galaxyproject / iwc

Galaxy Workflows maintained by the Intergalactic Workflow Commission
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Updating workflows/sars-cov-2-variant-calling/sars-cov-2-pe-illumina-artic-variant-calling from 0.5.2 to 0.5.3 #389

Open gxydevbot opened 5 months ago

gxydevbot commented 5 months ago

Hello! This is an automated update of the following workflow: workflows/sars-cov-2-variant-calling/sars-cov-2-pe-illumina-artic-variant-calling. I created this PR because I think one or more of the component tools are out of date, i.e. there is a newer version available on the ToolShed.

By comparing with the latest versions available on the ToolShed, it seems the following tools are outdated:

The workflow release number has been updated from 0.5.2 to 0.5.3.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

Test Results (powered by Planemo)

Test Summary

Test State Count
Total 1
Passed 0
Error 1
Failure 0
Skipped 0
Errored Tests *
❌ pe-artic-variation.ga_0
**Execution Problem:** * ``` Failed to run workflow, at least one job is in [error] state. ``` #### Workflow invocation details * Invocation Messages *
Steps - **Step 1: Paired Collection**: * step_state: scheduled - **Step 2: NC_045512.2 FASTA sequence of SARS-CoV-2**: * step_state: scheduled - **Step 11:\_text\_param/compose\_text\_param/0.1.1**: * step_state: scheduled *
Jobs - **Job 1:** * Job state is ok **Command Line:** * ```console cd ../; python ``` **Exit Code:** * ```console 0 ``` **Traceback:** * ```console ``` **Job Parameters:** * | Job parameter | Parameter value | | ------------- | --------------- | | \_\_input\_ext | ` "input" ` | | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` | | chromInfo | ` "/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len" ` | | components | ` [{"__index__": 0, "param_type": {"__current_case__": 0, "component_value": "( DP > ", "select_param_type": "text"}}, {"__index__": 1, "param_type": {"__current_case__": 1, "component_value": "1", "select_param_type": "integer"}}, {"__index__": 2, "param_type": {"__current_case__": 0, "component_value": " ) & ( ( AF * DP ) >= ( ", "select_param_type": "text"}}, {"__index__": 3, "param_type": {"__current_case__": 1, "component_value": "10", "select_param_type": "integer"}}, {"__index__": 4, "param_type": {"__current_case__": 0, "component_value": " - 0.5 ) )", "select_param_type": "text"}}] ` | | dbkey | ` "?" ` |
 - **Step 12:\_mem/0.7.18**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is ok

        **Command Line:**

         * ```console
           set -o | grep -q pipefail && set -o pipefail;  ln -s '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/9/5/8/dataset_958a6cea-41ce-427c-b0a9-c563c2fa5359.dat' 'localref.fa' && bwa index 'localref.fa' &&    bwa mem  -t "${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}" -v 1                 'localref.fa' '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/5/f/0/dataset_5f0f0c49-fea0-4cc5-98ab-00106f0ec2a2.dat' '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/b/4/2/dataset_b428099c-035d-4931-a09e-6062a17d8a72.dat'  | samtools sort -@${GALAXY_SLOTS:-2} -T "${TMPDIR:-.}" -O bam -o '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/job_working_directory/000/9/outputs/dataset_32553a94-a101-4fa1-817d-eb5c139fa0a2.dat'
        **Exit Code:**

         * ```console
        **Standard Error:**

         * ```console
           [bwa_index] Pack FASTA... 0.00 sec
           [bwa_index] Construct BWT for the packed sequence...
           [bwa_index] 0.00 seconds elapse.
           [bwa_index] Update BWT... 0.00 sec
           [bwa_index] Pack forward-only FASTA... 0.00 sec
           [bwa_index] Construct SA from BWT and Occ... 0.00 sec
           [main] Version: 0.7.18-r1243-dirty
           [main] CMD: bwa index localref.fa
           [main] Real time: 0.013 sec; CPU: 0.008 sec
           [M::mem_pestat] skip orientation FF as there are not enough pairs
           [M::mem_pestat] analyzing insert size distribution for orientation FR...
           [M::mem_pestat] (25, 50, 75) percentile: (188, 240, 293)
           [M::mem_pestat] low and high boundaries for computing mean and (1, 503)
           [M::mem_pestat] mean and (236.09, 72.41)
           [M::mem_pestat] low and high boundaries for proper pairs: (1, 608)
           [M::mem_pestat] skip orientation RF as there are not enough pairs
           [M::mem_pestat] skip orientation RR as there are not enough pairs
           [M::mem_pestat] skip orientation FF as there are not enough pairs
           [M::mem_pestat] analyzing insert size distribution for orientation FR...
           [M::mem_pestat] (25, 50, 75) percentile: (188, 239, 293)
           [M::mem_pestat] low and high boundaries for computing mean and (1, 503)
           [M::mem_pestat] mean and (235.71, 72.44)
           [M::mem_pestat] low and high boundaries for proper pairs: (1, 608)
           [M::mem_pestat] skip orientation RF as there are not enough pairs
           [M::mem_pestat] skip orientation RR as there are not enough pairs
           [M::mem_pestat] skip orientation FF as there are not enough pairs
           [M::mem_pestat] analyzing insert size distribution for orientation FR...
           [M::mem_pestat] (25, 50, 75) percentile: (186, 239, 293)
           [M::mem_pestat] low and high boundaries for computing mean and (1, 507)
           [M::mem_pestat] mean and (235.25, 72.64)
           [M::mem_pestat] low and high boundaries for proper pairs: (1, 614)
           [M::mem_pestat] skip orientation RF as there are not enough pairs
           [M::mem_pestat] skip orientation RR as there are not enough pairs
           [M::mem_pestat] skip orientation FF as there are not enough pairs
           [M::mem_pestat] analyzing insert size distribution for orientation FR...
           [M::mem_pestat] (25, 50, 75) percentile: (187, 240, 293)
           [M::mem_pestat] low and high boundaries for computing mean and (1, 505)
           [M::mem_pestat] mean and (235.77, 72.25)
           [M::mem_pestat] low and high boundaries for proper pairs: (1, 611)
           [M::mem_pestat] skip orientation RF as there are not enough pairs
           [M::mem_pestat] skip orientation RR as there are not enough pairs
           [M::mem_pestat] skip orientation FF as there are not enough pairs
           [M::mem_pestat] analyzing insert size distribution for orientation FR...
           [M::mem_pestat] (25, 50, 75) percentile: (186, 238, 292)
           [M::mem_pestat] low and high boundaries for computing mean and (1, 504)
           [M::mem_pestat] mean and (234.79, 72.73)
           [M::mem_pestat] low and high boundaries for proper pairs: (1, 610)
           [M::mem_pestat] skip orientation RF as there are not enough pairs
           [M::mem_pestat] skip orientation RR as there are not enough pairs
           [M::mem_pestat] skip orientation FF as there are not enough pairs
           [M::mem_pestat] analyzing insert size distribution for orientation FR...
           [M::mem_pestat] (25, 50, 75) percentile: (185, 238, 292)
           [M::mem_pestat] low and high boundaries for computing mean and (1, 506)
           [M::mem_pestat] mean and (234.12, 72.68)
           [M::mem_pestat] low and high boundaries for proper pairs: (1, 613)
           [M::mem_pestat] skip orientation RF as there are not enough pairs
           [M::mem_pestat] skip orientation RR as there are not enough pairs
           [main] Version: 0.7.18-r1243-dirty
           [main] CMD: bwa mem -t 1 -v 1 localref.fa /tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/5/f/0/dataset_5f0f0c49-fea0-4cc5-98ab-00106f0ec2a2.dat /tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/b/4/2/dataset_b428099c-035d-4931-a09e-6062a17d8a72.dat
           [main] Real time: 10.544 sec; CPU: 10.249 sec


         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_input\_ext | ` "input" ` |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | analysis\_type | ` {"__current_case__": 0, "analysis_type_selector": "illumina"} ` |
             | chromInfo | ` "/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len" ` |
             | dbkey | ` "?" ` |
             | fastq\_input | ` {"__current_case__": 2, "fastq_input1": {"values": [{"id": 4, "src": "dce"}]}, "fastq_input_selector": "paired_collection", "iset_stats": ""} ` |
             | output\_sort | ` "coordinate" ` |
             | reference\_source | ` {"__current_case__": 1, "index_a": "auto", "ref_file": {"values": [{"id": 1, "src": "hda"}]}, "reference_source_selector": "history"} ` |
             | rg | ` {"__current_case__": 3, "rg_selector": "do_not_set"} ` |


