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Galaxy Contribution Fest - Visualization #2577

Open bgruening opened 8 years ago

bgruening commented 8 years ago

At GCC 2016 we had the idea to organize a Contribution Fest dedicated for Galaxy Visualization. @jgoecks offered to help by organizing the event and participate. I think 2 days, modeled after the IUC hackathons should be a good start.

ping @nekrut @jxtx

hexylena commented 8 years ago

I've been wanting to integrate GIS data forever. I'll work on it as part of this hack :)

jxtx commented 8 years ago

I imagine @msauria and @jxtx would participate and it would be opetionally fun to have a physical Balt/Wash location with @jgoecks and @remimarenco (all welcome to joing of course).

bgruening commented 8 years ago

Here is a BioJS to Galaxy guide which we should use and improve during the hack:

ping @wilzbach @bene200

wilzbach commented 8 years ago

There is a currently a BioJS GSoC student creating Jupyter - BioJS widgets, he should be able to help you.

Otherwise @jessica-jordan is currently in charge of BioJS - I am unfortunately not that involved with biojs anymore.

remimarenco commented 8 years ago


pvanheus commented 8 years ago

ping @thobalose. We might be able to work on the network visualisation to make it more functional. I see a range of graph datatypes are already integrated into Galaxy and tools such the Neo4j IE could be adapted to export results from Cypher queries in such formats as datasets that can be visualised using the network visualisation tool.

tnabtaf commented 7 years ago

Hi All, Just refreshing the thread. Has there been any further planning on this?

riasc commented 7 years ago

Hi there, I would like to participate as well in this hack. GFA data is something I would like to see visualized in galaxy. Also at VIZBI this year there were some pretty nice contributions to biological data visualization that would look good on galaxy :)

bgruening commented 7 years ago

@riasc great to see you hear! Welcome! @tnabtaf we need to find a date! For my part I'm eager to get this running! @remimarenco can you make a few suggestions for a date/time schedule that fits to @msauria, @jxtx and @jgoecks?

tnabtaf commented 7 years ago

@bgruening The calendar of Galaxy centric events that I know about is here: The calendar of of other events that might be of interest is here:

The 1st one is absolutely current, the 2nd one needs an update.

bgruening commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the pointer. I will update these calenders as soon as we have a date.

remimarenco commented 7 years ago

@bgruening Looking forward to this event ;). I think, as @jgoecks offered help in organizing this event, he would have a better idea of when we would all 4 be available (jxtx, msauria. jgoecks and myself)

hexylena commented 4 years ago

Maybe we should schedule one in collaboration with the GTN CoFests?