galette-community / docker

Membership management web application towards non profit organizations, in a Docker container !
GNU General Public License v3.0
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the readme example is not working #6

Closed SamuelAllain closed 1 year ago

SamuelAllain commented 2 years ago

Hi, it's me again. I wanted to warn you that the readme example is not functional. There is no galette/galette:latest. And this command has a flaw :

docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name galette -v /path/to/ \ -v /path/to/data/attachments:/var/www/galette/data/attachments \ -v /path/to/data/cache:/var/www/galette/data/cache \ -v /path/to/data/files:/var/www/galette/data/files \ -v /path/to/data/logs:/var/www/galette/data/logs \ -v /path/to/data/photos:/var/www/galette/data/photos \ - ./data/templates_c:/var/www/galette/data/templates_c \ galette/galette:latest

It'd be nice to explain what has to be copied from the first container and how (docker cp ?). Thank you !

Hiobi commented 2 years ago

Hi ! The Readme and docs files need to be update with more details, since the docker image has been rewrite / update 4 months ago. latest tag was removed 4 months ago, to avoid issue / misunderstood since plugin maps seems not working with galette 0.9.6 under galette.

Galette docker still under development but not very active, I'm currently alone on this project (new job, new home), I will take a look next days. Help is welcome. :)

I use docker-compose to launch Galette, currently under v0.9.6 (dev-master) for my community (, here an example :

version: '3.7'
    image: galette/galette:dev-master
    container_name: galette
    stdin_open: true
    tty: true
      - 8080:80
      - TZ=Europe/Paris
      - /docker/galette/data/attachments:/var/www/galette/data/attachments
      - /docker/galette/data/cache:/var/www/galette/data/cache
#      - /docker/galette/data/exports:/var/www/galette/data/exports
      - /docker/galette/data/files:/var/www/galette/data/files
#      - /docker/galette/data/logs:/var/www/galette/data/logs
      - /docker/galette/data/photos:/var/www/galette/data/photos
#      - /docker/galette/data/tempimages:/var/www/galette/data/tempimages
#      - /docker/galette/data/template_c:/var/www/galette/data/template_c
      - /docker/galette/data/templates_c:/var/www/galette/data/templates_c
      - /docker/galette/config/
      - /docker/galette/config/
      - /docker/galette/galette_local.css:/var/www/galette/webroot/themes/default/galette_local.css

Thanks !

SamuelAllain commented 2 years ago

Hi and thanks for that work and your reply ! I'll try to make that work again. In case of success, I will make a PR for longer explanations :)

SamuelAllain commented 2 years ago

Hi @Hiobi, I spent some hours on this but could not make it work. I used docker compose to have a PostgreSQL container (which works because I can connect with pgAdmin in another container) but it seems galette cannot connect. It returns a blank page after the database step with no explanation, it is difficult to debug. So for now, I cannot help you update the README, sorry. Maybe I'll try once to go with nginx instead of Apache cause I did it once to try Garradin

Hiobi commented 2 years ago

Hi @SamuelAllain, thansk for your reply !

SamuelAllain commented 2 years ago

Thank you for improving all that. I think that it could be useful in the future to explain in the README that you need a database engine to make it work. Ideally it could be included in a second container so that you don't have to install anything on your computer. Something like that (for a first run with no volume)

version: '3.7'

    image: postgres
    restart: always
    hostname: 'galette-postgres'  # AND HERE 
      - "5432:5432"
      - ./postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - POSTGRES_DB=galette
      - POSTGRES_USER=postgres # superuser definition
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=galette123 

    image: dpage/pgadmin4
    restart: always
      PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL: # to use when connecting to localhost:5050
      PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD: root # to use when connecting to localhost:5050
      - "5050:80"
      - db

     image: galette/galette:latest
     container_name: ga
     stdin_open: true
     tty: true
       - TZ=Europe/Paris # Define Timezone. Europe/Paris by default.
       - RM_INSTALL_FOLDER=0 # 0 by default. Turn to "1" to remove "install" folder (for security purpose), after installation/update.    
       - 8080:80
       - db

Unfortunately I still cannot make it work. Eventually I will stick to the software Garradin. Thank you !