 - **Step 13:\_view/samtools\_view/1.15.1+galaxy2**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is ok

        **Command Line:**

         * ```console
           addthreads=${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1} && (( addthreads-- )) &&   addmemory=${GALAXY_MEMORY_MB_PER_SLOT:-768} && ((addmemory=addmemory*75/100)) &&        ln -s '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/3/2/5/dataset_32553a94-a101-4fa1-817d-eb5c139fa0a2.dat' infile && ln -s '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/_metadata_files/c/7/2/metadata_c7229e69-7252-4199-b128-3e4b3d8d20f1.dat' infile.bai &&               samtools view -@ $addthreads -b  -q 20 -f 1 -F 268 -G 0    -o outfile      infile
        **Exit Code:**

         * ```console

         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_input\_ext | ` "input" ` |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | addref\_cond | ` {"__current_case__": 0, "addref_select": "no"} ` |
             | chromInfo | ` "/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len" ` |
             | dbkey | ` "?" ` |
             | mode | ` {"__current_case__": 1, "filter_config": {"cigarcons": null, "cond_region": {"__current_case__": 0, "select_region": "no"}, "cond_rg": {"__current_case__": 0, "select_rg": "no"}, "exclusive_filter": ["4", "8", "256"], "exclusive_filter_all": null, "inclusive_filter": ["1"], "library": "", "qname_file": null, "quality": "20", "tag": null}, "output_options": {"__current_case__": 0, "adv_output": {"collapsecigar": false, "readtags": []}, "complementary_output": false, "output_format": {"__current_case__": 2, "oformat": "bam"}, "reads_report_type": "retained"}, "outtype": "selected_reads", "subsample_config": {"subsampling_mode": {"__current_case__": 0, "factor": "1.0", "seed": null, "select_subsample": "fraction"}}} ` |


 - **Step 14:\_viterbi/lofreq\_viterbi/2.1.5+galaxy0**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is ok

        **Command Line:**

         * ```console
           ln -s '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/9/5/8/dataset_958a6cea-41ce-427c-b0a9-c563c2fa5359.dat' reference.fa && lofreq faidx reference.fa 2>&1 || echo "Error running samtools faidx for indexing fasta reference for lofreq" >&2 &&  lofreq viterbi --ref 'reference.fa'  --defqual 2 --out tmp.bam '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/f/1/d/dataset_f1d5ba86-6de4-4ed2-8ddf-dd8c94e34f20.dat' &&  samtools sort --no-PG -T "${TMPDIR:-.}" -@ ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1} -O BAM -o '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/job_working_directory/000/11/outputs/dataset_afa04a34-7554-4779-8045-f384aa6b3139.dat' tmp.bam
        **Exit Code:**

         * ```console

         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_input\_ext | ` "input" ` |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | adv\_options | ` {"bq2_handling": {"__current_case__": 0, "defqual": "2", "replace_bq2": "keep"}, "keepflags": false} ` |
             | chromInfo | ` "/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len" ` |
             | dbkey | ` "?" ` |
             | reference\_source | ` {"__current_case__": 1, "ref": {"values": [{"id": 1, "src": "hda"}]}, "ref_selector": "history"} ` |


 - **Step 15:\_stats/samtools\_stats/2.0.5**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is ok

        **Command Line:**

         * ```console
           addthreads=${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1} && (( addthreads-- )) &&   ln -s '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/f/1/d/dataset_f1d5ba86-6de4-4ed2-8ddf-dd8c94e34f20.dat' infile && ln -s '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/_metadata_files/9/3/7/metadata_9374a21a-c424-4b24-90bb-4661cc7d468c.dat' infile.bai &&       samtools stats       -@ $addthreads infile   > '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/job_working_directory/000/12/outputs/dataset_28a5c33b-8238-4767-bcab-30b50ffd6bae.dat'
        **Exit Code:**

         * ```console

         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_input\_ext | ` "input" ` |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | addref\_cond | ` {"__current_case__": 0, "addref_select": "no"} ` |
             | chromInfo | ` "/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len" ` |
             | cond\_region | ` {"__current_case__": 0, "select_region": "no"} ` |
             | cov\_threshold | ` None ` |
             | coverage\_cond | ` {"__current_case__": 0, "coverage_select": "no"} ` |
             | dbkey | ` "?" ` |
             | filter\_by\_flags | ` {"__current_case__": 1, "filter_flags": "nofilter"} ` |
             | gc\_depth | ` None ` |
             | insert\_size | ` None ` |
             | most\_inserts | ` None ` |
             | read\_group | ` None ` |
             | read\_length | ` None ` |
             | remove\_dups | ` false ` |
             | remove\_overlaps | ` false ` |
             | sparse | ` false ` |
             | split\_output\_cond | ` {"__current_case__": 0, "split_output_selector": "no"} ` |
             | trim\_quality | ` None ` |


 - **Step 16:\_indelqual/lofreq\_indelqual/2.1.5+galaxy1**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is ok

        **Command Line:**

         * ```console
           ln -s '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/9/5/8/dataset_958a6cea-41ce-427c-b0a9-c563c2fa5359.dat' reference.fa && lofreq faidx reference.fa 2>&1 || echo "Error running samtools faidx for indexing fasta reference for lofreq" >&2 &&  lofreq indelqual --dindel --ref reference.fa -o output.bam /tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/a/f/a/dataset_afa04a34-7554-4779-8045-f384aa6b3139.dat
        **Exit Code:**

         * ```console

         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_input\_ext | ` "input" ` |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | chromInfo | ` "/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len" ` |
             | dbkey | ` "?" ` |
             | strategy | ` {"__current_case__": 1, "reference_source": {"__current_case__": 1, "ref": {"values": [{"id": 1, "src": "hda"}]}, "ref_selector": "history"}, "selector": "dindel"} ` |


 - **Step 17:\_trim/ivar\_trim/1.4.3+galaxy0**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is ok

        **Command Line:**

         * ```console
           cp '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/6/9/5/dataset_69570f6e-eb26-4ff2-b682-b5da8b8ad3e9.dat' bed.bed && python '/tmp/shed_dir/' bed.bed && ln -s '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/4/7/f/dataset_47fa7230-6519-4bdf-a3a7-ccee61760f5a.dat' amplicon_info_raw.tsv && python '/tmp/shed_dir/' bed.bed amplicon_info_raw.tsv amplicon_info.tsv && ln -s '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/d/6/7/dataset_d6754ca4-6087-4eed-b1a2-95a8e0dbb01f.dat' sorted.bam && ln -s '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/_metadata_files/2/a/f/metadata_2afdb052-8617-4c01-920e-724ffe24b55a.dat' sorted.bam.bai &&  ivar trim -i sorted.bam -b bed.bed -f amplicon_info.tsv -x 0 -e -m -1 -q 0 -s 4 | samtools sort -@ ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1} -T "${TMPDIR:-.}" -o trimmed.sorted.bam -
        **Exit Code:**

