-14 15:00:03,322 - bootstrapping - INFO - Configuring bootstrap 2022-10-14 15:00:03,322 - bootstrapping - INFO - Configuring pam-oauth2 2022-10-14 15:00:03,323 - bootstrapping - INFO - Writing to file /etc/pam.d/postgresql 2022-10-14 15:00:03,323 - bootstrapping - INFO - Configuring crontab 2022-10-14 15:00:03,324 - bootstrapping - INFO - Skipping creation of renice cron job due to lack of SYS_NICE capability 2022-10-14 15:00:03,325 - bootstrapping - INFO - Configuring patroni 2022-10-14 15:00:03,362 - bootstrapping - INFO - Writing to file /run/postgres.yml 2022-10-14 15:00:03,365 - bootstrapping - INFO - Configuring certificate 2022-10-14 15:00:03,365 - bootstrapping - INFO - Generating ssl certificate 2022-10-14 15:00:03,532 - bootstrapping - INFO - Configuring wal-e 2022-10-14 15:00:03,532 - bootstrapping - INFO - Configuring standby-cluster 2022-10-14 15:00:05,136 WARNING: Kubernetes RBAC doesn't allow GET access to the 'kubernetes' endpoint in the 'default' namespace. Disabling 'bypass_api_service'. 2022-10-14 15:00:05,162 INFO: No PostgreSQL configuration items changed, nothing to reload. 2022-10-14 15:00:05,167 INFO: Lock owner: None; I am galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-0 2022-10-14 15:00:05,349 INFO: trying to bootstrap a new cluster The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres". This user must also own the server process. The database cluster will be initialized with locale "en_US.utf-8". The default database encoding has accordingly been set to "UTF8". The default text search configuration will be set to "english". Data page checksums are disabled. fixing permissions on existing directory /home/postgres/pgdata/pgroot/data ... ok creating subdirectories ... ok selecting dynamic shared memory implementation ... posix selecting default max_connections ... 100 selecting default shared_buffers ... 128MB selecting default time zone ... Etc/UTC creating configuration files ... ok running bootstrap script ... ok performing post-bootstrap initialization ... ok syncing data to disk ... ok Success. You can now start the database server using: /usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin/pg_ctl -D /home/postgres/pgdata/pgroot/data -l logfile start 2022-10-14 15:00:08 UTC [79]: [1-1] 63497978.4f 0 LOG: Auto detecting pg_stat_kcache.linux_hz parameter... 2022-10-14 15:00:08 UTC [79]: [2-1] 63497978.4f 0 LOG: pg_stat_kcache.linux_hz is set to 500000 2022-10-14 15:00:08,662 INFO: postmaster pid=79 /var/run/postgresql:5432 - no response 2022-10-14 15:00:08 UTC [79]: [3-1] 63497978.4f 0 LOG: redirecting log output to logging collector process 2022-10-14 15:00:08 UTC [79]: [4-1] 63497978.4f 0 HINT: Future log output will appear in directory "../pg_log". /var/run/postgresql:5432 - accepting connections /var/run/postgresql:5432 - accepting connections 2022-10-14 15:00:09,709 INFO: establishing a new patroni connection to the postgres cluster 2022-10-14 15:00:09,772 INFO: running post_bootstrap DO DO DO CREATE EXTENSION NOTICE: version "1.1" of extension "pg_auth_mon" is already installed ALTER EXTENSION GRANT CREATE EXTENSION NOTICE: version "1.3" of extension "pg_cron" is already installed ALTER EXTENSION ALTER POLICY REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT REVOKE GRANT REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE EXTENSION DO CREATE TABLE GRANT ALTER TABLE CREATE FOREIGN TABLE GRANT CREATE VIEW ALTER VIEW GRANT CREATE FOREIGN TABLE GRANT CREATE VIEW ALTER VIEW GRANT CREATE FOREIGN TABLE GRANT CREATE VIEW ALTER VIEW GRANT CREATE FOREIGN TABLE GRANT CREATE VIEW ALTER VIEW GRANT CREATE FOREIGN TABLE GRANT CREATE VIEW ALTER VIEW GRANT CREATE FOREIGN TABLE GRANT CREATE VIEW ALTER VIEW GRANT CREATE FOREIGN TABLE GRANT CREATE VIEW ALTER VIEW GRANT CREATE FOREIGN TABLE GRANT CREATE VIEW ALTER VIEW GRANT RESET SET NOTICE: schema "zmon_utils" does not exist, skipping DROP SCHEMA DO NOTICE: language "plpythonu" does not exist, skipping DROP LANGUAGE NOTICE: function plpython_call_handler() does not exist, skipping DROP FUNCTION NOTICE: function plpython_inline_handler(internal) does not exist, skipping DROP FUNCTION NOTICE: function plpython_validator(oid) does not exist, skipping DROP FUNCTION CREATE SCHEMA GRANT SET CREATE TYPE CREATE FUNCTION CREATE FUNCTION GRANT You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres". CREATE SCHEMA GRANT SET CREATE FUNCTION CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT GRANT RESET CREATE EXTENSION CREATE EXTENSION CREATE EXTENSION NOTICE: version "2.0" of extension "set_user" is already installed ALTER EXTENSION GRANT GRANT GRANT CREATE SCHEMA GRANT GRANT SET CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE VIEW REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE VIEW REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE VIEW REVOKE GRANT GRANT RESET You are now connected to database "template1" as user "postgres". CREATE SCHEMA GRANT SET CREATE FUNCTION CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT COMMENT GRANT RESET CREATE EXTENSION CREATE EXTENSION CREATE EXTENSION NOTICE: version "2.0" of extension "set_user" is already installed ALTER EXTENSION GRANT GRANT GRANT CREATE SCHEMA GRANT GRANT SET CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE VIEW REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE VIEW REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE FUNCTION REVOKE GRANT GRANT CREATE VIEW REVOKE GRANT GRANT RESET 2022-10-14 15:00:10,961 WARNING: Could not activate Linux watchdog device: "Can't open watchdog device: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/watchdog'" 2022-10-14 15:00:11,177 INFO: initialized a new cluster 2022-10-14 15:00:11,233 INFO: no action. I am (galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-0) the