galaxyproject / training-material

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FAIR medchem tutorials updates #4851

Closed wee-snufkin closed 1 month ago

wee-snufkin commented 2 months ago

Hey @kkamieniecka!

Here is the PR with some updates:

hexylena commented 1 month ago

I believe the linting is failing because there is a fair-data subtopic in one, but you're symlinking it into a place where there isn't a fair-data subtopic which it's flagging as an error. I'm not sure how best to handle that, we want to flag it when people are putting tutorials into non-existent subtopics because 99% of the time it's a typo of the subtopic identifier which we want to catch but here it's a strange scenario where you'd probably rather it just show up in other. I don't know.

wee-snufkin commented 1 month ago

Ugh, I wanted to fix it but I broke it even more 🤦

hexylena commented 1 month ago

removing the subtopic was a good short term fix, but it looks like the symlink is wrong?

{"message":"This is a BAD symlink","location":{"path":"./topics/fair/tutorials/fair-med-chem-data","range":{"start":{"line":1,"column":1},"end":{"line":1,"column":1}}},"severity":"ERROR","code":{"value":"GTN:013","url":""}}

No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /home/runner/work/training-material/training-material/topics/fair/tutorials/fair-med-chem-data
wee-snufkin commented 1 month ago

Oh no, now it's failing because each image is pointed to topics/computational-chemistry/tutorials/med-chem-data/

Any other option how to solve this without the need to create the images folder inside topics/computational-chemistry/tutorials/med-chem-data so that the generated paths are valid?

Totally didn't expect this PR to be so convoluted, was supposed to be one simple line

hexylena commented 1 month ago

Sorry it's such a nightmare! hate when small PRs turn out like that. It looks like you were almost there with topics/../png, just need to wrap it in a {% link topics/.../ %} so it resolves properly.

wee-snufkin commented 1 month ago

Wohooo! Cheers @hexylena!