         * ```console
        **Standard Error:**

         * ```console
           Found 218 primers in BED file
           Amplicons detected: 
           [30, 410] max = 29866
           [320, 726] max = 29866
           [642, 1028] max = 29866
           [943, 1337] max = 29866
           [1242, 1651] max = 29866
           [1573, 1964] max = 29866
           [1868, 2269] max = 29866
           [2181, 2592] max = 29866
           [2504, 2904] max = 29866
           [2826, 3210] max = 29866
           [3144, 3531] max = 29866
           [3460, 3853] max = 29866
           [3771, 4164] max = 29866
           [4044, 4450] max = 29866
           [4294, 4696] max = 29866
           [4636, 5017] max = 29866
           [4939, 5321] max = 29866
           [5230, 5644] max = 29866
           [5563, 5957] max = 29866
           [5867, 6272] max = 29866
           [6167, 6550] max = 29866
           [6466, 6873] max = 29866
           [6718, 7117] max = 29866
           [7035, 7415] max = 29866
           [7305, 7694] max = 29866
           [7626, 8019] max = 29866
           [7943, 8341] max = 29866
           [8249, 8661] max = 29866
           [8595, 8983] max = 29866
           [8888, 9271] max = 29866
           [9204, 9585] max = 29866
           [9477, 9858] max = 29866
           [9784, 10171] max = 29866
           [10076, 10459] max = 29866
           [10362, 10763] max = 29866
           [10666, 11074] max = 29866
           [10999, 11394] max = 29866
           [11306, 11693] max = 29866
           [11555, 11949] max = 29866
           [11863, 12256] max = 29866
           [12110, 12490] max = 29866
           [12417, 12802] max = 29866
           [12710, 13096] max = 29866
           [13005, 13400] max = 29866
           [13307, 13699] max = 29866
           [13599, 13984] max = 29866
           [13918, 14299] max = 29866
           [14207, 14601] max = 29866
           [14545, 14926] max = 29866
           [14865, 15246] max = 29866
           [15171, 15560] max = 29866
           [15481, 15886] max = 29866
           [15827, 16209] max = 29866
           [16118, 16510] max = 29866
           [16416, 16833] max = 29866
           [16748, 17152] max = 29866
           [17065, 17452] max = 29866
           [17381, 17761] max = 29866
           [17674, 18062] max = 29866
           [17966, 18348] max = 29866
           [18253, 18672] max = 29866
           [18596, 18979] max = 29866
           [18896, 19297] max = 29866
           [19204, 19616] max = 29866
           [19548, 19939] max = 29866
           [19844, 20255] max = 29866
           [20172, 20572] max = 29866
           [20472, 20890] max = 29866
           [20786, 21169] max = 29866
           [21075, 21455] max = 29866
           [21357, 21743] max = 29866
           [21658, 22038] max = 29866
           [21961, 22346] max = 29866
           [22262, 22650] max = 29866
           [22516, 22903] max = 29866
           [22797, 23214] max = 29866
           [23122, 23522] max = 29866
           [23443, 23847] max = 29866
           [23789, 24169] max = 29866
           [24078, 24467] max = 29866
           [24391, 24789] max = 29866
           [24696, 25076] max = 29866
           [24978, 25369] max = 29866
           [25279, 25673] max = 29866
           [25601, 25994] max = 29866
           [25902, 26315] max = 29866
           [26197, 26590] max = 29866
           [26520, 26913] max = 29866
           [26835, 27227] max = 29866
           [27141, 27533] max = 29866
           [27446, 27854] max = 29866
           [27784, 28172] max = 29866
           [28081, 28464] max = 29866
           [28394, 28779] max = 29866
           [28677, 29063] max = 29866
           [28985, 29378] max = 29866
           [29288, 29693] max = 29866
           [29486, 29866] max = 29866
           Reading from sorted.bam
           Minimum Read Length based on 1000 reads: 72

           Primer Name  Read Count
           nCoV-2019_1_LEFT 235
           nCoV-2019_1_RIGHT    128
           nCoV-2019_2_LEFT 20
           nCoV-2019_2_RIGHT    48
           nCoV-2019_3_LEFT 3882
           nCoV-2019_3_RIGHT    5189
           nCoV-2019_4_LEFT 8981
           nCoV-2019_4_RIGHT    10479
           nCoV-2019_5_LEFT 66
           nCoV-2019_5_RIGHT    3
           nCoV-2019_6_LEFT 0
           nCoV-2019_6_RIGHT    2
           nCoV-2019_7_LEFT 6
           nCoV-2019_7_LEFT_alt0    0
           nCoV-2019_7_RIGHT    0
           nCoV-2019_7_RIGHT_alt5   7
           nCoV-2019_8_LEFT 7
           nCoV-2019_8_RIGHT    20
           nCoV-2019_9_LEFT 23
           nCoV-2019_9_LEFT_alt4    0
           nCoV-2019_9_RIGHT    0
           nCoV-2019_9_RIGHT_alt2   9
           nCoV-2019_10_LEFT    55
           nCoV-2019_10_RIGHT   30
           nCoV-2019_11_LEFT    16
           nCoV-2019_11_RIGHT   11
           nCoV-2019_12_LEFT    7
           nCoV-2019_12_RIGHT   2
           nCoV-2019_13_LEFT    8
           nCoV-2019_13_RIGHT   10
           nCoV-2019_14_LEFT    7
           nCoV-2019_14_LEFT_alt4   1
           nCoV-2019_14_RIGHT   3
           nCoV-2019_14_RIGHT_alt2  17
           nCoV-2019_15_LEFT    0
           nCoV-2019_15_LEFT_alt1   12
           nCoV-2019_15_RIGHT   0
           nCoV-2019_15_RIGHT_alt3  12
           nCoV-2019_16_LEFT    80
           nCoV-2019_16_RIGHT   29
           nCoV-2019_17_LEFT    19
           nCoV-2019_17_RIGHT   18
           nCoV-2019_18_LEFT    0
           nCoV-2019_18_LEFT_alt2   30
           nCoV-2019_18_RIGHT   32
           nCoV-2019_18_RIGHT_alt1  0
           nCoV-2019_19_LEFT    5
           nCoV-2019_19_RIGHT   5
           nCoV-2019_20_LEFT    54
           nCoV-2019_20_RIGHT   28
           nCoV-2019_21_LEFT    0
           nCoV-2019_21_LEFT_alt2   9
           nCoV-2019_21_RIGHT   0
           nCoV-2019_21_RIGHT_alt0  2
           nCoV-2019_22_LEFT    77
           nCoV-2019_22_RIGHT   54
           nCoV-2019_23_LEFT    9
           nCoV-2019_23_RIGHT   8
           nCoV-2019_24_LEFT    62
           nCoV-2019_24_RIGHT   17
           nCoV-2019_25_LEFT    7
           nCoV-2019_25_RIGHT   3
           nCoV-2019_26_LEFT    33
           nCoV-2019_26_RIGHT   25
           nCoV-2019_27_LEFT    107
           nCoV-2019_27_RIGHT   35
           nCoV-2019_28_LEFT    13
           nCoV-2019_28_RIGHT   38
           nCoV-2019_29_LEFT    0
           nCoV-2019_29_RIGHT   8
           nCoV-2019_30_LEFT    11
           nCoV-2019_30_RIGHT   22
           nCoV-2019_31_LEFT    34
           nCoV-2019_31_RIGHT   22
           nCoV-2019_32_LEFT    26
           nCoV-2019_32_RIGHT   10
           nCoV-2019_33_LEFT    10
           nCoV-2019_33_RIGHT   19
           nCoV-2019_34_LEFT    48
           nCoV-2019_34_RIGHT   53
           nCoV-2019_35_LEFT    14
           nCoV-2019_35_RIGHT   27
           nCoV-2019_36_LEFT    17
           nCoV-2019_36_RIGHT   27
           nCoV-2019_37_LEFT    35
           nCoV-2019_37_RIGHT   51
           nCoV-2019_38_LEFT    20
           nCoV-2019_38_RIGHT   22
           nCoV-2019_39_LEFT    97
           nCoV-2019_39_RIGHT   26
           nCoV-2019_40_LEFT    23
           nCoV-2019_40_RIGHT   17
           nCoV-2019_41_LEFT    49
           nCoV-2019_41_RIGHT   21
           nCoV-2019_42_LEFT    1023
           nCoV-2019_42_RIGHT   2409
           nCoV-2019_43_LEFT    26
           nCoV-2019_43_RIGHT   8
           nCoV-2019_44_LEFT    0
           nCoV-2019_44_LEFT_alt3   58
           nCoV-2019_44_RIGHT   0
           nCoV-2019_44_RIGHT_alt0  89
           nCoV-2019_45_LEFT    3
           nCoV-2019_45_LEFT_alt2   4
           nCoV-2019_45_RIGHT   0
           nCoV-2019_45_RIGHT_alt7  4
           nCoV-2019_46_LEFT    0
           nCoV-2019_46_LEFT_alt1   4
           nCoV-2019_46_RIGHT   0
           nCoV-2019_46_RIGHT_alt2  20
           nCoV-2019_47_LEFT    33
           nCoV-2019_47_RIGHT   22
           nCoV-2019_48_LEFT    35
           nCoV-2019_48_RIGHT   27
           nCoV-2019_49_LEFT    48
           nCoV-2019_49_RIGHT   44
           nCoV-2019_50_LEFT    34
           nCoV-2019_50_RIGHT   21
           nCoV-2019_51_LEFT    25
           nCoV-2019_51_RIGHT   17
           nCoV-2019_52_LEFT    52
           nCoV-2019_52_RIGHT   63
           nCoV-2019_53_LEFT    26
           nCoV-2019_53_RIGHT   23
           nCoV-2019_54_LEFT    51
           nCoV-2019_54_RIGHT   23
           nCoV-2019_55_LEFT    77
           nCoV-2019_55_RIGHT   84
           nCoV-2019_56_LEFT    5
           nCoV-2019_56_RIGHT   18
           nCoV-2019_57_LEFT    84
           nCoV-2019_57_RIGHT   72
           nCoV-2019_58_LEFT    29
           nCoV-2019_58_RIGHT   29
           nCoV-2019_59_LEFT    8
           nCoV-2019_59_RIGHT   2
           nCoV-2019_60_LEFT    30
           nCoV-2019_60_RIGHT   38
           nCoV-2019_61_LEFT    34
           nCoV-2019_61_RIGHT   42
           nCoV-2019_62_LEFT    18
           nCoV-2019_62_RIGHT   14
           nCoV-2019_63_LEFT    35
           nCoV-2019_63_RIGHT   36
           nCoV-2019_64_LEFT    1
           nCoV-2019_64_RIGHT   1
           nCoV-2019_65_LEFT    31
           nCoV-2019_65_RIGHT   61
           nCoV-2019_66_LEFT    6
           nCoV-2019_66_RIGHT   3
           nCoV-2019_67_LEFT    910
           nCoV-2019_67_RIGHT   503
           nCoV-2019_68_LEFT    58
           nCoV-2019_68_RIGHT   144
           nCoV-2019_69_LEFT    7504
           nCoV-2019_69_RIGHT   5814
           nCoV-2019_70_LEFT    43
           nCoV-2019_70_RIGHT   12
           nCoV-2019_71_LEFT    451
           nCoV-2019_71_RIGHT   630
           nCoV-2019_72_LEFT    38
           nCoV-2019_72_RIGHT   7
           nCoV-2019_73_LEFT    91
           nCoV-2019_73_RIGHT   58
           nCoV-2019_74_LEFT    0
           nCoV-2019_74_RIGHT   695
           nCoV-2019_75_LEFT    10352
           nCoV-2019_75_RIGHT   7650
           nCoV-2019_76_LEFT    2
           nCoV-2019_76_LEFT_alt3   97
           nCoV-2019_76_RIGHT   18
           nCoV-2019_76_RIGHT_alt0  44
           nCoV-2019_77_LEFT    6745
           nCoV-2019_77_RIGHT   12194
           nCoV-2019_78_LEFT    93
           nCoV-2019_78_RIGHT   10
           nCoV-2019_79_LEFT    221
           nCoV-2019_79_RIGHT   209
           nCoV-2019_80_LEFT    18
           nCoV-2019_80_RIGHT   6
           nCoV-2019_81_LEFT    10
           nCoV-2019_81_RIGHT   12
           nCoV-2019_82_LEFT    24
           nCoV-2019_82_RIGHT   13
           nCoV-2019_83_LEFT    23
           nCoV-2019_83_RIGHT   0
           nCoV-2019_84_LEFT    16
           nCoV-2019_84_RIGHT   18
           nCoV-2019_85_LEFT    7
           nCoV-2019_85_RIGHT   0
           nCoV-2019_86_LEFT    24
           nCoV-2019_86_RIGHT   45
           nCoV-2019_87_LEFT    9
           nCoV-2019_87_RIGHT   14
           nCoV-2019_88_LEFT    20
           nCoV-2019_88_RIGHT   36
           nCoV-2019_89_LEFT    2
           nCoV-2019_89_LEFT_alt2   6
           nCoV-2019_89_RIGHT   0
           nCoV-2019_89_RIGHT_alt4  13
           nCoV-2019_90_LEFT    21
           nCoV-2019_90_RIGHT   20
           nCoV-2019_91_LEFT    41
           nCoV-2019_91_RIGHT   24
           nCoV-2019_92_LEFT    25
           nCoV-2019_92_RIGHT   22
           nCoV-2019_93_LEFT    33
           nCoV-2019_93_RIGHT   38
           nCoV-2019_94_LEFT    72
           nCoV-2019_94_RIGHT   18
           nCoV-2019_95_LEFT    4
           nCoV-2019_95_RIGHT   1
           nCoV-2019_96_LEFT    0
           nCoV-2019_96_RIGHT   0
           nCoV-2019_97_LEFT    7
           nCoV-2019_97_RIGHT   24
           nCoV-2019_98_LEFT    48
           nCoV-2019_98_RIGHT   28