leader with the lock 2022-10-14 15:00:11,742 INFO: no action. I am (galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-0) the leader with the lock 2022-10-14 15:00:11,760 INFO: Changed tcp_keepalives_idle from 0 to 900 2022-10-14 15:00:11,760 INFO: Changed tcp_keepalives_interval from 0 to 100 2022-10-14 15:00:11,767 INFO: Reloading PostgreSQL configuration. server signaled 2022-10-14 15:00:12,888 INFO: no action. I am (galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-0) the leader with the lock 2022-10-14 15:00:23,334 INFO: no action. I am (galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-0) the leader with the lock 2022-10-14 15:00:33,385 INFO: no action. I am (galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-0) the leader with the lock 2022-10-14 15:00:43,384 INFO: no action. I am (galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-0) the leader with the lock 2022-10-14 15:00:53,329 INFO: no action. I am (galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-0) the leader with the lock 2022-10-14 15:01:03,387 INFO: no action. I am (galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-0) the leader with the lock 2022-10-14 15:01:04.675 35 LOG Starting pgqd 3.3 2022-10-14 15:01:04.676 35 LOG auto-detecting dbs ... ```
kubectl logs -n galaxy pods/my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-7c897bf6c-dd7tb ``` time="2022-10-14T14:59:34Z" level=info msg="Spilo operator v1.7.0\n" time="2022-10-14T14:59:34Z" level=error msg="could not create customResourceDefinition \"\": \"\" is invalid: spec.versions[0].schema.openAPIV3Schema: Required value: schemas are required" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:38Z" level=info msg="Parse role bindings" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:38Z" level=info msg="successfully parsed" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:38Z" level=info msg="Listening to all namespaces" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:38Z" level=info msg="customResourceDefinition \"\" is already registered and will only be updated" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg="{" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ReadyWaitInterval\": 3000000000," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ReadyWaitTimeout\": 30000000000," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ResyncPeriod\": 1800000000000," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"RepairPeriod\": 300000000000," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"EnableCRDValidation\": true," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ResourceCheckInterval\": 3000000000," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ResourceCheckTimeout\": 600000000000," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"PodLabelWaitTimeout\": 600000000000," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"PodDeletionWaitTimeout\": 600000000000," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"SpiloRunAsUser\": null," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"SpiloRunAsGroup\": null," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"SpiloFSGroup\": null," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"PodPriorityClassName\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ClusterDomain\": \"cluster.local\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"SpiloPrivileged\": false," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"SpiloAllowPrivilegeEscalation\": true," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"AdditionalPodCapabilities\": null," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ClusterLabels\": {" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"application\": \"spilo\"" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" }," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"InheritedLabels\": null," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"InheritedAnnotations\": null," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"DownscalerAnnotations\": null," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ClusterNameLabel\": \"cluster-name\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"DeleteAnnotationDateKey\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"DeleteAnnotationNameKey\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"PodRoleLabel\": \"spilo-role\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"PodToleration\": null," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"DefaultCPURequest\": \"100m\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"DefaultMemoryRequest\": \"100Mi\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"DefaultCPULimit\": \"1\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"DefaultMemoryLimit\": \"500Mi\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"MinCPULimit\": \"250m\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"MinMemoryLimit\": \"250Mi\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"PodEnvironmentConfigMap\": \"/\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"PodEnvironmentSecret\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"NodeReadinessLabel\": null," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"MaxInstances\": -1," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"MinInstances\": -1," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ShmVolume\": true," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"SecretNameTemplate\": \"{username}.{cluster}.credentials.{tprkind}.