galaxyproject / training-material

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[VGP assembly] clarifying text in scaffolding tooltip #4904

Closed abueg closed 2 weeks ago

abueg commented 2 weeks ago

previous text was confusing, we do not scaffold the alternate assembly in the pipeline

abueg commented 2 weeks ago

ah oops, i didn't build a local mirror because i was just changing the one line 😅

sorry, i'm not super familiar with how to make the lists semantic thru the MD->HTML, should the ordinal list be encoded in a different way? i see the numbers on the front-end site, but there aren't numbers in the HTML, just the <ol> tag...

i can make the accessibility changes sometime next week, but if this edit to fix an inaccuracy in the text could be pushed before then, i would appreciate that!

hexylena commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the improvement @abueg !

If you have time for it, to fix the formatting later, that would be fantastic, otherwise we will get around to it eventually on our end.

abueg commented 2 weeks ago

thanks bunches for the merge @hexylena !! i'm planning to make a couple more edits soon to incorporate some feedback from a course, and i can edit the markdown lists when i do that 🫡