           Trimmed primers from 23.08% (90165) of reads.
           1.68% (6571) of reads were quality trimmed below the minimum length of 72 bp and were not written to file.
           75.71% (295761) of reads started outside of primer regions. Since the -e flag was given, these reads were written to file.
           0.15% (604) reads were ignored because they did not fall within an amplicon
           13.43% (52453) of reads had their insert size smaller than their read length


         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_input\_ext | ` "input" ` |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | amplicons | ` {"__current_case__": 1, "amplicon_info": {"values": [{"id": 3, "src": "hda"}]}, "filter_by": "yes"} ` |
             | chromInfo | ` "/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len" ` |
             | dbkey | ` "?" ` |
             | inc\_primers | ` true ` |
             | min\_len | ` "1" ` |
             | min\_qual | ` "0" ` |
             | primer | ` {"__current_case__": 0, "input_bed": {"values": [{"id": 2, "src": "hda"}]}, "source": "history"} ` |
             | primer\_pos\_wiggle | ` "0" ` |
             | trimmed\_length | ` {"__current_case__": 1, "filter": "auto"} ` |
             | window\_width | ` "4" ` |


 - **Step 18:\_call/lofreq\_call/2.1.5+galaxy2**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is ok

        **Command Line:**

         * ```console
           ln -s '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/9/5/8/dataset_958a6cea-41ce-427c-b0a9-c563c2fa5359.dat' reference.fa && lofreq faidx reference.fa 2>&1 || echo "Error running samtools faidx for indexing fasta reference for lofreq" >&2 &&  ln -s '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/5/d/4/dataset_5d4e442d-28fe-4c56-a0a6-22c37c727701.dat' reads.bam && ln -s -f '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/_metadata_files/d/4/d/metadata_d4d3e38b-9b6b-4223-9203-811a59c01b1c.dat' reads.bam.bai &&   lofreq call-parallel --pp-threads ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1} --verbose  --ref 'reference.fa' --out variants.vcf --call-indels   --min-cov 5 --max-depth 1000000  --min-bq 30 --min-alt-bq 30    --min-mq 20 --max-mq 255 --min-jq 0 --min-alt-jq 0 --def-alt-jq 0  --sig 0.0005 --bonf dynamic --no-default-filter  reads.bam 2>&1  || (tool_exit_code=$? && cat "$TMPDIR/lofreq2_call_parallel*/*.log" 1>&2 && exit $tool_exit_code)  && echo set_custom
        **Exit Code:**

         * ```console
        **Standard Output:**

         * ```console
           INFO [2024-06-24 04:46:27,377]: Using 1 threads with following basic args: lofreq call --verbose --ref reference.fa --call-indels --min-cov 5 --max-depth 1000000 --min-bq 30 --min-alt-bq 30 --min-mq 20 --max-mq 255 --min-jq 0 --min-alt-jq 0 --def-alt-jq 0 --sig 0.0005 --bonf dynamic --no-default-filter reads.bam

           INFO [2024-06-24 04:46:27,381]: Adding 3 commands to mp-pool
           Number of substitution tests performed: 10089
           Number of indel tests performed: 2318
           INFO [2024-06-24 04:48:15,563]: Executing lofreq filter -i /tmp/tmp1okvltvi/tmp/lofreq2_call_parallel6gdg332b/concat.vcf.gz -o variants.vcf --no-defaults --snvqual-thresh 73 --indelqual-thresh 67