{tprgroup}\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"PamRoleName\": \"zalandos\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"PamConfiguration\": \" uid realm=/employees\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"TeamsAPIUrl\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"OAuthTokenSecretName\": \"galaxy/my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"InfrastructureRolesSecretName\": \"/\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"InfrastructureRoles\": null," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"InfrastructureRolesDefs\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"SuperUsername\": \"postgres\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ReplicationUsername\": \"standby\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ScalyrAPIKey\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ScalyrImage\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ScalyrServerURL\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ScalyrCPURequest\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ScalyrMemoryRequest\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ScalyrCPULimit\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ScalyrMemoryLimit\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"LogicalBackupSchedule\": \"30 00 * * *\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"LogicalBackupDockerImage\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"LogicalBackupProvider\": \"s3\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"LogicalBackupS3Bucket\": \"my-bucket-url\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"LogicalBackupS3Region\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"LogicalBackupS3Endpoint\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"LogicalBackupS3AccessKeyID\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"LogicalBackupS3SecretAccessKey\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"LogicalBackupS3SSE\": \"AES256\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"LogicalBackupGoogleApplicationCredentials\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"LogicalBackupJobPrefix\": \"logical-backup-\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"NumberOfInstances\": 2," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"Schema\": \"pooler\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"User\": \"pooler\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"Image\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"Mode\": \"transaction\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"MaxDBConnections\": 60," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ConnectionPoolerDefaultCPURequest\": \"500m\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ConnectionPoolerDefaultMemoryRequest\": \"100Mi\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ConnectionPoolerDefaultCPULimit\": \"1\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ConnectionPoolerDefaultMemoryLimit\": \"100Mi\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"WatchedNamespace\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"KubernetesUseConfigMaps\": false," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"EtcdHost\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"DockerImage\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"SidecarImages\": null," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"SidecarContainers\": null," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"PodServiceAccountName\": \"postgres-pod\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"PodServiceAccountDefinition\": \"{\\\"apiVersion\\\":\\\"v1\\\",\\\"kind\\\":\\\"ServiceAccount\\\",\\\"metadata\\\":{\\\"name\\\":\\\"postgres-pod\\\"}}\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"PodServiceAccountRoleBindingDefinition\": \"{\\\"apiVersion\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"kind\\\":\\\"RoleBinding\\\",\\\"metadata\\\":{\\\"name\\\":\\\"postgres-pod\\\"},\\\"roleRef\\\":{\\\"apiGroup\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"kind\\\":\\\"ClusterRole\\\",\\\"name\\\":\\\"postgres-pod\\\"},\\\"subjects\\\":[{\\\"kind\\\":\\\"ServiceAccount\\\",\\\"name\\\":\\\"postgres-pod\\\"}]}\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"MasterPodMoveTimeout\": 1200000000000," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"DbHostedZone\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"AWSRegion\": \"eu-central-1\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"WALES3Bucket\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"LogS3Bucket\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"KubeIAMRole\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"WALGSBucket\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"GCPCredentials\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"WALAZStorageAccount\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"AdditionalSecretMount\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"AdditionalSecretMountPath\": \"/meta/credentials\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"EnableEBSGp3Migration\": false," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"EnableEBSGp3MigrationMaxSize\": 