         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_input\_ext | ` "input" ` |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | call\_control | ` {"__current_case__": 1, "align_quals": {"alnqual": {"__current_case__": 0, "alnqual_choice": {"__current_case__": 1, "alnquals_to_use": "", "extended_baq": true}, "use_alnqual": ""}}, "bc_quals": {"alt_bq": {"__current_case__": 0, "modify": ""}, "min_alt_bq": "30", "min_bq": "30"}, "coverage": {"max_depth": "1000000", "min_cov": "5"}, "joint_qual": {"def_alt_jq": "0", "min_alt_jq": "0", "min_jq": "0"}, "map_quals": {"min_mq": "20", "use_mq": {"__current_case__": 0, "max_mq": "255", "no_mq": ""}}, "pe": {"use_orphan": false}, "set_call_options": "yes", "source_qual": {"use_src_qual": {"__current_case__": 0, "src_qual": ""}}} ` |
             | chromInfo | ` "/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len" ` |
             | dbkey | ` "?" ` |
             | filter\_control | ` {"__current_case__": 3, "bonf": "0", "filter_type": "set_custom", "others": false, "sig": "0.0005"} ` |
             | reference\_source | ` {"__current_case__": 1, "ref": {"values": [{"id": 1, "src": "hda"}]}, "ref_selector": "history"} ` |
             | regions | ` {"__current_case__": 0, "restrict_to_region": "genome"} ` |
             | variant\_types | ` "--call-indels" ` |


 - **Step 19:\_bamqc/qualimap\_bamqc/2.2.2d+galaxy3**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is ok

        **Command Line:**

         * ```console
           export JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx${GALAXY_MEMORY_MB:-1024}m" &&    ln -s '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/5/d/4/dataset_5d4e442d-28fe-4c56-a0a6-22c37c727701.dat' 'SRR11578257' &&  qualimap bamqc -bam 'SRR11578257' -outdir results -outformat html --collect-overlap-pairs -nw 400 --paint-chromosome-limits -hm 3  --skip-duplicated --skip-dup-mode 0 -nt ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1} &&   sed 's|images_qualimapReport/||g;s|css/||g' results/qualimapReport.html > '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/job_working_directory/000/16/outputs/dataset_383a1209-3554-4a47-9e7c-f9e32953b158.dat' && mkdir '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/job_working_directory/000/16/outputs/dataset_383a1209-3554-4a47-9e7c-f9e32953b158_files' && mv results/css/*.css '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/job_working_directory/000/16/outputs/dataset_383a1209-3554-4a47-9e7c-f9e32953b158_files' && mv results/css/*.png '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/job_working_directory/000/16/outputs/dataset_383a1209-3554-4a47-9e7c-f9e32953b158_files' && if [ -d results/images_qualimapReport ]; then mv results/images_qualimapReport/* '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/job_working_directory/000/16/outputs/dataset_383a1209-3554-4a47-9e7c-f9e32953b158_files' && for file in $(ls -A results/raw_data_qualimapReport); do mv "results/raw_data_qualimapReport/$file" `echo "results/$file" | sed 's/(//;s/)//'`; done fi && mv results/genome_results.txt results/summary_report.txt
        **Exit Code:**

         * ```console
        **Standard Output:**

         * ```console
           Java memory size is set to 1200M
           Launching application...

           detected environment java options -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx1024m
           QualiMap v.2.2.2-dev
           Built on 2019-11-11 14:05

           Selected tool: bamqc
           Available memory (Mb): 262
           Max memory (Mb): 1073
           Starting bam qc....
           Loading sam header...
           Loading locator...
           Loading reference...
           Only flagged duplicate alignments will be skipped...
           Number of windows: 400, effective number of windows: 399
           Chunk of reads size: 1000
           Number of threads: 1
           Processed 50 out of 399 windows...
           Processed 100 out of 399 windows...
           Processed 150 out of 399 windows...
           Processed 200 out of 399 windows...
           Processed 250 out of 399 windows...
           Processed 300 out of 399 windows...
           Processed 350 out of 399 windows...
           Total processed windows:399
           Number of reads: 384049
           Number of valid reads: 384054
           Number of correct strand reads:0

           Inside of regions...
           Num mapped reads: 384049
           Num mapped first of pair: 192026
           Num mapped second of pair: 192023
           Num singletons: 0
           Time taken to analyze reads: 8
           Computing descriptors...
           numberOfMappedBases: 54865009
           referenceSize: 29903
           numberOfSequencedBases: 54854904
           numberOfAs: 16761938
           Computing per chromosome statistics...
           Computing histograms...
           Overall analysis time: 9
           end of bam qc
           Computing report...
           Writing HTML report...
           HTML report created successfully



         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_input\_ext | ` "bam" ` |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | chromInfo | ` "/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len" ` |
             | dbkey | ` "?" ` |
             | duplicate\_skipping | ` ["0"] ` |
             | per\_base\_coverage | ` false ` |
             | plot\_specific | ` {"genome_gc_distr": null, "homopolymer_size": "3", "n_bins": "400", "paint_chromosome_limits": true} ` |
             | stats\_regions | ` {"__current_case__": 0, "region_select": "all"} ` |


 - **Step 20:\_filter/4.3+t.galaxy1**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is ok

        **Command Line:**

         * ```console
           SnpSift -Xmx6G filter -f '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/2/8/4/dataset_2844a6ea-6464-4b90-8118-6e425272e559.dat' -e '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/job_working_directory/000/17/configs/tmpw4jjbwbk' > '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/job_working_directory/000/17/outputs/dataset_c7a65083-7312-4724-bc84-d9b48dfbacef.dat'
        **Exit Code:**

         * ```console

         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_input\_ext | ` "vcf" ` |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | chromInfo | ` "/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len" ` |
             | dbkey | ` "?" ` |
             | filter\_expression | ` {"__current_case__": 0, "expr": "( ( DP4[2] + DP4[3] ) >= ( 0.1 * DP ) ) & ( ( DP4[2] + DP4[3] ) <= ( 1 * DP ) )", "type": "simple"} ` |
             | filtering | ` {"__current_case__": 0, "mode": "entries"} ` |
             | inverse | ` false ` |


 - **Step 3: ARTIC primer BED**:

    * step_state: scheduled

 - **Step 21:\_filter/4.3+t.galaxy1**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is ok

        **Command Line:**

         * ```console
           SnpSift -Xmx6G filter -f '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/2/8/4/dataset_2844a6ea-6464-4b90-8118-6e425272e559.dat' -e '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/job_working_directory/000/18/configs/tmpt0ieircg' > '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/job_working_directory/000/18/outputs/dataset_160ec68e-8138-4f21-a771-112d0e6e3855.dat'
        **Exit Code:**

         * ```console

         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_input\_ext | ` "vcf" ` |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | chromInfo | ` "/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len" ` |
             | dbkey | ` "?" ` |
             | filter\_expression | ` {"__current_case__": 0, "expr": "( DP > 1 ) & ( ( AF * DP ) >= ( 10 - 0.5 ) )", "type": "simple"} ` |
             | filtering | ` {"__current_case__": 0, "mode": "entries"} ` |
             | inverse | ` false ` |


 - **Step 22: \_\_FILTER\_FAILED\_DATASETS\_\_**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is ok


         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | input | ` {"values": [{"id": 16, "src": "dce"}]} ` |


 - **Step 23:\_removereads/ivar\_removereads/1.4.3+galaxy0**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is ok

        **Command Line:**

         * ```console
           cp '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/6/9/5/dataset_69570f6e-eb26-4ff2-b682-b5da8b8ad3e9.dat' binding_sites.bed && python '/tmp/shed_dir/' binding_sites.bed && ln -s '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/4/7/f/dataset_47fa7230-6519-4bdf-a3a7-ccee61760f5a.dat' amplicon_info.tsv && ivar getmasked -i '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/c/7/a/dataset_c7a65083-7312-4724-bc84-d9b48dfbacef.dat' -b binding_sites.bed -f amplicon_info.tsv -p masked_primers &&  python '/tmp/shed_dir/' masked_primers.txt amplicon_info.tsv && ln -s '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/5/d/4/dataset_5d4e442d-28fe-4c56-a0a6-22c37c727701.dat' sorted.bam && ln -s '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/_metadata_files/d/4/d/metadata_d4d3e38b-9b6b-4223-9203-811a59c01b1c.dat' sorted.bam.bai &&  ivar removereads -i sorted.bam -b binding_sites.bed -p removed_reads.bam -t masked_primers.txt
        **Exit Code:**

         * ```console
        **Standard Error:**

         * ```console
           Found 218 primers in BED file
           Primer pair for nCoV-2019_7_RIGHT not found in BED file.
           Primer pair for nCoV-2019_9_LEFT_alt4 not found in BED file.
           Primer pair for nCoV-2019_9_RIGHT not found in BED file.
           Primer pair for nCoV-2019_11_RIGHT not found in BED file.
           Primer pair for nCoV-2019_14_RIGHT not found in BED file.
           Primer pair for nCoV-2019_18_LEFT_alt2 not found in BED file.
           Primer pair for nCoV-2019_18_RIGHT not found in BED file.
           Primer pair for nCoV-2019_20_RIGHT not found in BED file.
           Primer pair for nCoV-2019_21_RIGHT not found in BED file.
           Primer pair for nCoV-2019_23_RIGHT not found in BED file.
           Primer pair for nCoV-2019_44_RIGHT not found in BED file.
           Primer pair for nCoV-2019_46_LEFT_alt1 not found in BED file.
           Primer pair for nCoV-2019_46_RIGHT not found in BED file.
           Primer pair for nCoV-2019_50_RIGHT not found in BED file.
           Primer pair for nCoV-2019_76_RIGHT not found in BED file.
           Primer pair for nCoV-2019_78_RIGHT not found in BED file.
           Primer pair for nCoV-2019_89_RIGHT not found in BED file.
           Primer pair for nCoV-2019_91_RIGHT not found in BED file.
           Found 218 primers in BED file

        **Standard Output:**

         * ```console
           nCoV-2019_6_LEFT nCoV-2019_6_RIGHT   nCoV-2019_58_RIGHT  nCoV-2019_58_LEFT

           Removing reads primed with any of:
           nCoV-2019_58_LEFT    nCoV-2019_58_RIGHT  nCoV-2019_6_LEFT    nCoV-2019_6_RIGHT
           Writing to removed_reads.bam
           Number of references: 1
           Reference Name: NC_045512.2
           Reference Length: 29903
           Using Region: NC_045512.2
           Sorted By Coordinate
           60 reads were removed.


         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_input\_ext | ` "input" ` |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | amplicons | ` {"__current_case__": 1, "amplicon_info": {"values": [{"id": 3, "src": "hda"}]}, "computed": "no"} ` |
             | chromInfo | ` "/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len" ` |
             | dbkey | ` "?" ` |


 - **Step 24: \_\_FLATTEN\_\_**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is ok


         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | input | ` {"values": [{"id": 26, "src": "hdca"}]} ` |
             | join\_identifier | ` "_" ` |


 - **Step 25:\_call/lofreq\_call/2.1.5+galaxy2**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is ok

        **Command Line:**

         * ```console
           ln -s '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/9/5/8/dataset_958a6cea-41ce-427c-b0a9-c563c2fa5359.dat' reference.fa && lofreq faidx reference.fa 2>&1 || echo "Error running samtools faidx for indexing fasta reference for lofreq" >&2 &&  ln -s '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/a/4/b/dataset_a4bdfada-6ff6-4594-961d-4c475e53d428.dat' reads.bam && ln -s -f '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/_metadata_files/2/b/6/metadata_2b6f0bb0-c1f5-4e50-8d7b-a3169e29d970.dat' reads.bam.bai &&   lofreq call-parallel --pp-threads ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1} --verbose  --ref 'reference.fa' --out variants.vcf --call-indels   --min-cov 5 --max-depth 1000000  --min-bq 30 --min-alt-bq 30    --min-mq 20 --max-mq 255 --min-jq 0 --min-alt-jq 0 --def-alt-jq 0  --sig 0.0005 --bonf dynamic --no-default-filter  reads.bam 2>&1  || (tool_exit_code=$? && cat "$TMPDIR/lofreq2_call_parallel*/*.log" 1>&2 && exit $tool_exit_code)  && echo set_custom
        **Exit Code:**

         * ```console
        **Standard Output:**

         * ```console
           INFO [2024-06-24 04:48:55,392]: Using 1 threads with following basic args: lofreq call --verbose --ref reference.fa --call-indels --min-cov 5 --max-depth 1000000 --min-bq 30 --min-alt-bq 30 --min-mq 20 --max-mq 255 --min-jq 0 --min-alt-jq 0 --def-alt-jq 0 --sig 0.0005 --bonf dynamic --no-default-filter reads.bam

           INFO [2024-06-24 04:48:55,396]: Adding 3 commands to mp-pool
           Number of substitution tests performed: 10071
           Number of indel tests performed: 2316
           INFO [2024-06-24 04:50:28,224]: Executing lofreq filter -i /tmp/tmp1okvltvi/tmp/lofreq2_call_paralleloujw1r9r/concat.vcf.gz -o variants.vcf --no-defaults --snvqual-thresh 73 --indelqual-thresh 67



         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_input\_ext | ` "input" ` |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | call\_control | ` {"__current_case__": 1, "align_quals": {"alnqual": {"__current_case__": 0, "alnqual_choice": {"__current_case__": 1, "alnquals_to_use": "", "extended_baq": true}, "use_alnqual": ""}}, "bc_quals": {"alt_bq": {"__current_case__": 0, "modify": ""}, "min_alt_bq": "30", "min_bq": "30"}, "coverage": {"max_depth": "1000000", "min_cov": "5"}, "joint_qual": {"def_alt_jq": "0", "min_alt_jq": "0", "min_jq": "0"}, "map_quals": {"min_mq": "20", "use_mq": {"__current_case__": 0, "max_mq": "255", "no_mq": ""}}, "pe": {"use_orphan": false}, "set_call_options": "yes", "source_qual": {"use_src_qual": {"__current_case__": 0, "src_qual": ""}}} ` |
             | chromInfo | ` "/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len" ` |
             | dbkey | ` "?" ` |
             | filter\_control | ` {"__current_case__": 3, "bonf": "0", "filter_type": "set_custom", "others": false, "sig": "0.0005"} ` |
             | reference\_source | ` {"__current_case__": 1, "ref": {"values": [{"id": 1, "src": "hda"}]}, "ref_selector": "history"} ` |
             | regions | ` {"__current_case__": 0, "restrict_to_region": "genome"} ` |
             | variant\_types | ` "--call-indels" ` |


 - **Step 26:**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is ok

        **Command Line:**

         * ```console
           die() { echo "$@" 1>&2 ; exit 1; } &&  mkdir multiqc_WDir &&   mkdir multiqc_WDir/fastp_0 &&    ln -s '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/5/d/1/dataset_5d1190a8-b41f-4f27-8650-7e0a8fd8dcda.dat' 'multiqc_WDir/fastp_0/SRR11578257fastp.json' && grep -q "report_title" 'multiqc_WDir/fastp_0/SRR11578257fastp.json' || die "'report_title' or 'report_title' not found in the file" && mkdir multiqc_WDir/samtools_1 &&    mkdir 'multiqc_WDir/samtools_1/stats_0' &&      grep -q 'This file was produced by samtools stats' /tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/2/8/a/dataset_28a5c33b-8238-4767-bcab-30b50ffd6bae.dat || die "Module 'samtools: 'This file was produced by samtools stats' not found in the file 'SRR11578257'" && ln -s '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/2/8/a/dataset_28a5c33b-8238-4767-bcab-30b50ffd6bae.dat' 'multiqc_WDir/samtools_1/stats_0/SRR11578257'  &&    mkdir multiqc_WDir/qualimap_2 &&  sample="$(grep 'bam file = ' /tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/2/5/8/dataset_25893355-7bb9-43b3-9459-40a5b55d4354.dat | sed 's/bam file = //g' | sed 's: ::g')" && dir_name="multiqc_WDir/qualimap_2/${sample}" && mkdir -p ${dir_name} && filepath_1="${dir_name}/genome_results.txt" && ln -sf '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/2/5/8/dataset_25893355-7bb9-43b3-9459-40a5b55d4354.dat' ${filepath_1} && nested_dir_name="${dir_name}/raw_data_qualimapReport/" && mkdir -p ${nested_dir_name} && filepath_2="${nested_dir_name}/coverage_histogram.txt" && ln -sf '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/5/1/c/dataset_51cbb163-f7e8-4701-99c5-996f6804f17d.dat' ${filepath_2} && nested_dir_name="${dir_name}/raw_data_qualimapReport/" && mkdir -p ${nested_dir_name} && filepath_3="${nested_dir_name}/mapped_reads_gc-content_distribution.txt" && ln -sf '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/6/5/0/dataset_65039446-19b0-40f7-8ba5-fbe7f2ffb9e9.dat' ${filepath_3} &&   multiqc multiqc_WDir --filename 'report'    --export
        **Exit Code:**