1000," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"DebugLogging\": true," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"EnableDBAccess\": true," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"EnableTeamsAPI\": false," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"EnableTeamSuperuser\": false," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"TeamAdminRole\": \"admin\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"RoleDeletionSuffix\": \"_deleted\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"EnableTeamMemberDeprecation\": false," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"EnableAdminRoleForUsers\": true," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"EnablePostgresTeamCRD\": false," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"EnablePostgresTeamCRDSuperusers\": false," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"EnableMasterLoadBalancer\": false," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"EnableReplicaLoadBalancer\": false," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"CustomServiceAnnotations\": null," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"CustomPodAnnotations\": null," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"EnablePodAntiAffinity\": false," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"PodAntiAffinityTopologyKey\": \"\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"StorageResizeMode\": \"pvc\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"EnableLoadBalancer\": null," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ExternalTrafficPolicy\": \"Cluster\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"MasterDNSNameFormat\": \"{cluster}.{team}.{hostedzone}\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ReplicaDNSNameFormat\": \"{cluster}-repl.{team}.{hostedzone}\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"PDBNameFormat\": \"postgres-{cluster}-pdb\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"EnablePodDisruptionBudget\": true," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"EnableInitContainers\": true," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"EnableSidecars\": true," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"Workers\": 8," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"APIPort\": 8080," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"RingLogLines\": 100," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ClusterHistoryEntries\": 1000," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"TeamAPIRoleConfiguration\": {" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"log_statement\": \"all\"" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" }," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"PodTerminateGracePeriod\": 300000000000," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"PodManagementPolicy\": \"ordered_ready\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"ProtectedRoles\": [" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"admin\"" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" ]," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"PostgresSuperuserTeams\": [" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"postgres_superusers\"" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" ]," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"SetMemoryRequestToLimit\": false," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"EnableLazySpiloUpgrade\": false," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"EnableCrossNamespaceSecret\": false," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"EnablePgVersionEnvVar\": true," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"EnableSpiloWalPathCompat\": false," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"MajorVersionUpgradeMode\": \"off\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"MinimalMajorVersion\": \"9.5\"," pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg=" \"TargetMajorVersion\": \"13\"" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg="}" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=debug msg="acquiring initial list of clusters" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=debug msg="added new cluster: \"galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres\"" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg="SYNC event has been queued" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=controller worker=0 time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg="there are 1 clusters running" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg="started working in background" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg="listening on :8080" pkg=apiserver time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg="ADD event has been queued" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=controller worker=0 time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg="creating pod service account \"postgres-pod\" in the \"galaxy\" namespace" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg="successfully deployed the pod service account \"postgres-pod\" to the \"galaxy\" namespace" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=debug msg="new node has been added: / ()" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=debug msg="new node has been added: /rohan2013 ()" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg="Creating the role binding \"postgres-pod\" in the \"galaxy\" namespace" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg="successfully deployed the role binding for the pod service account \"postgres-pod\" to the \"galaxy\" namespace" pkg=controller time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg="syncing of the cluster started" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=controller worker=0 time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=debug msg="team API is disabled" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=debug msg="team API is disabled" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg="syncing secrets" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=debug msg="secret galaxy/ already exists, fetching its password" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=debug msg="secret galaxy/ already exists, fetching its password" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=debug msg="created new secret galaxy/, namespace: galaxy, uid: df0ac207-f80e-45e5-8802-b98462095cf3" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=debug msg="syncing master service" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg="could