         * ```console
        **Standard Error:**

         * ```console

             /// MultiQC 🔍 | v1.11

           |           multiqc | MultiQC Version v1.22.3 now available!
           |           multiqc | Search path : /tmp/tmp1okvltvi/job_working_directory/000/30/working/multiqc_WDir
           |          qualimap | Found 1 BamQC reports
           |          samtools | Found 1 stats reports
           |             fastp | Found 1 reports
           |           multiqc | Compressing plot data
           |           multiqc | Report      : report.html
           |           multiqc | Data        : report_data
           |           multiqc | Plots       : report_plots
           |           multiqc | MultiQC complete

        **Standard Output:**

         * ```console
           |         searching | ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 5/5  

         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_input\_ext | ` "input" ` |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | chromInfo | ` "/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len" ` |
             | comment | ` "" ` |
             | dbkey | ` "?" ` |
             | export | ` true ` |
             | flat | ` false ` |
             | results | ` [{"__index__": 0, "software_cond": {"__current_case__": 7, "input": {"values": [{"id": 4, "src": "hdca"}]}, "software": "fastp"}}, {"__index__": 1, "software_cond": {"__current_case__": 24, "output": [{"__index__": 0, "type": {"__current_case__": 0, "input": {"values": [{"id": 8, "src": "hdca"}]}, "type": "stats"}}], "software": "samtools"}}, {"__index__": 2, "software_cond": {"__current_case__": 20, "input": {"values": [{"id": 27, "src": "hdca"}]}, "software": "qualimap"}}] ` |
             | saveLog | ` false ` |
             | title | ` "" ` |


 - **Step 27:\_annotate/bcftools\_annotate/1.15.1+galaxy3**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is ok

        **Command Line:**

         * ```console
           export BCFTOOLS_PLUGINS=`which bcftools | sed 's,bin/bcftools,libexec/bcftools,'`;     bgzip -c '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/2/8/4/dataset_2844a6ea-6464-4b90-8118-6e425272e559.dat' > input.vcf.gz && bcftools index input.vcf.gz &&   bgzip -c '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/a/a/8/dataset_aa8a2b1d-4c10-4004-a7fb-6f41522b6a50.dat' > annotations.vcf.gz && bcftools index annotations.vcf.gz &&  bcftools annotate       --columns 'QUAL,INFO'  --annotations 'annotations.vcf.gz'  --mark-sites '-AmpliconBias'                   --output-type 'v'   --threads ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-4}    input.vcf.gz  > '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/job_working_directory/000/21/outputs/dataset_f5440a59-a807-4c22-b64a-60ffcd273409.dat'
        **Exit Code:**

         * ```console

         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_input\_ext | ` "input" ` |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | chromInfo | ` "/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len" ` |
             | dbkey | ` "?" ` |
             | output\_type | ` "v" ` |
             | sec\_annofile | ` {"annofile": {"__current_case__": 1, "anno_fmt": "vcf", "annotations": {"values": [{"id": 34, "src": "dce"}]}}, "columns": "QUAL,INFO", "mark_sites": "-AmpliconBias", "min_overlap": "", "set_id": ""} ` |
             | sec\_annotate | ` {"remove": "", "rename_annots": null, "rename_chrs": null} ` |
             | sec\_restrict | ` {"collapse": null, "exclude": "", "include": "", "invert_samples": false, "invert_samples_file": false, "regions": {"__current_case__": 0, "regions_src": "__none__"}, "regions_overlap": null, "samples": "", "samples_file": null} ` |


 - **Step 28:\_filter/4.3+t.galaxy1**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is ok

        **Command Line:**

         * ```console
           SnpSift -Xmx6G filter -f '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/a/a/8/dataset_aa8a2b1d-4c10-4004-a7fb-6f41522b6a50.dat' -e '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/job_working_directory/000/22/configs/tmpqx6qwi61' > '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/job_working_directory/000/22/outputs/dataset_f8572558-1be6-44c1-9476-6ffbd58d2cc1.dat'
        **Exit Code:**

         * ```console

         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_input\_ext | ` "vcf" ` |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | chromInfo | ` "/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len" ` |
             | dbkey | ` "?" ` |
             | filter\_expression | ` {"__current_case__": 0, "expr": "( DP > 1 ) & ( ( AF * DP ) >= ( 10 - 0.5 ) )", "type": "simple"} ` |
             | filtering | ` {"__current_case__": 0, "mode": "entries"} ` |
             | inverse | ` false ` |


 - **Step 29:\_rc3+galaxy0**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is error

        **Command Line:**

         * ```console
           ln -s '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/9/5/8/dataset_958a6cea-41ce-427c-b0a9-c563c2fa5359.dat' 'localref.fa' &&  vcfintersect  -v -r 'localref.fa' -w "0" -i '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/f/8/5/dataset_f8572558-1be6-44c1-9476-6ffbd58d2cc1.dat' '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/1/6/0/dataset_160ec68e-8138-4f21-a771-112d0e6e3855.dat' > '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/job_working_directory/000/23/outputs/dataset_c100d280-03cd-44b9-9c26-3aaf4a0e45a7.dat'
        **Exit Code:**

         * ```console
        **Standard Error:**

         * ```console
           Unable to find image '' locally
           1.0.0_rc3--py37hc088bd4_0: Pulling from biocontainers/vcflib
           docker: [DEPRECATION NOTICE] Docker Image Format v1 and Docker Image manifest version 2, schema 1 support is disabled by default and will be removed in an upcoming release. Suggest the author of to upgrade the image to the OCI Format or Docker Image manifest v2, schema 2. More information at
           See 'docker run --help'.


         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_input\_ext | ` "vcf" ` |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | adv\_options | ` {"__current_case__": 0, "adv_options_selector": "no"} ` |
             | chromInfo | ` "/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len" ` |
             | dbkey | ` "?" ` |
             | invert | ` true ` |
             | isect\_union | ` "-i" ` |
             | loci | ` false ` |
             | reference\_source | ` {"__current_case__": 1, "ref_file": {"values": [{"id": 1, "src": "hda"}]}, "reference_source_selector": "history"} ` |
             | window\_size | ` "0" ` |


 - **Step 30:\_annotate/bcftools\_annotate/1.15.1+galaxy3**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is paused


         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_input\_ext | ` "input" ` |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | chromInfo | ` "/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len" ` |
             | dbkey | ` "?" ` |
             | output\_type | ` "v" ` |
             | sec\_annofile | ` {"annofile": {"__current_case__": 1, "anno_fmt": "vcf", "annotations": {"values": [{"id": 37, "src": "dce"}]}}, "columns": "QUAL,INFO", "mark_sites": "+AmpliconBias", "min_overlap": "", "set_id": ""} ` |
             | sec\_annotate | ` {"remove": "", "rename_annots": null, "rename_chrs": null} ` |
             | sec\_restrict | ` {"collapse": null, "exclude": "", "include": "", "invert_samples": false, "invert_samples_file": false, "regions": {"__current_case__": 0, "regions_src": "__none__"}, "regions_overlap": null, "samples": "", "samples_file": null} ` |


 - **Step 4: ARTIC primers to amplicon assignments**:

    * step_state: scheduled

 - **Step 31:\_processing/tp\_replace\_in\_line/9.3+galaxy1**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is paused


         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_input\_ext | ` "input" ` |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | chromInfo | ` "/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len" ` |
             | dbkey | ` "?" ` |
             | replacements | ` [{"__index__": 0, "find_pattern": "^##INFO=<ID=AmpliconBias,.+$", "replace_pattern": "##INFO=<ID=AmpliconBias,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description=\"Indicates that the AF value of the variant could not be corrected for potential amplicon bias.\">"}, {"__index__": 1, "find_pattern": "^##INFO=<ID=AF,.+$", "replace_pattern": "##INFO=<ID=AF,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Lofreq Allele Frequency; Fraction of variant-supporting bases with q > --min-bq among all bases at the site\">"}] ` |


 - **Step 32: SnpEff eff covid19 version**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is new


         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_input\_ext | ` "vcf" ` |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | annotations | ` ["-formatEff", "-classic"] ` |
             | chr | ` "" ` |
             | chromInfo | ` "/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len" ` |
             | csvStats | ` false ` |
             | dbkey | ` "?" ` |
             | filter | ` {"__current_case__": 0, "specificEffects": "no"} ` |
             | filterOut | ` ["-no-downstream", "-no-intergenic", "-no-upstream"] ` |
             | generate\_stats | ` true ` |
             | genome\_version | ` "NC_045512.2" ` |
             | inputFormat | ` "vcf" ` |
             | intervals | ` None ` |
             | noLog | ` true ` |
             | offset | ` "default" ` |
             | outputConditional | ` {"__current_case__": 0, "outputFormat": "vcf"} ` |
             | transcripts | ` None ` |
             | udLength | ` "0" ` |


 - **Step 33:\_filter/lofreq\_filter/2.1.5+galaxy0**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is new


         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_input\_ext | ` "input" ` |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | af | ` {"af_max": "0.0", "af_min": "0.0"} ` |
             | chromInfo | ` "/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len" ` |
             | coverage | ` {"cov_max": "0", "cov_min": "0"} ` |
             | dbkey | ` "?" ` |
             | filter\_by\_type | ` {"__current_case__": 0, "keep_only": "", "qual": {"indelqual_filter": {"__current_case__": 0, "indelqual": "no"}, "snvqual_filter": {"__current_case__": 0, "snvqual": "no"}}} ` |
             | flag\_or\_drop | ` "--print-all" ` |
             | sb | ` {"sb_filter": {"__current_case__": 2, "sb_alpha": "0.001", "sb_compound": true, "sb_indels": false, "sb_mtc": "fdr", "strand_bias": "mtc"}} ` |


 - **Step 5: Read removal minimum AF**:

    * step_state: scheduled

 - **Step 6: Read removal maximum AF**:

    * step_state: scheduled

 - **Step 7: Minimum DP required after amplicon bias correction**:

    * step_state: scheduled

 - **Step 8: Minimum DP_ALT required after amplicon bias correction**:

    * step_state: scheduled

 - **Step 9:**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is ok

        **Command Line:**

         * ```console
           ln -sf '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/8/6/4/dataset_86457b47-8aaa-4190-9ae7-9f7fe3b09db3.dat' 'SRR11578257.fastq.gz' && ln -sf '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/files/4/5/e/dataset_45e19ace-7030-48d9-a8c9-4e60e6e3c95d.dat' 'SRR11578257_R2.fastq.gz' &&    fastp  --thread ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1} --report_title 'fastp report for SRR11578257.fastq.gz'   -i 'SRR11578257.fastq.gz' -o first.fastq.gz  -I 'SRR11578257_R2.fastq.gz' -O second.fastq.gz       --detect_adapter_for_pe                                          &&  mv first.fastq.gz '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/job_working_directory/000/6/outputs/dataset_5f0f0c49-fea0-4cc5-98ab-00106f0ec2a2.dat' && mv second.fastq.gz '/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/job_working_directory/000/6/outputs/dataset_b428099c-035d-4931-a09e-6062a17d8a72.dat'
        **Exit Code:**

         * ```console
        **Standard Error:**

         * ```console
           Detecting adapter sequence for read1...

           Detecting adapter sequence for read2...
           No adapter detected for read2

           Read1 before filtering:
           total reads: 201367
           total bases: 29302687
           Q20 bases: 28139796(96.0315%)
           Q30 bases: 27281893(93.1037%)

           Read2 before filtering:
           total reads: 201367
           total bases: 29398146
           Q20 bases: 27778430(94.4904%)
           Q30 bases: 26748339(90.9865%)

           Read1 after filtering:
           total reads: 195579
           total bases: 28439132
           Q20 bases: 27427010(96.4411%)
           Q30 bases: 26623439(93.6155%)

           Read2 after filtering:
           total reads: 195579
           total bases: 28450670
           Q20 bases: 27054927(95.0942%)
           Q30 bases: 26092568(91.7116%)

           Filtering result:
           reads passed filter: 391158
           reads failed due to low quality: 5634
           reads failed due to too many N: 1164
           reads failed due to too short: 4778
           reads with adapter trimmed: 18954
           bases trimmed due to adapters: 261387

           Duplication rate: 20.2521%

           Insert size peak (evaluated by paired-end reads): 230

           JSON report: fastp.json
           HTML report: fastp.html

           fastp --thread 1 --report_title fastp report for SRR11578257.fastq.gz -i SRR11578257.fastq.gz -o first.fastq.gz -I SRR11578257_R2.fastq.gz -O second.fastq.gz --detect_adapter_for_pe 
           fastp v0.23.4, time used: 12 seconds


         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_input\_ext | ` "input" ` |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | chromInfo | ` "/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len" ` |
             | dbkey | ` "?" ` |
             | filter\_options | ` {"length_filtering_options": {"disable_length_filtering": false, "length_limit": null, "length_required": null}, "low_complexity_filter": {"complexity_threshold": null, "enable_low_complexity_filter": false}, "quality_filtering_options": {"disable_quality_filtering": false, "n_base_limit": null, "qualified_quality_phred": null, "unqualified_percent_limit": null}} ` |
             | output\_options | ` {"report_html": true, "report_json": true} ` |
             | overrepresented\_sequence\_analysis | ` {"overrepresentation_analysis": false, "overrepresentation_sampling": null} ` |
             | read\_mod\_options | ` {"base_correction_options": {"correction": false}, "cutting_by_quality_options": {"cut_by_quality3": false, "cut_by_quality5": false, "cut_mean_quality": null, "cut_window_size": null}, "polyg_tail_trimming": {"__current_case__": 1, "poly_g_min_len": null, "trimming_select": ""}, "polyx_tail_trimming": {"__current_case__": 1, "polyx_trimming_select": ""}, "umi_processing": {"umi": false, "umi_len": null, "umi_loc": "", "umi_prefix": ""}} ` |
             | single\_paired | ` {"__current_case__": 2, "adapter_trimming_options": {"adapter_sequence1": "", "adapter_sequence2": "", "disable_adapter_trimming": false}, "global_trimming_options": {"trim_front1": null, "trim_front2": null, "trim_tail1": null, "trim_tail2": null}, "paired_input": {"values": [{"id": 1, "src": "dce"}]}, "single_paired_selector": "paired_collection"} ` |


 - **Step 10:\_text\_param/compose\_text\_param/0.1.1**:

    * step_state: scheduled

    * <details><summary>Jobs</summary>

      - **Job 1:**

        * Job state is ok

        **Command Line:**

         * ```console
           cd ../; python
        **Exit Code:**

         * ```console

         * ```console

        **Job Parameters:**

         *   | Job parameter | Parameter value |
             | ------------- | --------------- |
             | \_\_input\_ext | ` "input" ` |
             | \_\_workflow\_invocation\_uuid\_\_ | ` "748d824c31e411efa2a73db16abbad8e" ` |
             | chromInfo | ` "/tmp/tmp1okvltvi/galaxy-dev/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len" ` |
             | components | ` [{"__index__": 0, "param_type": {"__current_case__": 0, "component_value": "( ( DP4[2] + DP4[3] ) >= ( ", "select_param_type": "text"}}, {"__index__": 1, "param_type": {"__current_case__": 2, "component_value": "0.1", "select_param_type": "float"}}, {"__index__": 2, "param_type": {"__current_case__": 0, "component_value": " * DP ) ) & ( ( DP4[2] + DP4[3] ) <= ( ", "select_param_type": "text"}}, {"__index__": 3, "param_type": {"__current_case__": 2, "component_value": "1.0", "select_param_type": "float"}}, {"__index__": 4, "param_type": {"__current_case__": 0, "component_value": " * DP ) )", "select_param_type": "text"}}] ` |
             | dbkey | ` "?" ` |

  • Other invocation details - **error_message** * Failed to run workflow, at least one job is in [error] state. - **history_id** * 97ab1d6a8bc6a7c3 - **history_state** * error - **invocation_id** * 97ab1d6a8bc6a7c3 - **invocation_state** * scheduled - **workflow_id** * 97ab1d6a8bc6a7c3