not find the cluster's master endpoint" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=warning msg="master is not running, generated master endpoint does not contain any addresses" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg="created missing master endpoint \"galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres\"" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T14:59:42Z" level=info msg="could not find the cluster's master service" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T14:59:43Z" level=info msg="created missing master service \"galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres\"" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T14:59:43Z" level=debug msg="syncing replica service" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T14:59:43Z" level=info msg="could not find the cluster's replica endpoint" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T14:59:43Z" level=info msg="created missing replica endpoint \"galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-repl\"" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T14:59:43Z" level=info msg="could not find the cluster's replica service" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T14:59:43Z" level=debug msg="No load balancer created for the replica service" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T14:59:44Z" level=info msg="created missing replica service \"galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-repl\"" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T14:59:44Z" level=debug msg="syncing volumes using \"pvc\" storage resize mode" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T14:59:44Z" level=info msg="volume claims do not require changes" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T14:59:44Z" level=debug msg="syncing statefulsets" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T14:59:44Z" level=info msg="cluster's statefulset does not exist" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T14:59:44Z" level=debug msg="created new statefulset \"galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres\", uid: \"eb26faf0-1c3f-44bb-8af7-dbe2406a9368\"" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T14:59:47Z" level=debug msg="Waiting for 1 pods to become ready" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T15:00:11Z" level=info msg="created missing statefulset \"galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres\"" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T15:00:11Z" level=debug msg="making GET http request:" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T15:00:11Z" level=debug msg="patching Postgres config via Patroni API on pod galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-0 with following options: {\"synchronous_mode\":false,\"synchronous_mode_strict\":false}" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T15:00:11Z" level=debug msg="making PATCH http request:" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T15:00:11Z" level=debug msg="restarting Postgres server within pods" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T15:00:11Z" level=debug msg="making GET http request:" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T15:00:11Z" level=debug msg="Postgres server successfuly restarted in master pod galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-0" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T15:00:11Z" level=debug msg="syncing pod disruption budgets" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T15:00:11Z" level=info msg="could not find the cluster's pod disruption budget" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T15:00:11Z" level=warning msg="error while syncing cluster state: could not sync pod disruption budget: could not create pod disruption budget: the server could not find the requested resource" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=cluster time="2022-10-14T15:00:11Z" level=error msg="could not sync cluster: could not sync pod disruption budget: could not create pod disruption budget: the server could not find the requested resource" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=controller worker=0 time="2022-10-14T15:00:11Z" level=info msg="recieved add event for already existing Postgres cluster" cluster-name=galaxy/galaxy-my-galaxy-galaxy-postgres pkg=controller worker=0 ```

Any help would be much appreciated :)

nuwang commented 1 year ago

Are you using k8s 1.25 by chance? Looks like there's an issue with it: ping @afgane

pckroon commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the quick reply. I'm indeed running k8s 1.25.1:

Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"25", GitVersion:"v1.25.1", GitCommit:"e4d4e1ab7cf1bf15273ef97303551b279f0920a9", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-09-14T19:49:27Z", GoVersion:"go1.19.1", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Kustomize Version: v4.5.7
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"25", GitVersion:"v1.25.1", GitCommit:"e4d4e1ab7cf1bf15273ef97303551b279f0920a9", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-09-14T19:42:30Z", GoVersion:"go1.19.1", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

And in case it matters, the helm version:

version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.10.0", GitCommit:"ce66412a723e4d89555dc67217607c6579ffcb21", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.18.6"}

It looks like it's exactly the issue described in #385. Do you have any idea about the release cadence of the pgsql operator? Does it make sense to report this upstream (again)?

nuwang commented 1 year ago

There doesn't appear to be a fixed release cadence, but support for 1.25 appears to have been added: